1. In this section you can request paid NSFW image fakes (both made using traditional methods or using machine learning algorithms), please specify what kind of fake you want.
For free NSFW Image Fake requests post here: FREE NSFW IMAGE FAKE REQUESTS
2. No underaged celeb requests, posting such request will not be allowed and user will be banned permanently.
3. No non-celeb requests allowed, check celebrity guideliness to see if whoever you want to request is allowed to be requested: CELEBRITY GUIDELINES
4. If you want to request multiple celebs/image fakes do so in one thread.
5. Threads to advertise image faking (or any other faking) service are not allowed, you can only advertise it on your forum profile, in or under your videos (description/details) or in your signature.
1. In this section you can request paid NSFW image fakes (both made using traditional methods or using machine learning algorithms), please specify what kind of fake you want.
For free NSFW Image Fake requests post here: FREE NSFW IMAGE FAKE REQUESTS
2. No underaged celeb requests, posting such request will not be allowed and user will be banned permanently.
3. No non-celeb requests allowed, check celebrity guideliness to see if whoever you want to request is allowed to be requested: CELEBRITY GUIDELINES
4. If you want to request multiple celebs/image fakes do so in one thread.
5. Threads to advertise image faking (or any other faking) service are not allowed, you can only advertise it on your forum profile, in or under your videos (description/details) or in your signature.