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[GUIDE] - DeepFaceLab 2.0 Guide

DeepFaceLab 2.0 Guide
100% SFW!


DFL 2.0 GITHUB PAGE (new updates, technical support and issues reporting):

If you don't have a powerful PC with GPU with at least 8GB of VRAM you can use Google Colab's DFL implementation to train your models (but rest of the steps will have to be done locally). However, keep in mind that Google has banned making deepfakes on free accounts, you will have to buy a Colab Pro subsription or higher plan in order to use it (please check TOS before paying, I don't take responsibility if suddenly Google bans use of Colab DFL impletmentation also on paid plans).

Colab guide and link to original implementation:

DFL paper (technical breakdown of the code):
Other useful guides and threads: //[/LEFT]

1. Requirements.

Usage of Deep Face Lab 2.0 requires high performance PC with modern GPU, ample RAM, storage and fast CPU. Windows 10 is generally recommended for most users but more advanced users may want to use Linux to get better performance. Windows 11 also works.

Minimum requirements for making very basic and low quality/resolution deepfakes:

- modern 4 core CPU supporting AVX and SSE instructions
- 16GB of RAM
- modern Nvidia or AMD GPU with 6GB of VRAM (good for up to 192 resolution models)
- plenty of storage space and pagefile set to 4 x of RAM size minimum.

Recommended hardware configuration:

- modern 8-32 core CPU supporting AVX and SSE instructions
- 32GB of RAM for single GPU configuration, 64GB+ for 2+ GPUs
- 1000 series or higher Nvidia GPU with 8GB VRAM minimum (good for up to 256 resolutions models, for 256-320 11-12GB required, for 320+ 16-24GB GPUs required)
- plenty of fast SSD storage space and pagefile set to 4x of RAM size minimum (if you can afford even large pagefile, go for it, but anything more than 128GB with 32GB of RAM is not necessary).

Cooling - you will need to make sure your hardware is cooled adequately (check temps of your CPU and GPU during heavy use, if anything is above 85 degrees consider changign your CPU cooler and replacing thermal paste on both CPU and GPU if you know how to do it).

Power supply - training often can take days and a weak, no-name PSU may fail on you, possibly damaging other hardware, make sure your PSU is from a good brand and isn't an entry level/budget unit, also make sure it meets power requirements of your configuration, use the PSU power calculator below to check if your unit is good enough, if not upgrade it.

You will also need to make sure your OS is updated as well as all your drivers but primarly your GPU drivers, if you are using Nvidia consider switching to Studio Drivers which are evaluated to offer better stability and compatibility over Game Ready Drivers. When updating drivers consider downloading Display Driver Uninstaller and running it in Safe Mode to fully delete existing drivers, download it from Guru3D:

When installing new drivers (be it Studio/Game Ready drivers or AMD drivers) select clean install.

Lastly make sure to enable under Windows 10/11.

2. Download correct build of DFL for your GPU (build naming scheme may change):

- for Nvidia GTX 900-1000 and RTX 2000 series and other GPUs utilizing the same architectures as those series use "DeepFaceLab_NVIDIA_up_to_RTX2080Ti" builds.
- for Nvidia RTX 3000 series cards and other GPUs utilizing the same architectures use "DeepFaceLab_NVIDIA_RTX3000_series" builds.
- for modern AMD cards use "DeepFaceLab_DirectX12" builds (may not work on some older AMD GPUs).

DeepFaceLab 2.0 consists of several .bat, these scripts are used to run various processes required to create a deepfakes, in the main folder you'll see them and 2 folders:
  • _internal - internal files, stuff that makes DFL work,
  • workspace - this is where your models, videos, frames, datasets and final video outputs are.
Basic terminology:

SRC - always refers to content (frames, faces) of the person whose face we are trying to swap into a target video or photo.

SRC set/SRC dataset/Source dataset/SRC faces - extracted faces (square ratio image file of the source face that contains additional data like landmarks, masks, xseg labels, position/size/rotation on original frame) of the person we are trying to swap into a video.

DST - always refers to content (frames, faces) from the target video (or DST/DST video) we are swapping faces in.

DST set/DST dataset/Target dataset/DST faces - collection of extracted faces of the target person whose faces we will be replacing with likeness of SRC, same format and contains the same type of data as SRC faces.

Frames - frames extracted from either source or target videos, after extraction of frames they're placed inside "data_src" or "data_dst" folders respectively.

Faces - SRC/DST images of faces extracted from original frames derived from videos or photos used.

Model - collection of files that make up SAEHD, AMP and XSeg models that user can create/train, all are placed inside the "model" folder which is inside the "workspace" folder, basic description models below (more detailed later in the guide):

1. SAEHD - most popular and most often used model, comes in several different variants based on various architectures, each with it's own advantages and disadvantages however in general it's meant to swap faces when both SRC and DST share some similarities, particularly general face/head shape. Can be freely reused, pretrained and in general can offer quick results at decent quality but some architectures can suffer from low likeness or poor lighting and color matching.

2. AMP - new experimental model that can adapt more to the source data and retain it's shape, meaning you can use it to swap faces that look nothing alike however this requires manual compositing as DFL does not have more advanced masking techniques such as background inpainting. Unlike SAEHD doesn't have different architectures to choose from and is less versatile when it comes to reusal and takes much longer to train, also doesn't have pretrain option but can offer much higher quality and results can look more like SRC.

3. Quick 96 - Testing model, uses SAEHD DF-UD 96 resolution parameters and Full Face face type, meant for quick tests.

4. XSeg - User trainable masking model used to generate more precise masks for SRC and DST faces that can exlcude various obstructions (depending on users labels on SRC and DST faces), DFL comes with generic trained Whole Face masking model you can use if you don't want to create your own labels right away.

XSeg labels - labels created by user in the XSeg editor that define shapes of faces, may also include exclusions (or not include in the first place) obstructions over SRC and DST faces, used to train XSeg model to generate masks.

Masks - generated by XSeg model, masks are needed to define areas of the face that are supposed to be trained on (SRC/DST) as well as define shape and obstructions needed for final masking during merging (DST). A form of basic masks is also embeded into extracted faces which is derived from facial landmarks, it's a basic mask that can be used to do basic swaps using Full Face face type models or lower (more about face types and masks later in the guide)

Now that you know some basic terms it's time to figure out what exactly you want to do.

Depending on how complex the video you're trying to face swap is you'll either need just few interviews or you may need to collect way more source content to create your SRC dataset which may also include high resolution photos, movies, tv shows and so on, the idea is to build a set that covers as many angles, expressions and lighting conditions that are present in the target video as possible, as you may suspect this is the most important part of making a good deepfake, it's not always possible to find all required shots hence why you'll never be able to achieve 100% success with all videos you make, even once you learn all the tricks and techniques unless you focus only on very simple videos. And remember that's it's not about the number of faces, it's all about the variety of expressions, angles and lighting conditions while maintaining good quality across all faces, also the less different sources you'll end up using the better resemblance to the source will be as the model will have easier time learning faces that come from the same source as opposed to having to learn same amount of faces that come from more different sources.

A good deepfake also requires that both your source and target person have similarly shaped heads, while it is possible to swap people that look nothing alike and the new AMP model promises to address the issue of diffrent face shapes a bit it's still imporant that the width and length of a head as well as shape of jawline, chin and the general proportions of a face are similar for optimal results. If both people also make similar expressions then that's even better.

Let's assume you know what video you'll be using as a target, you collected plenty of source data to create a source set or at least made sure that there is enough of it and that it is good quality, both your source and target person have similarly shaped head, now we can move on to the process of actually creating the video, follow the steps below:


1) Clear Workspace - deletes all data from the "workspace" folder, there are some demo files by deafult in the "workspace" folder when you download new build of DFL that you can use to practise your first fake, you can delete them by hand or use this .bat to cleak your "workspace" folder but as you rarely just delete models and datasets after you finish working on a project this .bat is basically useless and dangerous since you can accidentally delete all your work hence why I recommend you delete this .bat.


To create a good quality source dataset you'll need to find source material of your subject, that can be photos or videos, videos are preferred due to variety of expressions and angles that are needed to cover all possible appearances of face so that model can learn it correct, photos on the other hand often offer excelent detail and are prefect for simple frontal scenes and will provide much sharper results. You can also combine videos and photos. Below are some things that you need to ensure so that your source dataset is as good as it can be.

1. Videos/photos should cover all or at least most of possible face/head angles - looking up, down, left, right, straight at camera and everything in between, the best way to achieve it is to use more than one interview and many movies instead of relying on single video (which will mostly feature one angle and some small variations and one lighting type).

TIP: If your DST video does not contain certain angles (like side face profiles) or lighting conditions there is no need to include sources with such ligthing and angles, you can create a source set that works only with specific types of angles and lighting or create a bigger and more universal set that should work across multiple different target videos. It's up to you how many different videos you'll use but remember that using too many different sources that actually decrease resemblance of your results, if you can cover all angles and few required lighting conditions with less sources it's always better to actually use less content and thus keeping the SRC set smaller.

2. Videos/photos should cover all different facial expressions - that includes open/closed mouths, open/closed eyes, smiles, frowns, eyes looking in different directions - the more variety in expressions you can get the better results will be.

3. Source content should be consistent - you don't want blurry, low resolution and heavilly compressed faces next to crisp, sharp and high quality ones so you should only use the best quality videos and photos you can find, if however you can't or certain angles/expressions are present only in lower quality/blurry video/photo then you should keep those and attempt to upscaled them.

Upscaling can be done directly on frames or video using software like Topaz or on faces (after extraction) like DFDNet, DFL Enhance, Remini, GPEN and many more (new upscalling methods are created all the time, machine learning is constantly evolving).

TIP: Good consistency is especially important in the following cases:

Faces with beards - try to only use single movie or photos and interviews that were shot on the same day, unless the face you're going to swap is smalll and you won't be able to tell individual hair apart, in that case mixing of source shot at different dates is allowed but only as long the beard stilll has similar appearance.

Head swaps with short hair - due to more random nature of hair on heads you shoulld only be using content that was shot on the same (interviews, photos) and don't mix it with other content, or if you're using a movie then stick to one movie.

Exception to above would be if hair and beard is always stylized in the same way or is fake and thus doesn't change, in that case mix as many sources as you wish to.

Faces with makeup - avoid including sources where makeup differs significantly from the type given person typically has, if you must use videos or photos with specific makeup that doesn't go along with others try to color correct frames (after extraction on frames with batch image processing or before during video editing), this can be done after extraction too but requires one to save metadata first and restore it afteer editing faces, more about it in next step).

4. Most of it should be high quality - as mentioned above, you can leave use some blurry photos/videos but only when you can't find certain expressions/face angles in others but make sure you upscale them to acceptable quality, too many upscaled conteent may have negative effect on quality so it's best to use it only on small portion of the dataset (if possible, in some cases close to 100% of your set may need to be enhanced in some way).

5. Lighting should be consistent - some small shadows are OK but you shouldn't include content with harsh, directional lighting, if possible try to use only those where shadows are soft and light is diffused. For LIAE architectures it may not be as important as it can handle lighting better but for DF architectures it's important to have several lighting conditions for each face angle, preferably at least 3 (frontal diffuse, left and right with soft shadows, not too dark, details must still be visible in the shadowed area or no shadows, just diffused lighting that creates brigher areas on either left or right side of the face). Source faceset/dataset can contain faces of varying brightness but overly dark faces should not be included unless your DST is also dark.

6. If you are using only pictures or they are a majority of the dataset - make sure they fill all the checks as mentioned above, 20 or so pictures is not enough. Don't even bother trying to make anything with so little pictures.

7. Keep the total amount of faces in your source dataset around 3.000 - 8.000 - in some cases larger set may be required but I'd recommend to keep it under 12k for universal sets, 15k if really neecessary, larger sets then to produce more vague looking results, they also will take significantly longer to train but if your target video covers just about every imaginable angle then big SRC set willl be required to cover all those angles.

Now that you've colllected your source content it's time to extract frames from videos (photos don't need much more work but you can look through them and delete any blurry/low res pictures, black and white pictures, etc).

TIP: Re.gardles the method of extraction of frames you'll use prepare folders for all different sources in advance.

You can place them anywhere bu I like to place them in the workspace folder next to data_src, data_dst and model folders, name those folders according to the sources used (movie title, interview title, event or date for photos) and then place corresponding frames in them after extraction is done and then rename each set of frames so that it's clear where given faces came from.

These names get embedded into the faces after face extraction (step 4) so even if you then rename them (faces) or sort them, they retain original filename which you can restore using a .bat that you'll learn about in step 4.

Avoid any symbols, spaces or non standard letters to any avoid issues later, name your frames similarly to following examples:

"TomCruiseMI4K", NataliePortmanInterview12015", "JackBlackJumanjiPremiere1080p", and so on.

You can extract frames in few different ways:

a) you extract each video separately by renaming each to as data_src (video should be in mp4 format but DFL uses FFMPEG so it potentialy should handle any format and codec) by using 2) Extract images from video data_src to extract frames from video file, after which they get outputted into "data_src" folder (it is created automatically), available options:

- FPS - skip for videos default frame rate, enter numerical value for other frame rate (for example entering 5 will only render the video as 5 frames per second, meaning less frames will be extracted), depending on length I recommend 5-10FPS for SRC frames extraction regardless of how you're extracting your frames (method b and c)

- JPG/PNG - choose the format of extracted frames, jpgs are smaller and have slightly lower quality, pngs are larger but extracted frames have better quality, there should be no loss of quality with PNG compared to original video.

b) you import all videos into a video editing software of your choice, making sure you don't edit videos of different resolutions together but instead process 720p, 1080p, 4K videos separetely, at this point you can also cut down videos to keep just the best shots that have the best quality faces, so shots where faces are far away/small, are blurry (out of focus, severe motion blur), are very dark or lit with single colored lighting or just that the lighting isn't very natural or has very bright parts and dark shadows at the same time as well as shots where majority of the face is obstrcuted should be discarded unless it's a very unique expression that doesn't occur often or it's at an angle that is also rarely found (such as people looking directly up/down) or if your target video actually has such stylized lighting, sometimes you just have to these lower quality faces if you can't find given angle anywhere else, next render the videos directly into either jpg or png frames into your data_src folder (create it manually if you deleted it before) and either render whole batch of videos at given resolution or render each clip separately.

c) use MVE and it's scene detection that does cuts for you, then use it to output just the scenes you selected into a folder at a specific frame rate and file format too and then also rename them so that all your aces have unique name that corresponds to the title of original video, very helpful in later stages, you can read more about MVE in this guide:


3. Video cutting (optional): 3) cut video (drop video on me) - allows to quickly cut any video to desired length by dropping it onto that .bat file. Useful if you don't have video editing software and want to quickly cut the video, however with existence of MVE (which is free) it's usefullnes is questionable as it can only do a simply cut of a part of video from point A to B, cut the videos manually or use MVE.


You also need to extract frames from you target video, after you edited it the way you want it to be, render it as data_dst.mp4 and extract frames using 3) extract images from video data_dst FULL FPS, frames will be place into "data_dst" folder, available options are JPG or PNG format output - select JPG if you want smaller size, PNG for best quality. There is no frame rate option because you want to extract video at original framerate.


Second stage of preparing SRC dataset is to extract faces from the extracted frames located inside "data_src" folder. Assuming you did rename all sets of frames inside their folders move them back into main "data_src" folder and run following 4) data_src faceset extract - automated extractor using S3FD algorithm, this will handle majority of faces in your set but is not perfect, it will fail to detect some faces and produce many false positives and detect other people which you will have to more or less manually delete.

There is also 4) data_src faceset extract MANUAL - manual extractor, see 5.1 for usage. You can use it to manuallly align some faces, especially if you havee some pictures or small source from movies that feature some rare angles that tend to be hard for the automated extractor (such as looking directlly up or down).

Available options for S3FD and MANUAL extractor are:

- Which GPU (or CPU) to use for extraction - use GPU, it's almost always faster.

- Face Type:

a) Full Face/FF - for FF models or lower face types (Half Face/Hf and Mid-Half Face/MF, rarely used nowadays).

b) Whole Face/WF - for WF models or lower, recommended as an universal/futureproof solution for working with both FF and WF models.

c) Head - for HEAD models, can work with other models like WF or FF but requires very high resolution of extraction for faces to have the same level of detail (sharpness) as lower coverage face types, uses 3D landmarks instead of 2D ones as in the FF and WF but is still compatible with models using those face types.

Remember that you can always change the facetype (and it's resolution) to lower one later using 4.2) data_src/dst util faceset resize or MVE (it can also turn lower res/facetype set into higher one but requires you to keep original frames and photos). Hence why I recommend using WF if you do primarlly face swaps with FF and WF models and HEAD for short haired sets used primarly for HEAD swaps but also ones that you may want at some point use for FF/WF face swaps.

- Max number of faces from image - how many faces extractor should extract from a frame, 0 is recommended value as it extracts as many as it can find. Selecting 1 or 2 will only extract 1 or 2 faces from each frame.

- Resolution of the dataset: This value will largerly depend on the resolution of your source frames, below are my personal recommendations depending on resolution of the source clip, you can of course use different values, you can even measure how big the biggest face in given source is and use that as a value (remember to use values in increments of 16).

Resolution can be also changed later by using 4.2) data_src/dst util faceset resize or MVE, you can even use MVE to extract faces with estimated face size option which will use landmark data from your extracted faces, original frames and re-extract your entire set again at the actual size each face is on the frames. You can read more about changing facetypes, dataset resolutions and more in those two MVE guides threads:



I recommend following values for WF:

720p or lower resolution sources - 512-768
1080p sources - 768-1024
4K sources - 1024-2048

For HEAD extraction, add extra 256-512 just to be sure you aren't missing any details of the extracted faces or measure actual size of the head on a frame where it's closest to the camera. If in doubt, use MVE to extract faces with estimated face size option enabled.

- Jpeg quality - use 100 for best quality. DFL can only extract faces in JPG format. No reason to go lower than 100, size difference won't be big but quality will decrease dramatically resulting in worse quality.

- Choosing whether to generate "aligned_debug" images or not - can be generated afterwards, they're used to check if landmarks are correct however this can be done with MVE too and you can actually manually fix landmarks with MVE so in most cases this is not very useful for SRC datasets.

After SRC dataset extraction is finished next step is to clean the SRC dataset of false positives and incorrectly aligned faces. To help in that you can sort your faces, if it's a small set and has only a couple videos using the provided sorting methods should be more than enough, if you're working with a larger set, use MVE for sorting (check the guide for more info).

To perform sorting use 4.2) data_src sort - it allows you to sort your dataseet using various sorting algorithms, these are the available sort types:

[0] blur - sorts by image blurriness (determined by contrast), fairly slow sorting method and unfortunately not perfect at detecting and correctly sorting blurry faces.
[1] motion blur - sorts images by checking for motion blur, good for getting rid of faces with lots of motion blur, faster than [0] blur and might be used as an alternative but similarly to [0] not perfect.
[2] face yaw direction - sorts by yaw (from faces looking to left to looking right).
[3] face pitch direction - sorts by pitch (from faces looking up to looking down).
[4] face rect size in source image - sorts by size of the face on the original frame (from biggest to smallest faces). Much faster than blur.
[5] histogram similarity - sort by histogram similarity, dissimilar faces at the end, useful for removing drastically different looking faces, also groups them together.
[6] histogram dissimilarity - as above but dissimilar faces are on the beginning.
[7] brightness - sorts by overall image/face brightness.
[8] hue - sorts by hue.
[9] amount of black pixels - sorts by amount of completely black pixels (such as when face is cut off from frame and only partially visible).
[10] original filename - sorts by original filename (of the frames from which faces were extracted). without _0/_1 suffxes (assuming there is only 1 face per frame).
[11] one face in image - sorts faces in order of how many faces were in the original frame.
[12] absolute pixel difference - sorts by absolute difference in how image works, useful to remove drastically different looking faces.
[13] best faces - sorts by several factors including blur and removes duplicates/similar faces, has a target of how many faces we want to have after sorting, discard faces are moved to folder "aligned_trash".
[14] best faces faster - similar to best faces but uses face rect size in source image instead blur to determine quality of faces, much faster than best faces.

I recommend to start with simple histogram sorting [5], this will group faces together that look similar, this includes all the bad faces we want to delete so it makes the manual selection process much easier.

When the initial sorting has finished, open up your aligned folder, you can either browse it with windows explorer or use external app that comes with DFL which can load images much faster, to open it up use 4.1) data_src view aligned result.

Here is a look at an example source dataset before cleanup with faces color coded according to what you should do with them (OLD IMAGE, WORK IN PROGRESS):


[align=left]Green - good faces/alignments.
Red - misaligned, you can see they are rotated slightly, you definitely don't want these in your dataset, you can either delete them or try to manually extract them.
Blue - obstructions/overlays/text over face - can be left if it's only a small obstruction on few faces in the whole dataset.
Yellow - blurry faces, should be removed unless it's a unique angle/expression, small amount may help to generalize face but you definitely don't want too many of these either (similar to obstructions, best to keep under 5%).
Violet - faces of other people, obviously those must be removed.
Pink - cut off faces, they can be left if it's only a bit of chin or forehead or it doesn't go over the face, assuming it's only few faces in the entire dataset or if it has unique angle/expression.
Orange - to dark/bright/overexposed/low contrast faces - also any pictures with strong photo/instagram filters, etc, in general they should be removed but you may want to try and go back to extracted frames, edit them (increase/decrease brightness/contrast/saturation) and extract again to be able to keep them, if they are only slightly different than the rest they can be left in, assuming you use color transfer during training to average them all out to others and DST.

After that you can do additional sorting by yaw and pitch to remove any faces that may look correct but that actually have bad landmarks.
Next you can sort by hue and brightnees to remove any faces that are heavilly tinted or very dark assuming you didn't already do that after historgram sorting.
Then you can use sort by blur, motion blur and face rect size to remove any blurry faces, faces with lots of motion blur and small faces. After that you should have relatively clean dataset.
At the end you can either sort them with any other method you want, order and filenames of SRC faces doesn't matter at all for anything, however I always recommend to restore original filenames but not with sorting option 10 but instead use - 4.2.other) data_src util recover original filename.

However if you have large dataset consisting on tens of interviews, thousands of high res pictures and many movies and tv show episodes you should consider a different approach to cleaning and sorting your sets.

Most of people who are serious about making deepfakes and are working on large, complex source sets rarely use DFL for sorting and instead use external free softwar called Machine Video Editor, or simply MVE. MVE comes with it's own sorting methods and can be used in pretty much all steps of making a deepfake video. That also includes the automated scene cutting and frames export (method c) for obtraining frames from your source content as mentioneed in step 2 - SRC data collection), dataset enhancing, labeling/masking, editing landmarks and much more.

The thing to focus on her is the Nvidia simillarity sort option which works similarly to histogram sort but is a machine learning approach which groups faces better, that way you get 99% faces of the person you want on the list in order and it's much faster to remove other faces, it will often also group incorrect faces, faces with glasses, black and white faces or those with heavy tint together much more precisely and you get a face group preview where you can select or delete specific face groups and even cheeck which faces are in that group before you delete them but you also get to browse them like in windows explorer or with XnView.

For more info about MVE check available guides here: //[/LEFT]


MVE also has a discord server (SFW, no adult deeepfake talk allowed there), you can find link to it on the github page. There are additional guides on that server, watch them first before asking questions.

Regardless of whether you use MVE or DFL to sort the set there are few final steps you can perform at the end:

First thing you can do on all of the remaining faces is to use software like visipics or dupeguru (or any otheer software that can detect similar faces and duplicates) to detect very similar and duplicated faces in your whole set of faces, the two I mentioned have adjustable "power" setting so you can only remove basically exactly the same faces or increase the setting and remove more faces that are very similar but be careful to not remove too many similar faces and don't actually delete them, for example in visipics you have the option to move them and that's what I recommend, create feew folders for different levels of similarity (the slider works in steps so you can delete everything detected with step 0 and move faces from steps 1-3 to different folders). This willl slightlly reduce face count which will speed up training and just make the sets less full of unnecessarily similar faces and duplicates.

Next (assuming you renamed frames before extraction) it's good to move faces into different folders based on where they came from:

Create a folder structure that suits you, include folders for best faces from movies, tv shows, interviews, best photos, discarded photos, blurry faces, upscaled faces, etc. Keep it tidy and categorize everything in such way you can quickly pull faces you need to compile the final datasets you will be using for training. Remember that all data is in the images themselves, you are free to move them to different folders, make copies/backups, archive them on different drives, computers, in general you are free move them outside of DFL.

After you've done that you should have a bunch of folders in your "data_src" folder and your "aligned" folder should now be empty since you have moved all faces to different ones, delete it.

ADVANCED - SRC dataset enahcement.

You may want or need to improve quality and sharpness/level of detail of some of your faces after extraction. Some people upscale entire datasets while some only move blurry faces they want to upscale to separate folder and upscale part of the dataset that way, that can be done before making the final set (upscale all blurry faces regardless of whether you'd using them during training or not) or after making final set (upscaling only those faces you actually need for training). You should however only upscale what you really need, for example if you already have few high quallity interviews and want to upscale another one that has similar lighitng, expressions and angles then skip it, it's better to use content that's already sharp and good quality than upscaling everything for the sake of it. Upscale rare faces, rare expressions, angles that you don't have any sharp faces for.

First start by collecting all blurry faces you want to upscale and put them into a folder called "blurry" (example, name it however you want), next depending on upscaling method you may or may not have to save your metadata, some upscaling methods willl retrain this information but most won't hence why you need to do it. I also recommend to make a backup of your blurry folder in case some upscaling method you'd use would replace original images from the folder (most output to different folder). Rename your "blurry" as "aligned" and run:

4.2) data_src util faceset metadata save - saves embeded metadata of your SRC dataset in the aligned folder as meta.dat file, this is required if you're gonna be upscaling faces or doing any kind of editing on them like for example color correction (rotation or horizontal/vertical flipping is not allowed).

Next you can start upscaling/enhancing your faces, if you're gonna run software locally create an "upscaled" folder in your "data_src" folder and use one of the few popular methods:

1. DFL Enahnce - built-in algorithm, gives subtle effect, good for faces that need just a little bit of improvement and are already decent looking, quite slow, retains metadata, you can run it using 4.2) data_src util faceset enhance - it will create a copy of your "aligned" folder with different name and output upscaled faces into it.

2. DFDNet - external software, face imaginator, strong effect, can enahnce very blurry faces but is prone to cause artifacts and can affect recognizability of the upscaled face (because it imagines detail), a bit faster than DFL Enhance, should retrain metadata but I recommend to save it for this method, it can be ran on Colab:

Also available as plugin for MVE.

3. Topaz AI software
- external paid software, simple upscaler, similar to DFL Enhance, will provide subtle effect and is more suited to faces that already have some detail, won't imagine detail or upscale very blurry faces, there are few different products available, they treat faces as any other images, thus don't retain metadata so you have to use meta.dat file from your blurry folder to restore it.

4. Remini - mobile app, slow to use but MVE has built in feature to build image collages that allow you to upload one very big image containing several faces and thus upscale several faces at the same time, best quality of all methods but struggles with side faces and works in similar way to DFDNet by generating new fake details which may or may not be accurate, can also affect negatively parts of the face like teeth, eyes and will struggle with faces with motion blur (like all GAN based face enhancers, DFDNet, GPEN, GPFGAN and few others all being such enhancers).

5. GPEN, GPFGAN and others - there are many more upsclaing methods available, most however aren't built in into DFL, don't come as plugins for MVE or aren't easy to use products, feel free to research these on your own and use one that gives you best results, there are thread on this forum that discuss various upscaling methods including many comparions, simply use the search option to find these (I won't be linking them becasue they may change or be deleted and none of these threads is official and approve by me or other members of the mod/admin team).

After you're done enahncing/upscaling/editing your faces you need to restore the metadata (in some cases), to do so rename your "upscaled" folder to "aligned" (or if you used Colab or did not upscale faces locally in general then simply copy them over to the new "aligned" folder), copy your meta.dat file from original "blurry" folder to the "aligned" folder and run: 4.2) data_src util faceset metadata restore - which will restore the metadata and now those faces are ready to be used.

If you forgot to save the metadata as long as you have the original blurry folder you can do so later, however if you've lost the original folder and now only have the upscaled results with no metadata only thing you can do is extract faces from those faces, this will reduce their quality slightly.

There are also other methods available however these two are the only that are fairly easy to use, others may require some coding knowledge to run locally under Windows or have to be ran on Colab or Linux..

Some other useful scripts that you can use on this stage:

4.2) data_src util add landmarks debug images
- generates debug images after you extracted SRC faces, however unlike debug folder you get by default during DST extraction or if you enable debug generation during SRC extraction this only adds debug images in the aligned folder that are basically faces that exist in that folder with landmarks overlaid on top of them, mostly usless since with MVE you can display landmarks too and you can add new ones from frames that it failed to extract from and edit existing ones.

4.2) data_src util faceset resize - allows you to resize your datasets or change their facetype to your model, thus reducing CPU load during training and slightly improving performance (however I tested it and did not notice any major improvements to performance. Use cases have been explained in step 4 - Data_src faces extraction/alignment. After the process is finished it will ask you if you want to merge the resized aligned with original, doing so will irreversibly overwrite original aligned so select no (N) and just change names of the folders, recommended to be done as one of the last steps on the final set.

Last step you can do is to pack your faces which will make them load much faster (seconds instead of minutes), to pack your SRC/DST dataset use 4.2) data_src util faceset pack and 4.2) data_src util faceset unpack - packed sets can be also used to replace default pretraining dataset that DFL comes with, it also makes sharing and archiving the set easier sharing as it's one file (but in case of drive failure such packed set may become corrupted so only use it to have a copy of original main set for quick use, don't make it your only copy of entire set).


Here steps are pretty much the same as with source dataset, with few exceptions. Start by extracting faces from your DST frames using: 5) data_dst faceset extract - an automated face extractor utilizing S3FD face detection algorithm.

In addition to it you'll also notice other extraction methods, don't use them now but you need to make yourself familiar with them:

5) data_dst faceset extract MANUAL RE-EXTRACT DELETED ALIGNED_DEBUG - This one is also important, it is used to manualy re-extract missed faces after deleting their corresponding debug image from a folder "aligned_debug" that gets created along "aligned" folder after extraction, it is what makes it possible to get all faces to be swapped, more about it's use in step 5.1.
5) data_dst faceset extract MANUAL - manual extractor, see 5.1 for usage.
5) data_dst faceset extract + manual fix - S3FD + manual pass for frames where model didn't detect any faces, you can use this instead of 5) data_dst faceset extract - after initial exctraction finishes a window will open (same as with manual extraction or re-extraction) where you'll be able to extract faces from frames where extractor wasn't able to detect any faces, not even false positives, but this means extraction won't finish until you re-extract all faces so this is not recommended.

Simply use the first method for now.

Available options for all extractor modes are the same as for SRC except for lack of choice of how many faces we want to extract - it always tries to extract all, there is no choice for whether we want aligned_debug folder or not either, it is generated always since it's required for manual re-extraction.


After we aligned data_dst faces we have to clean that set.

Run 5.2) data_dst sort - works the same as src sort, use [5] histogram similarity sorting option, next run 5.1) data_dst view aligned results - which willl allow you to view the contents of "aligned" folder using external app which offers quicker thumbnail generation than default windows explorer, here you can simply browse all faces and delete all bad ones (very small or large compared to others next to it, rotated, false positives/non-faces, other people's faces), after you're done run 5.2) data_dst util recover original filename - which works the same as one for source, it willl restore original filenames and order of all faces.

Next we have to delete debug frames so that we can use the manual re-extractor to extract faces from just the frames where the extractor couldn't properly extract faces, to do so run 5.1) data_dst view aligned_debug results - which willl allow you to quickly browse contents of "aligned_debug", here you check all debug frames to find those where the landmarks over our target person's face are placed incorrectly (not lining up with edges of the face, eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows) or missing, those frames have to be deleted and this will tell the manual re-extractor which frames to show to you so that you can manually re-extract them.

You can select all debug frames for deletion manually, however this means going through pretty much all of them by hand, it's easy to miss some frames that way, a better way to go about this is to create a copy of the "aligned_debug" folder, then go back to your "aligned" folder and rename them to remove the _0 suffix that's present on all faces, and if you also have multiple faces per frame, then those will have _1 suffix (can happen if there are mirrors in your scene or it's some kind of split screen shot or has a smooth fade transition between two shots).

If you do have 2 faces per frame then you'll have to separate both so that your aligned for now has just the one set of faces and later you may need to re-extract faces for second set of faces.

For now let's assume you don't have any _1 faces and if you do that they're basically duplicates (double detection of the same face), in that case after renaming all _0 faces (you can do so using powershell commands or some software, make sure to just remove the suffix, you cannot remove any other number from the faces, filename after renaming must be the same as your original frames and debug frames) rename the _1 ones too and put back into aligned (windows will show you a prompt about replacing faces, check if some duplicates happen to look more correct, then keep the best ones) and now select all faces and copy them to your "aligned_debug - copy" folder, replace all faces and then while they're still highlighted delete them (if you unselect then simply sort the folder based on image size and re-select all faces that replaced your debug frames). What you're left with are just debug frames for frames from which no faces are currentlly present in your "aligned" folder, now. simply delete all unnecessary ones until you're left with just frames from which you plan to re-extract faces, then select them and copy to your original aligned_debug folder, replace all, wait, delete highlighted replaced frames. Now you can run the

5) data_dst faceset extract MANUAL RE-EXTRACT DELETED ALIGNED_DEBUG - to manually re-extract them.

Manual extractor usage:

Upon starting the manual extractor a window will open up where you can manually locate faces you want to extract and command line window displaying your progress:

- use yo.ur mouse to locate face
- use mouse wheel to change size of the search area (rect size, you saw this option in sorting, you can sort faces based on how big their rect size was during extraction)
- make sure all or at least most landmarks (in some cases depending on the angle, lighting or present obstructions it might not be possible to precisely align all landmarks so just try to find a spot that covers all. the visible bits the most and isn't too misaligned) land on important spots like eyes, mouth, nose, eyebrows and follow the face shape correctly, an up arrow shows you where is the "up" or "top" of the face
- use key A to change the precision mode, now landmarks won't "stick" so much to detected faces and you may be able to position landmarks more correctly, it will also run faster
- use < and > keys (or , and .) to move back and forwards, to confirm a detection either left mouse click and move to the next one or hit enter which both confirms selection and moves to the next face
- right mouse button for aligning undetectable forward facing or non human faces (requires applying xseg for correct masking)
- q to skip remaining faces, save the ones you did and quit extractor (it will also close down and save when you reach the last face and confirm it)

Now you should have all faces extracted but in some cases you will have to run it few times (the cases I mentioned above, reflections, split scenes, transitions). In that case rename your "aligned" folder to something else, then repeat the steps with renaming of aligned faces, copying them to a copy of "aligned_debug", replacing, deleting selected, removing remaining aside from those you need to extract from, copying that to original "aligned_debug" folder, replacing, deleting highlighter, running manual re-extractor again and then combining both aligned folders, making sure to not accidentallly replace some faces.

After you're done you have the same choice of additional .bats to use with your almost finished dst dataset:

5.2) data_dst util faceset pack and 5.2) data_dst util faceset unpack - same as with source, let's you quickly pack entire dataset into one file.

5.2) data_dst util faceset resize - works the same as one for SRC dataset.

But before you can start training you also have to mask your datasets, both of them.


NEW: There is now a pretrained Generic WF XSeg model included with DFL (_internal/model_generic_xseg), if you dont have time to label faces for your own WF XSeg model or just need to quickly apply basic WF masks to your sets you can use the following .bats to do so:

5.XSeg Generic) data_dst whole_face mask - apply - applies WF masks to your DST dataset.
5.XSeg Generic) data_src whole_face mask - apply - applies WF masks to your SRC dataset.

What is XSeg for? Some face types require an application of different mask than the default one that you get with the dataset after extraction, those default masks are derived from the landmarks and cover area similar to that of full face face type, hence why for full face or lower coverage face type XSeg is not required but for whole face and head it is. XSeg masks are also required to use Face and Background Style Power (FSP, BGSP) during training of SAEHD/AMP models regardless of the face type.

XSeg allows you to define how you want your faces to be masked, which parts of the face will be trained on and which won't.

It also is required to exclude obstructions over faces from being trained on and also so that after you merge your video a hand for example that is in front of the face is properly excluded, meaning the swapped face is masked in such way to make the hand visible and not cover it.

XSeg can be used to exclude just about every obstruction:
hands, fingers, piercing, scars, face tattoos, mouth cavity, tongues, hair, individual hair strands, glasses, eye pupils, eyebrows, entire nose, lips and so on. You have full control over what the model will think is a face and what is not.

Please make yourself familiar with some terms first, it's important you understand a difference between an XSeg model, dataset, label and mask:

XSeg model - user trainable model used to apply masks to SRC and DST datasets as well as to mask faces during the merging process.
XSeg label - a polygon that user draws on the face to define the face area and what is used by XSeg model for training.
XSeg mask - mask generated and applied to either SRC or DST dataset by a trained XSeg model.
XSeg dataset - a collection of labeled faces (just one specific type or both SRC and DST dataset, labeled in similar manner), these are often shared on the forum by users and are a great way to start making your own set since you can download one and either pick specific faces you need or add your own labeled faces to it that are labeled in similar manner.

Now that you know what each of those 4 things mean it's imporatnt you understand the main difference between labeling and masking SRC faces and DST faces.

Masks define which area on the face sample is the face itself and what is a background or obstruction, for SRC it means that whatever you include will be trained by the model with higher priority, whereas everything else willl be trained with lower priority (or precision). For DST it is the same but also you need to exclude obstructions so that model doesn't treat them as part of the face and also so that later when merging those obtructions are visible and don't get covered by the final predicted face (not to be mistaken with predicted SRC and predicted DST faces).

To use XSeg you have following .bats available for use:

5.XSeg) data_dst mask - edit - XSeg label/polygon editor, this defines how you want the XSeg model to train masks for DST faces.
5.XSeg) data_dst mask - fetch - makes a copy of labeled DST faces to folder "aligned_xseg" inside "data_dst".
5.XSeg) data_dst mask - remove - removes labels from your DST faces. This doesn't remove trained MASKS you apply to the set after training, it removes LABELS you manually created, I suggest renaming this option so it's on the bottom of the list or removing it to avoid accidental removal of labels.

5.XSeg) data_src mask - edit - XSeg label/polygon editor, this defines how you want the XSeg model to train masks for SRC faces.
5.XSeg) data_src mask - fetch - makes a copy of labeled SRC faces to folder "aligned_xseg" inside "data_dst".
5.XSeg) data_src mask - remove - removes labels from your SRC faces. This doesn't remove trained MASKS you apply to the set after training, it removes LABELS you manually created, I suggest renaming this option so it's on the bottom of the list or removing it to avoid accidental removal of labels.

XSeg) train.bat - starts training of the XSeg model.

5.XSeg.optional) trained mask data_dst - apply - generates and applies XSeg masks to your DST faces.
5.XSeg.optional) trained mask data_dst - remove - removes XSeg masks and restores default FF like landmark derived DST masks.

5.XSeg.optional) trained mask data_src - apply - generates and applies XSeg masks to your SRC faces.
5.XSeg.optional) trained mask data_src - remove - removes XSeg masks and restores default FF like landmark derived SRC masks.

XSeg Workflow:

Step 1. Label/mark your datasets.

If you are starting with someone elses XSeg model and that user also provided you with an XSeg dataset (or you have some XSeg model and a different XSeg dataset) then first apply masks to both of your sets and check the generated masks in the XSeg editor (you can enable mask view in the editor), chances are most faces will be properly masked and only few will requires some extra labeling, regardless if you do that or not carry on with the task as described below:

Start by marking both SRC and DST faces using 5.XSeg) data_src mask - edit and 5.XSeg) data_dst mask - edit

Each tool has a written description that's displayed when you go over it with your mouse (en/ru/zn languages are supported).

Mark 50 to 200 different faces for both SRC and DST, you don't need to mark all faces but only those where the face looks significantly different, for example:

- when facial expression changes (open mouth - closed mouth, big smile - frown)
- when direction/angle of the face changes
- or when lighting conditions/direction changes (usually together with face angle but in some cases the lighting might change while face still looks in the same direction)

The more various faces you mark, the better quality masks Xseg model will generate for you. In general the smaller the dataset is the less faces will have to be marked and the same goes about the variety of angles, if you have many different angles and also expressions it will require you to mark more faces.

Keep the same "logic" of marking for all faces, for example:

- the same approximated jaw line if the edge is not clearly visible, look at how faces are shaded to figure out how to correctly draw the line, same applies for face that are looking up, the part underneath the chin
- the same hair line (which means always excluding the hair in the same way, if you're doing full face mask and don't go over to the hairline the make sure the line you draw above eyebrows is always mostly at the same height above the eyebrows)

Marking/labeling obstructions:

While marking faces you will also probably want to exclude obstructions so that they are visible in the final video, to do so you can either:

- not include obstructions in the main polygon that defines face area you want to be swapped by drawing around it.
- or use exclude poly mode to draw additional label around the obstruction or part you want to be visible or not trained on.

What to exclude:

- large/thick hair strands and some smaller individual hairs if they're thick/noticeable enough (lots of contrast against skin).
- hands and other objects held in front of the face.
- shoulders, legs and other large obstructions that cover significant part of the face (make sure landmarks for this face are correct on the visible parts and also fairly accurate in position and shape on the obstructed parts, applying XSeg to incorrectly extracted faces won't make them train correctly).
- for DST faces (optional) exclude mouth cavity when mouth is open (the dark parts and tongue, don't exclude front teeth), if teeth aren't visible mark it to where the lips are, if teeth are visible make sure to leave a gap between it and the label to prevent double teeth after blurring the mask during merging, for SRC faces you can skip this step and include entire face except for tongue when it's sticking out of the mouth and other parts of the face you don't want to be trained, the reason for excluding mouth cavity is that the model quite often won't be able to correctlly train a tongue and teeth in the back, doesn't mean you can't try to properly train that too, hence why this is an optional "obstruction" to exclude.

When marking obstructions you need to make sure you label them on several faces according to the same rules as when marking faces with no obstructions, mark the obstruction (even if it doesn't change appearance/shape/position when face/head:

- changes angle
- facial expression changes
- lighting conditions change

If the obstruction is additionally changing shape and/or moving across the face you need to mark it few times, not all obstructions on every face need to be labeled though but still the more variety of different obstructions occur in various conditions - the more faces you will have to label.

Additionally when labeling SRC faces you may want to exclude some parts of SRC face you don't want to be trained on, for example face tattoos, scars, piercing, especially if those only occur on some faces from specific sources, that way those won't be trained on and model will fill those gaps with approximated color from around the exclusion and thus such parts of SRC face won't be visible on the final predicted face.

How to mark faces for different face types:

- For FF mark faces from chin up to slightly above eyebrows, on profile shots full face will exclude a lot so you may want to not draw a straight line on the side of the face (or under the mouth since chin's often will get cut off with full face)

- For WF mark faces from chin up to the hairline for frontal shots, for profile shots make sure to follow jawline (if it's pronounced it will be visible, if it's not as visible approximate it and use the same logic for marking of all faces), don't include ears if they are visible, mark up to where hair starts.

- For HEAD include the whole face as well as hair, make sure the masks are precise, include ears, optionally you can also include a little bit of the neck. Remember that HEAD only works for short, static hair, you might be able to correctly mask moving longer hair but you won't be able to train and swap it correctly or with good results.

Once you finish labeling/marking your faces scroll to the end of the list and hit Esc to save them and close down the editor, then you can move on to training your XSEG model.

You can use MVE to label your faces with it's more advanced XSeg editor that even comes with it's own trained segmentation (masking) model that can selectively include/exclude many parts of the face and even turn applied masks (such as from a shared XSeg model you downloaded or generic WF XSeg model that you used to apply masks to your dataset) back into labels, improve them and then save into your faces.

Step 2. Train your XSeg model.

When starting training for the first time you will see an option to select face type of the XSeg model, use the same face type as your dataset.
You will also be able to choose device to train on as well as batch size which will typically be much higher as XSeg model is not that demanding as training of the face swapping model (you can also start off at lower value and raise it later).
You can switch preview modes using space (there are 3 modes, DST training, SRC training and SRC+DST (distorted).
To update preview progress press P.
Esc to save and stop training.

During training check previews often, if some faces have bad masks after about 50k iterations (bad shape, holes, blurry), save and stop training, apply masks to your dataset, run editor, find faces with bad masks by enabling XSeg mask overlay in the editor, mark them and hit esc to save and exit and then resume XSeg model training, when starting up an already trained model you will get a prompt if you want to restart training, select no as selecting yes will restart the model training from 0 instead of continuing. However in case your masks are not improving despite having marked many more faces and being well above 100k-150k iterations it might be necessary to mark even more faces. Keep training until you get sharp edges on most of your faces and all obstructions are properly excluded.

Step 3. Apply XSeg masks to your datasets.

This step has been already explained few times here but in any case I'm repeating it so it's all clear.

After you're done training or after you've already applied XSeg once and then fixed faces that had bad masks it's time for final application of XSeg masks to your datasets. Also as I've already explained it is not necessary to apply datasets if you're using a FF SAEHD model, you can simply use XSeg during merging by selecting the new masking modes such as XSeg-Prd or XSeg-Dst (or combinations of them with themselves and learned masks) but for best results it's recommended to apply them anyway as you will get better results when using Style Power because those XSeg masks are much more precise than learned masks that are otherwise used to define areas of face and background.

Extra tips:

1. Don't bother making 1000 point label, it will take too much time to mark all the faces and won't affect the face vs if you use just 30-40 points to describe the face shape but also don't try to mark it with 10 points or the mask will not be smooth, the exception here would be marking hair for HEAD face type training where obviously some detail is needed to correctly resolve individual hair strands.
2. Do not mark shadows unless they're pitch black.
3. Don't mark out tongues or insides of the mouth if it's barely open.
4. If obstruction or face is blurry mark as much as needed to cover everything that should or shouldn't be visible, do not make offsets too big
5. Keep in mind that when you use blur the edge blurs both in and out, if you mark out a finger right on the edge it won't look bad on low blur but on higher one it will start to disappear and be replaced with the blurry version of what model learned, same goes for the mouth cavity, on low blur it will only show result face teeth but if you apply high blur then DST teeth will start to show and it will look bad (double teeth).

This means:

- when excluding obstructions like fingers - mark it on the edge or move the label few pixels away (but not too much). Both SRC and DST

- when excluding mouth cavity - remember to keep the label away from teeth unless it's the teeth in the back that are blurry and dark, those can be excluded. DST, SRC is optional, if you exclude the back teeth on SRC faces XSeg model will train to not include them so they won't be trained as precisely as the included front teeth, but as teeth in the back are usually quite blurry and dark or not visible at all it shouldn't affect your results much, especially if you will decide to exclude them on DST too, in that case you will only see back teeth of DST only anyway, similar rules apply when excluding tongues, mark them on the edge, keep an offset from teeth if the tongue is inside the mouth or touching upper or bottom teeth. Both SRC and DST, if you want tongue of SRC be trained don't exclude it on SRC faces but if you exclude it on DST then you won't see SRC tongue at all, I suggest excluding tongue only when mouth is wide open and only on DST and never on SRC faces.

XSeg editor:


Training preview:
Correctly masked faces examples:

Example of face with bad applied mask:


Fixing the issue by marking the face correctly (you train XSeg model after that, just labeling it won't make the model better):


How to use shared marked faces to train your own XSeg model:

Download, extract and place faces into "data_src/aligned" or "data_dst/aligned". Make sure to rename them to not overwrite your own faces (I suggest XSEGSRC and XSEGDST for easy removal afterwards).
You can mix shared faces with your own labeled to give the model as much data to learn masks as possible, don't mix face types, make sure all faces roughly follow the same logic of masking.
Then just start training your XSeg model (or shared one).

How to use shared XSeg model and apply it to your dataset:

Simply place it into the "model" folder and use apply .bat files to apply masks to SRC or DST.

After you apply masks open up XSeg editor and check how masks look by enabling XSeg mask overlay view, if some faces don't have good looking masks, mark them, exit the editor and start the training of the XSeg model again to fix them. You can also mix in some of the shared faces as described above (how to use shared marked faces). You can reuse XSeg models (like SAEHD models).

User shared SAEHD models can be found in the model sharing forum section:
10. Training SAEHD/AMP:
If you don't want to actually learn what all the options do and only care about a simple workflow that should work in most cases scroll down to section 6.1 - Common Training Workflows.

there is no one right way to train a model, learn what all the options do, backtrack the guide to earlier steps if you encouter issues during training (masking issues, blurry/distorted faces with artifacts due to bad quality SRC set or lack of angles/expressions, bad color matching due to low variety of lighting conditions in your SRC set, bad DST alignments, etc).

There are currently 3 models to choose from for training:

High Definition Styled Auto Encoder - for high end GPUs with at least 6GB of VRAM. Adjustable. Recommended for most users.

AMP (6GB+):
New model type, uses different architectur, morphs shapes (attempts to retain SRC shape), with adjustable morphing factor (training and merging) - for high end GPUs with at least 6GB of VRAM. Adjustable. AMP model is still in development, I recommend you learn making deepfakes with SAEHD first before using AMP. For AMP workflow scroll down to section 6.2.

Quick96 (2-4GB):
Simple mode dedicated for low end GPUs with 2-4GB of VRAM. Fixed parameters: 96x96 Pixels resolution, Full Face, Batch size 4, DF-UD architecture. Primarly used for quick testing.

Model settings spreadsheet where you can check settings and performance of models running on various hardware: //

To start trainign process run one of these:

6) train SAEHD
6) train Quick96
6) train AMP SRC-SRC

6) train AMP

You may have noticed that there are 2 separate training executables for AMP, ignore those for now and focus on learning SAEHD workflow first.

Since Quick96 is not adjustable you will see the command window pop up and ask only 1 question - CPU or GPU (if you have more then it will let you choose either one of them or train with both).
SAEHD however will present you with more options to adjust as will AMP since both models are fully adjustable.
In both cases first a command line window will appear where you input your model settings.
On a first start will you will have access to all setting that are explained below, but if you are using existing pretrained or trained model some options won't be adjustable.
If you have more than 1 model in your "model" folder you'll also be prompted to choose which one you want to use by selecting corresponding number
You will also always get a prompt to select which GPU or CPU you want to run the trainer on.
After training starts you'll also see training preview that looks like this:


Here is a detailed explanation of all functions in order (mostly) they are presented to the user upon starting training of a new model.

Note that some of these get locked and can't be changed once you start training due to way these models work, example of things that can't be changed later are:

- model resolution (often shortended to "res")
- model architecture ("archi")
- models dimensions ("dims")
- face type
- morph factor (AMP training)

Also not all options are available for all kinds of models:
For LIAE there is no True Face (TF)
For AMP there is no architecture choice or eye and mouth priority (EMP)
As the software is developed more options may become available or unavailable for certain models, if you are on newest version and notice lack of some option that according to this guide is still available or notice lack of some options explained here that are present please message me via private message or post a message in this thread and I'll try to update the guide as soon as possible.

Autobackup every N hour ( 0..24 ?:help ) : self explanatory - let's you enable automatic backups of your model every N hours. Leaving it at 0 (default) will disable auto backups. Default value is 0 (disabled).

[n] Write preview history ( y/n ?:help ) : save preview images during training every few minutes, if you select yes you'll get another prompt: [n] Choose image for the preview history ( y/n ) : if you select N the model will pick faces for the previews randomly, otherwise selecting Y will open up a new window after datasets are loaded where you'll be able to choose them manually.

Target iteration : will stop training after certain amount of iterations is reached, for example if you want to train you model to only 100.000 iterations you should enter a value of 100000. Leaving it at 0 will make it run until you stop it manually. Default value is 0 (disabled).

[n] Flip SRC faces randomly ( y/n ?:help ) : Randomly flips SRC faces horizontally, helps to cover all angles present in DST dataset with SRC faces as a result of flipping them which can be helpful sometimes (especially if our set doesn't have many different lighting conditons but has most angles) however in many cases it will make results seem unnatural becasue faces are never perfectly symmetric, it will also copy facial features from one side of the face to the other one, they may then appear on either sides or on both at the same time. Recommended to only use early in the training or not at all if our SRC set is diverse enough. Default value is N.

[y] Flip DST faces randomly ( y/n ?:help ) : Randomly flips DST faces horizontally, can improve generalization when Flip SRC faces randomly is diabled. Default value is Y.

Batch_size ( ?:help ) : Batch size settings affects how many faces are being compared to each other every each iteration. Lowest value is 2 and you can go as high as your GPU will allow which is affected by VRAM. The higher your models resolution, dimensions and the more features you enable the more VRAM will be needed so lower batch size might be required. It's recommended to not use value below 4. Higher batch size will provide better quality at the cost of slower training (higher iteration time). For the intial stage it can be set lower value to speed up initial training and then raised higher. Optimal values are between 6-12. How to guess what batch size to use? You can either use trial and error or help yourself by taking a look at what other people can achieve on their GPUs by checking out DFL 2.0 Model Settings and Performance Sharing Thread.

Resolution ( 64-640 ?:help ) : here you set your models resolution, bear in mind this option cannot be changed during training. It affects the resolution of swapped faces, the higher model resolution - the more detailed the learned face will be but also training will be much heavier and longer. Resolution can be increased from 64x64 to 640x640 by increments of:

16 (for regular and -U architectures variants)
32 (for -D and -UD architectures variants)

Higher resolutions might require increasing of the model dimensions (dims) but it's not mandatory, you can get good results with default dims and you can get bad results with very high dims, in the ends it's the quality of your source dataset that has the biggest impact on quality so don't stress out if you can't run higher dims with your GPU, focus on creating a good source set, worry about dims and resolution later.

Face type ( h/mf/f/wf/head ?:help ) : this option let's you set the area of the face you want to train, there are 5 options - half face, mid-half face, full face, whole face and head:

a) Half face (HF) - only trains from mouth to eybrows but can in some cases cut off the top or bottom of the face (eyebrows, chin, bit of mouth).
b) Mid-half face (MHF) - aims to fix HF issue by covering 30% larger portion of face compared to half face which should prevent most of the undesirable cut offs from occurring but they can still happen.
c) Full face (FF) - covers most of the face area, excluding forehead, can sometimes cut off a little bit of chin but this happens very rarely (only when subject opens mouth wide open) - most recommended when SRC and/or DST have hair covering forehead.
d) Whole face (WF) - expands that area even more to cover pretty much the whole face, including forehead and all of the face from the side (up to ears, HF, MHF and FF don't cover that much).
e) Head (HEAD) - is used to do a swap of the entire head, not suitable for subjects with long hair, works best if the source faceset/dataset comes from single source and both SRC and DST have short hair or one that doesn't change shape depending on the angle.
Examples of faces, front and side view when using all face types: [IMAGE MISSING, WORK IN PROGRESS]

Architecture (df/liae/df-u/liae-u/df-d/liae-d/df-ud/liae-ud ?:help ) :
This option let's you choose between 2 mainmodel architectures: DF and LIAE as well as their variants:

DF: This model architecture provides better SRC likeness at the cost of worse lighting and color match than LIAE, it also requires SRC set to be matched to all of the angles and lighting of the DST better and overall to be made better than a set that might be fine for LIAE, it also doesn't deal with general face shape and proportions mismatch between SRC and DST where LIAE is better but at the same time can deal with greater mismatch of actual appearance of facial features and is lighter on your GPU (lower VRAM usage), better at frontal shots, may struggle more at difficult angles if the SRC set isn't good enough and doesn't cover all the requires angles with the correct expressions and lighting.

LIAE: This model is almost complete opposite of DF, it doesn't produce faces that are as SRC like compared to DF if the facial features and general appearance of DST is too different from SRC but at the same time deals with different face proportions and shapes better than DF, it also creates faces that match the lighting and color of DST better than DF and is more forgiving when it comes to SRC set but it doesn't mean it can create a good quality swap if you are missing major parts of the SRC set that are present in the DST, you still need to cover all the angles. LIAE is heavier on GPU (higher VRAM usage) and does better job at more complex angles.

Keep in mind that while these are general characteristics of both architectures it doesn't mean they will always behave like that, incorrectly trained DF model can have worse resembalnce to SRC than correctly trained LIAE model and you can also completely fail to create anything that looks close to SRC with LIAE and achieve near perfect color and lighting match with DF model. It all comes down to how well matched your SRC and DST is and how well your SRC set is made which even if you know all the basics can still take a lot of trial and error.

Each model can be altered using flags that enable variants of the model architectures, they can also be combined in the order as presented below (all of them affect performance and VRAM usage):

-U: this variant aims to improve similarity/likeness to the source faces and is in general recommended to be used always.
-D: this variant aims to improve quality by roughly doubling possible resolution with no extra compute cost, however it requires longer training, model must be pretrained first for optimal results and resolution must be changed by the value of 32 as opposed to 16 in other variants. In general it too should be always used because of how much higher reslution model this architecture allows but if you have access to extremely high vram setup it might be worth to experiment with training models without it as that might yield in higher quality results, as is for most users with average joe setups it is recommneded to always use it.
-T: this variant changes the model architecture in a different way than -U but with the same aim - to create even more SRC like results however it can affect how sharp faces are as it tends to cause slight loss of detail compared to just using -D/-UD variants.
-C: experimental variant, switches the activation function between ReLu and Leaky ReLu (use at your own risk).

To combine architecture variants after DF/LIAEwrite a "-" symbol and then letters in the same order as presented above, examples: DF-UDTC, LIAE-DT, LIAE-UDT, DF-UD, DF-UT, etc

The next 4 options control models neural network dimensions which affect models ability to learn, modifying these can have big impact on performance and quality:

Auto Encoder Dims ( 32-2048 ?:help ) :
Auto encoder dims setting, affects overall ability of the model to learn faces.
Inter Dims ( 32-2048 ?:help ) : Inter dims setting, affects overall ability of the model to learn faces, should be equal or higher than Auto Encoder dims, AMP ONLY.
Encoder Dims ( 16-256 ?:help ) : Encoder dims setting, affects ability of the encoder to learn faces.
Decoder Dims ( 16-256 ?:help ) : Decoder dims setting, affects ability of the decoder to recreate faces.
Decoder Mask Dims ( 16-256 ?:help ) : Mask decoder dims setting, affects quality of the learned masks. May or may not affect some other aspects of training.

The changes in performance when changing each setting can have varying effects on performance and it's not easy to measure effect of each one on performance and quality without extensive testing.

Each one is set at certain default value that should offer optimal results and good compromise between training speed and quality.

Also when changing one parameter the other ones should be changed as well to keep the relations between them similar, that means raising AE dims, E and D dims should be also raised and D Mask dims can be raised but it's optional and can be left at default or lowered to 16 to save some VRAM at the cost of lower quality of learned masks (not the same as XSeg masks, these are masks model learns during training and they help the model to train the face area efficiently, if you have XSeg applied those learned masks are based of shape of your XSeg masks, otherwise the default FF landmarks derived masks are learned upon). It's always best to raise them all when you're training higher model resolutions because it makes the model capable of learning more about the face which at higher resolution means potentially more expressive and realistic face with more detail captured from your source dataset and better reproduction of DST expressions and lighting.

Morph factor ( 0.1 .. 0.5 ?:help ) : Affects how much the model will morph your predicted faces to look and express more like your SRC, typical and recommended value is 0.5. (I need to test this personally, didn't use AMP yet so don't know if higher or lower value is better).

Masked training ( y/n ?:help ) : Prioritizes training of what's masked (default mask or applied xseg mask), available only for WF and HEAD face types, disabling it trains the whole sample area (including background) at the same priority as the face itself. Default value is y (enabled).

Eyes and mouth priority ( y/n ?:help ) : Attempts to fix problems with eyes and mouth (including teeth) by training them at higher priority, can improve their sharpness/level of detail too.

Uniform_yaw ( y/n ?:help ) : Helps with training of profile faces, forces model to train evenly on all faces depending on their yaw and prioritizes profile faces, may cause frontal faces to train slower, enabled by default during pretraining, can be used while RW is enabled to improve generalization of profile/side faces or when RW is disabled to improve quality and sharpness/detail of those faces. Useful when your source dataset doesn't have many profile shots. Can help lower loss values. Default value is n (disabled).

Blur our mask ( y/n ?:help ) : Blurs area outside of the masked area to make it more smoother. With masked training enabled, background is trained with lower priority than face area so it's more prone to artifacts and noise, you can combine blur out mask with background style power to get background that is both closer to background of DST faces and also smoother due to the additional blurring this option provides. The same XSeg model must be used to apply masks to both SRC and DST dataset.

Place models and optimizer on GPU ( y/n ?:help ) : Enabling GPU optimizer puts all the load on your GPU which greatly improves performance (iteration time) but will lead to higher VRAM usage, disabling this feature will off load some work of the optimizer to CPU which decreases load on GPU and VRAM usage thus letting you achieve higher batch size or run more demanding models at the cost of longer iteration times. If you get OOM (out of memory) error and you don't want to lower your batch size or disable some feature you should disable this feature and thus some work will be offloaded to your CPU and you will be able to run your model without OOM errors at the cost of lower speed. Default value is y (enabled).

Use AdaBelief optimizer? ( y/n ?:help ) : AdaBelief (AB) is a new model optimizer which increases model accuracy and quality of trained faces, when this option is enabled it replaces the default RMSProp optimizer. However those improvements come at a cost of higher VRAM usage. When using AdaBelief LRD is optional but still recommended and should be enabled (LRD) before running GAN training. Default value is Y.

Personal note: Some people say you can disable Adabelief on existing model and it will retrain fine, I don't agree with this completely and think the model never recoveres perfectly and forgets too much when you turn it on or off so I suggest to just stick with it being either enabled or disabled. Same for LRD, some people say it's optional, some that it's still necessary, some say it's not necessary, I still use it with AB, some people may not use it, draw conclusions yourself from the DFL's built in description.

Use learning rate dropout ( y/n/cpu ?:help ) : LRD is used to accelerate training of faces and reduces sub-pixel shake (reduces face shaking and to some degree can reduce lighting flicker as well).
It's primarly used in 3 cases:
- before disabling RW, when loss values aren't improving by a lot anymore, this can help model to generalize faces a bit more
- after RW has been disabled and you've trained the model well enough enabling it near the end of training will result in more detailed, stable faces that are less prone to flicker
This option affects VRAM usage so if you run into OOM errors you can run it on CPU at the cost of 20% slower iteration times or just lower your batch size.
For more detailed explanation of LRD and order of enabling main features during training please refer to FAQ Question 8

Enable random warp of samples ( y/n ?:help ) : Random warp is used to generalize a model so that it correctly learns face features and expressions in the initial training stage but as long as it's enabled the model may have trouble learning the fine detail - because of it it's recommended to keep this feature enabled as long as your faces are still improving (by looking at decreasing loss values and faces in the preview window improving) and once all look correct (and loss isn't decreasing anymore) you should disable it to start learning details, from then you don't re-enable it unless you ruin the results by applying to high values for certain settings (style power, true face, etc) or when you want to reuse that model for training of new target video with the same source or when reusing with combination of both new SRC and DST, you always start training with RW enabled. Default value is y (enabled).

Enable HSV power ( 0.0 .. 0.3 ?:help ) : Applies random hue, saturation and brightness changes to only your SRC dataset during training to improve color stability (reduce flicker) and may also affect color matching of the final result, this option has an effect of slightly averaging out colors of your SRC set as the HSV shift of SRC samples is based only on color information from SRC samples and it can be combined with color transfer (CT), power (quality) of which this option reduces or used without it if you happen to get better results without CT but need to just make the colors of the resulting face sligtly more stable and consistent, requires your SRC dataset to have lots of variety in terms of lighting conditions (direction, strenght and color tone), recommended value is 0.05.

GAN power ( 0.0 .. 10.0 ?:help ) : GAN stands for Generative Adversarial Network and in case of DFL 2.0 it is implemented as an additional way of training to get more detailed/sharp faces. This option is adjustable on a scale from 0.0 to 10.0 and it should only be enabled once the model is more or less fully trained (after you've disabled random warp of samples and enabled LRD). It's recommended to use low values like 0.01. Make sure to backup your model before you start training (in case you don't like results, get artifcats or your model collapses). Once enabled two more settings will be presented to adjust internal parameters of GAN:

[1/8th of RES] GAN patch size ( 3-640 ?:help ) : Improves quality of GAN training at the cost of higher VRAM usage, default value is 1/8th of your resolution.

[16] GAN dimensions ( 4-64 ?:help ) : The dimensions of the GAN network. The higher the dimensions, the more VRAM is required but it can also improve quality, you can get sharp edges even at the lowest setting and because of thise default value of 16 is recommended but you can reduce it to 12-14 to save some performance if you need to.

Before/after example of a face trained with GAN at value of 0.1 for 40k iterations:


'True face' power. ( 0.0000 .. 1.0 ?:help ) : True face training with a variable power settings let's you set the model discriminator to higher or lower value, what this does is it tries to make the final face look more like src, as a side effect it can make faces appear sharper but can also alter lighting and color matching and in extreme cases even make faces appear to change angle as the model will try to generate face that looks closer to the training sample, as with GAN this feature should only be enabled once random warp is disabled and model is fairly well trained. Consider making a backup before enabling this feature. Never use high values, typical value is 0.01 but you can use even lower ones like 0.001. It has a small performance impact. Default value is 0.0 (disabled).

Face style power ( 0.0..100.0 ?:help ) and Background style power ( 0.0..100.0 ?:help ) : This setting controls style transfer of either face (FSP) or background (BSP) part of the image, it is used to transfer the color information from your target/destination faces (data_dst) over to the final predicted faces, thus improving the lighting and color match but high values can cause the predicted face to look less like your source face and more like your target face. Start with small values like 0.001-0.1 and increase or decrease them depending on your needs. This feature has impact on memory usage and can cause OOM error, forcing you to lower your batch size in order to use it. For Background Style Power (BSP) higher values can be used as we don't care much about preserving SRC backgrounds, recommended value by DFL for BSP is 2.0 but you can also experiment with different values for the background. Consider making a backup before enabling this feature as it can also lead to artifacts and model collapse.
Default value is 0.0 (disabled).

Color transfer for src faceset ( none/rct/lct/mkl/idt/sot ?:help ) : this features is used to match the colors of your data_src to the data_dst so that the final result has similar skin color/tone to the data_dst and the final result after training doesn't change colors when face moves around, commonly reffered to as flickering/flicker/color shift/color change (which may happen if various face angles were taken from various sources that contained different light conditions or were color graded differently). There are several options to choose from:

- none: because sometimes less is better and in some cases you might get better results without any color transfer during training.
- rct (reinhard color transfer): based on:
- lct (linear color transfer): Matches the color distribution of the target image to that of the source image using a linear transform.
- mkl (Monge-Kantorovitch linear): based on:
- idt (Iterative Distribution Transfer): based on:
- sot (sliced optimal transfer): based on:

Most color transfers have little to no affect on performance or VRAM usage with exception of SOT which has performance effect during training and can severly slow down the merging process if used during merging, other color transfers like IDT may also have a performance impact during merging.

Using color transfers is not always required but quite often helps and in some cases is absolutely mandatory, you should remember also that enabling them acts as an augmentation of the set, effectively creating new conditions for all of the SRC samples, thus increasing the complexity of the training data which can result in higher loss when enabled and naturally will mean the model will have to be trained longer to achieve the same state compared to training without color transfer where faces never change colors that much. This option can be combined with Random HSV Power which provides additional augmentation of the SRC set based of colors of just SRC set alone (unlike CT which augments SRC based of DST), effectively slightly averaging it's colors, providing additional color conditions CT methods may not achieve and it also reduces the effect of CT slightly (referred to as CT quality reduction by iperov in official notes).

Enable gradient clipping ( y/n ?:help ) : This feature is implemented to prevent so called model collapse/corruption which may occur when using various features of DFL 2.0. It has small performance impact so if you really don't want to use it you must enable auto backups as a collapsed model cannot recover and must be scraped and training must be started all over. Default value is n (disabled) but since the performance impact is so low and it can save you a lot of time by preventing model collapse if you leave it enabled. Model collapse is most likely to happen when using Style Powers so if you're using them it's highly advised to enable gradient clipping or backups (you can also do them manually).

Enable pretraining mode ( y/n ?:help ) : Enables pretraining process that uses a dataset of random people to initially pretrain your model, after training it to around 400k-500k iterations such model can be then used when starting training with actual data_src and data_dst you want to train, it saves time because the model will already know how faces should look like and thus make it so it takes less time for faces to appear clearly when training (make sure to disable pretrain when you train on your actual data_src and data_dst). Models using -D architecture variants must be pretrained and it's also highly recommended to pretrain all models.
User shared SAEHD models can be found in this thread: //

1. What are pretrained models?

Pretrained models are made by training them with random faces of various people. Using a model prepared in such a way significantly speeds up the initial training stage because model already knows how face should look so you don't have to wait as much for faces to start showing up and they'll become sharp faster compared to training on a fresh and non-pretrained model.
You can now also share your custom pretraining sets (SFW/NSFW) for various face_types (full face, whole face and head).

2. How to use pretrained models?

Simply download it and place all the files directly into your model folder, start training, after selecting model for training (if you have more than one in your model folder) and device to train with (GPU/CPU) press any key within 2 seconds (you'll see a prompt that says this exact thing) to override model settings and make sure the pretrain option is set to disabled (N) so that you start training and not continue pretraining.
If you leave pretrain option enabled (Y) the model will continue to pretrain using built-in pretrain dataset that comes with DFL (in this thread you will find models trained with both the old full face pretrain dataset set as well as with the new whole face FFHQ dataset).
Note that the model will revert iteration count to 0 when you disable pretrain and start regular training, that's normal behavior for pretrained models. However if the model is described as "regular training" this means it was not pretrained but instead trained to certain amount of iterations where both SRC and DST dataset contained random faces of people, in this case model will carry on training and iteration count won't start at 0 but at the value it was when training was ended by the user who is sharing the model.

3. How to create your own pretrained model?

1. The official and recommended way to create one is to use pretrain option which will use DFL's built-in random celebrity faces dataset and train your model like this for at least 500k iterations (recommended to train to 500-1kk).

After model is sufficiently trained (most faces in the preview should look sharp by then, with well defined teeth, eyes but not necessarily with a lot of very fine detail).

1.1 You can also change the default pretrain dataset to your own which you can make by placing random faces of people you're most likely to fake (it can be all male, female, mix of male and female, celebrities only, random people) and then packing it using util faceset pack.bat and then replacing the original file in \_internal\pretrain_CelebA with this new dataset.

2. Alternative way to pretrain a model is to prepare data_src and data_dst datasets with faces of random people, from various angles and with different expressions and train models as if you would normally (pretrain disabled). For source dataset you can use faces of celebs you are most likely to swap in the future and for DST you can use any faces from types of videos you're most likely to use as your target videos.

It should be noted however that preparing your model by simply training it on random faces can introduce some morphing and make result faces look slightly less like the source for a while. However after few retrains using the same source the src likeness of the predicted faces should improve. This method can be faster to adapt to new faces compared to training on pretrained model (because we are simply reusing a model, but instead of reusing one that was trained on specific src dataset we reuse a model that contains random faces, as mentioned above you can include faces of people you're most likely to fake as a part of your src and dst datasets).

NOTE: If you're pretraining a HEAD model consider using your custom pretrain set as the included FFHQ dataset is of Whole Face type (WF). It's is strongly recommended to pretrain HEAD and any kind of AMP models, FF and WF SAEHD models are optional but it still helps to pretrain them to at least 300-500k and then use that as a base for you future project or do extra 500-600k of random training on top of your pretrain with SAEHD models.

10.1 Common Training Workflows

This is a very simple, dumbed down workflow, use at your own risk, I recommend properly learning about each option and practising their use to come up with your own workflows, using this will most likely result in sub optimal quality but overall should give you something that doesn't look completely trash, still most people will probably train in a way similar to this as there is a proper order of doing some things in DFL, it's just that there are often cases where you need to change things a bit, you also won't always need to us all the available options to achieve good results, understanding how the sofware works and what each option does will always be helpful and allow you to adjust the workflow to your needs to so please, read the whole thing (the entire guide, not this simplified workflow).
Please don't ask me about why something is like this in this workflow, if you need help, read explanations of the various options use of which I mention in this simplified workflow.

Step 1 - Pretrain your own model or download a pretrained/trained model and place it in your "model" folder.

Step 2 - Start training with just random warp enabled (RW) and everything else disabled to generalize the model on your datasets, if you are working with very llmited SRC dataset you can enable random flip of SRC faces, use RCT, LCT or SOT color transfers (RCT is usually good enough, LCT only good in very specific cases, SOT is best but heavy and slow, there are also MKL and IDT modes, feel free to try out all and use one that works best in given scenario), keep training until all faces are correctly trained, look like SRC and there aren't any faces that are lookign incorrect, if you spot bad face examine DST landmarks of the face and check if you have SRC sample for that angle, with this or simillar expression and under similar lighting conditions, if not then improve your SRC dataset and fix DST misalignements. Your loss should also be no longer progressing as fast (dfl saves and updates current loss every 25 minutes, if after 2-4 hours loss hasn't gone down much, move to the next step).

Step 3 - Once you fixed your datasets continue training, it might take some time for all the bad predictions to improve since the model needs to learn new faces, once everything looks good and your loss hasn't change much in last 2-4 hours you can optionally enable EMP for few hours to improve generalitzation of mouth and eyes (EMP prioritizes those areas when it's enabled, when it's on loss will climb up and go down over time but will not reach pre-EMP loss values until you disable it.), then disable EMP and enable UY, uniform yaw will improve various difficult angles, profile (side) faces, etc, once loss stagnates again you can disable UY or keep it enabled and enable LRD and train until loss stagnates again, makes sure to check previews too, don't rely just on loss values and keep in mind that dependign on sizes and qualityof both sets you may notice different loss values, you will rarely hit the same values on various projects, sometimes at the end of RW stage you might be at 0.4, other times at 0.3 loss of either SRC, DST or both (usually DST is single source, more consistent and smaller so in those cases SRC loss willl be higher and it might be still going down while DST loss is already not improving much, if SRC is still improving keep training).

Step 4 - disable RW, UY (if you kept it enabled when you ran LRD) and LRD, keep training, now the model will learn finer detail, faces will start looking more detailed, especially areas of fine detail like teeth, eyebrows, eyes, etc. Once loss stagnates again you can repeat steps from step 3, EMP for few hours, then disable EMP and enable UY (or keep EMP enabled while UY is running), then disable UY and EMP or keep UY enabled (but disable EMP) and run LRD until loss is no longer improving for both SRC and DST.

Step 5 - once loss is no longer improving much you can also enable optional options like true face (TF, only DF type archi of SAEHD model) if you feel like your face doens't look SRC like enough (low value 0.00001-0.001) to make the model produce faces that look more like your SRC samples (too high values will result in bad color and lighting match, in extreme cases complete lack of any sort of matching to the DST or even faces appearing to have wrong pitch/yaw compared to DST face) and face style power (also low value 0.0001-0.1) to transfer some style and color of DST to your predicted face which may improve color matching and lighting but may also make face look less SRC like. If you suspect some parts of DST may stick out from underneath your predicted (final face) during merging (long nose on profile shots, puckered lips, eyelashes) you can also enable background style power to make the background more like DST background and blur out mask to make it more blurry and smooth so that you can expand the mask during merging and esentially cover those parts of DST with the trained face background. You can additionally disable masked training after step 6, that will train entire training area, improving quality of the background but you can also try to run it before before GAN - keep in mind all of these are optional, if you are beginnger skip this step, pretend it doesn't exist.

Step 6 - Enable GAN at a value of 0.1, use default patch size and gan dims, let GAN run for at least 50-80k iterations if it's first time this model is being traiend with GAN, at first you'll see nothing, at 10-15k you'll start to notice some noise, patterns, lines appear on faces, keep training untill they disappear and you start seeing noise in the eyebrows and eyelashes area, skin texture will start to be refined. Over time noise should disappear but keep in mind that GAN requires reallly good SRC sets, you may find results looking bad with lots of noise and repeating patterns or too strong if your SRC set isn't ideal so you may want to lower the power if results aren't optimal.
10.2 AMP Training Workflow:


10.3 RTM Training Workflow:

With introduction of DeepFaceLive (DFLive) a new training workflow has been established, contrary to what some users think this isn't a new training method and does not differ significantly from regular training and this training method has been employed by some people in one way or another, you may have yourself create one by accident without even realizing it.

RTM models (ReadyToMerge)
are created by training an SRC set of the person we want to swap against large and varied DST set containing random faces of many people which covers all possible angles, expressions and lighting conditions. The SRC set must also have large variety of faces. The goal of RTM model training is to create a model that can apply our SRC face to any video, primarly for use with DeepFaceLive but also to speed up training process within DeepFaceLab 2.0 by creating a base model that can very quickly adapt to new target videos in less time compared to training a model from scratch.

The recommended type of models for use with RTM workklow are SAEHD LIAE models, LIAE-UD or LIAE-UDT thanks to their superior color and lighting matching capabilities as well as being able to adapt better to different face shapes than DF architecture.
AMP models can also be used to create RTM models, although they work a bit differently and as I lack know-how to explain AMP workflow yet I will only focus on LIAE RTM model training in this part of the guide.

1. Start by preparing SRC set: make sure you cover all possible angles, each with as many different lighting conditions and expressions, the better the coverage of different possible faces, the better results will be.

2. Prepare a DST set by collecting many random faces: this dataset must also have as much variety as possible, this dataset can be truly random, consisting of both masculine and femine faces of all sorts of skin colors or it can be specific to for example black masucline faces or feminine asian faces if that's the type of target face you plan on primarly use the model with, the more variety and more faces in the set the longer it will take to train a model.
ALTERNATIVELY - USE RTM WF dataset from iperov:
If the link is dead go to and find torrent/magnet link to DFL builds as they contain the RTM WF dataset along them.

3. Apply XSeg masks to both datasets: this will ensure model correctly trains and as with any other training is require in order to create WF model and while it's optional for FF models it's still recommended to apply XSeg mask of the correct type to both datasets, make sure you use the same XSeg model for both datasets.

4. Pretrain a new model or use one that you already pretrained: pretrain for at least 600k-1kk iterations.

5. Start training on your SRC and random DST. If you are using an existing RTM model that you or someone else trained as your base model instead of pretrained model delete inter_ab file from the "model" folder before proceeding to train it:


Pretrain or download a WF LIAE-UDT SAEHD model (due to better SRC likenes -UDT variant can achieve, if you can't run LIAE-UDT model, pretrain or use an existing pretrained LIAE-UD model).

Resolution: 224 or higher. Face Type: WF.
Dims: AE: 512, E: 64, D: 64, D Masks: 32
Settings: EMP Enabled, Blur Out Mask Enabled, UY Enabled, LRD Enabled, BS:8 (if you can't run your model with high enough BS follow standard procedures to reduce model parameters: archi, dims, optimizer, optimizer/lrd on cpu).
Others options should be left at default values. Optionally use HSV at power 0.1 and CT mode that works best for you, usually RCT.

Make a backup before every stage or enable auto backups.

1. Train +2.000.000 iters with RW enabled and delete inter_AB.npy every 500k iters (save and stop model training, delete the file and resume training)
2. After deleting inter_AB 4th time train extra +500k with RW enabled.
3. If swapped face looks more like DST, delete inter_AB and repeat step 2.
4. Disable RW and train for additional +500k iters.
5. Enable GAN at power 0.1 with GAN_Dims:32 and Patch Size being 1/8th of your model resolution for +800.000k iters.


Follow the same steps as in the new workflow except do not train with EMP and LRD enabled all the time, instead near the end of step 2/3 run the model a bit with RW Enabled and LRD enabled until loss stops decreasing, then move on to step 4 by disabling both RW and LRD, after 400-500k run EMP for about 100-200k and then disable EMP and enable LRD for yet another 100-200k. UY can be left enabled all the time or disabled and enabled halfway through steps 2/3 and later halfway through step 4.


1. Do 500k-1kk iterations with Random Warp: Y, Uniform Yaw: Y, LRD: N, Blur Out Mask: Y, Color Transfer: LCT, other settings leave at default values.
2. Next do 500k iterations with LRD: Y, keep other settings as they are in step 1.
3. After that do 500k iterations with Uniform Yaw: N
4. Now do 500-800k iterations with Random Warp: N ,Uniform Yaw: N ,LRD: Y *
5. And lastly do 200-300k iterations with Random Warp: N ,Uniform Yaw: N ,LRD: Y and GAN: 0.1, GAN PATCH SIZE: (1/8th of model resolution), GAN DIMS: 32

following workflow was provided by iperov in the first post of RTM model sharing thread, some crucial information regarding state of LRD in step 4 is missing, I assume it should be disabled and enabled after some time between step 4 and 5, as I'm not sure of the exact workflow here, until iperov replies I recommend you disable LRD during step 4 and after enough training when models training progress slows down enable LRD, keep training and then move on to step 5 where you enable GAN. If you don't truste me in this (I didn't test this workflow) do as the workflow says and don't disable LRD after enabling it in step 2.

10.4 Using RTM models:

Once you've finished training your models you can either use them in DFL or export as DFM model for use in DFLive.

To export a model for use in DFLive use 6) export SAEHD as dfm or 6) export AMP as dfm, you'll have the choice of quantizing the model which can make it run faster but some models, particularly large ones with high resolution and high network dimensions (dims) values may not work well if you export them with this option enabled so make sure you test it in DFLive, the process doesn't delete original models, only creates additional DFM file in your "model" folder. If your model doesn't work well export it again with quantize option disabled.

If you want to use your RTM model in DFL you can either start extracting new scenes and merge them with this model without any additional training or do some extra training.

Extra training and reuse of LIAE RTM models, deleting inter_ab and inter_b files explained:

What are inter_ab and _b files? These are parts of SAEHD models that use LIAE architecture (regardless of additional -U, -D, -T and -C variations), unlike DF architecture which has one commong inter file for both SRC and DST, LIAE features two inter files, inter_ab which contains latent code (representation) of both SRC and DST faces and additional inter_b that contains latent code of DST faces.

1. Delete inter_b file from your model folder when you want to reuse RTM model as a regular LIAE model on new DST and train the model all over starting with RW enabled (train as a regular model).

2. Delete inter_ab file when you want to create a new RTM model for different celebrity, replace SRC with new one, add random DST set and proceed with the same workflow as when creating new RTM model.

3. Don't delete either inter_ab or inter_b when you want to perform additional training on target DST using your trained RTM model.

In that case simply replace random DST with specific taget DST, start training with RW disabled:

If you want to train using old iperov workflow start at step 4 of the OLD WORKFLOW.
If you want to train using old TMBDF workflow start at step 4 of the OLD WORKFLOW but don't enable LRD, just RW disabled, turn LRD later when it's time for it.
If you want t do train using new iperov workflow start at step 4 of the NEW WORKFLOW.
And if you want t do train using experimental TMBDF workflow start at step 4 of the NEW WORKFLOW but read up on the changes I suggest in the experimental bit.

That's about it when it comes to RTM training, if I made any mistakes please let me know and I'll try to fix them as soon as possible.

If you want to know more about RTM models, share yours, talk about the process or download models made by other users check this thread:

11. Merging:

After you're done training your model it's time to merge learned face over original frames to form final video.

For that we have 3 converters corresponding to 3 available models:

7) merge SAEHD
7) merge AMP
7) merge Quick96

Upon selecting any of those a command line window will appear with several prompts.
1st one will ask you if you want to use an interactive converter, default value is y (enabled) and it's recommended to use it over the regular one because it has all the features and also an interactive preview where you see the effects of all changes you make when changing various options and enabling/disabling various features
Use interactive merger? ( y/n ) :

2nd one will ask you which model you want to use:
Choose one of saved models, or enter a name to create a new model.
[r] : rename
[d] : delete
[0] : df192 - latest

3rd one will ask you which GPU/GPUs or CPU you want to use for the merging (conversion) process:
Choose one or several GPU idxs (separated by comma).
[0] : Your GPU
[0] Which GPU indexes to choose? :

Pressing enter will use default value (0).

After that's done you will see a command line window with current settings as well as preview window which shows all the controls needed to operate the interactive converter/merger:


Here is the list of all merger/converter features explained:

Please check the help screen by pressing tab to see which keys correspond to which option in case they change or you are using different layout keyboard, they may also change over time.

Also not that merging AMP may not feature all of the options SAEHD merging has, however once you understand SAEHD merging then AMP is very similar, most options have the same name and work in similar way. I will not be expanding the guide with AMP specific merging info since it's all pretty much the same with few missing or added, the help screen (tab) exists for a reason.

1. Main overlay modes:

- original: displays original frame without swapped face
- overlay: simple overlays learned face over the frame - this is the recommended overlay mode to use as it's most stable and preserves most of the original trained look to faces.
- hist-match: overlays the learned face and tires to match it based on histogram, it has 2 modes: normal and masked that can be switched with Z - normal is recommended.
- seamless: uses opencv poisson seamless clone function to blend new learned face over the head in the original frame
- seamless hist match: combines both hist-match and seamless.
- raw-rgb: overlays raw learned face without any masking

NOTE: Seamless modes can cause flickering as poisson seamless clone has been designed for photos, not for videos, it has no temporal coherency functionality built in to ensure stable and flicker free operation.

2. Hist match threshold:
controls strength of the histogram matching in hist-match and seamless hist-match overlay mode.
Q - increases value
A - decreases value

3. Erode mask: controls the size of a mask.
W - increases mask erosion (smaller mask)
S - decreases mask erosion (bigger mask)

4. Blur mask: blurs/feathers the edge of the mask for smoother transition
E - increases blur
D - decreases blur

5. Motion blur: after entering initial parameters (converter mode, model, GPU/CPU) merger loads all frames and data_dst aligned data, while it's doing it, it calculates motion vectors that are being used to create effect of motion blur which this setting controls, it let's you add it in places where face moves around but high values may blur the face even with small movement. The option only works if one set of faces is present in the "data_dst/aligned" folder - if during cleanup you had some faces with _1 prefixes (even if only faces of one person are present) the effect won't work, same goes if there is a mirror that reflects target persons face, in such case you cannot use motion blur and the only way to add it is to train each set of faces separately.
R - increases motion blur
F - decreases motion blur

6. Super resolution: uses similar algorithm as data_src dataset/faceset enhancer, it can add some more definitions to areas such as teeth, eyes and enhance detail/texture of the learned face.
T - increases the enhancement effect
G - decreases the enhancement effect

7. Blur/sharpen: blurs or sharpens the learned face using box or gaussian method.
Y - sharpens the face
H - blurs the face
N - box/gaussian mode switch

8. Face scale: scales learned face to be larger or smaller.
U - scales learned face down
J - scales learned face up

9. Mask modes: there are 6 masking modes:
dst: uses masks derived from the shape of the landmarks generated during data_dst faceset/dataset extraction.
learned-prd: uses masks learned during training. Keep shape of SRC faces.
learned-dst: uses masks learned during training. Keep shape of DST faces.
learned-prd*dst: combines both masks, smaller size of both.
learned-prd+dst: combines both masks, bigger size of both.
XSeg-prd: uses XSeg model to mask using data from source faces.

XSeg-dst: uses XSeg model to mask using data from destination faces - this mode is one you'll most likely use as it will mask the face according to shape of DST and exclude all obstructions (assuming you did label your DST faces correctly).

XSeg-prd*dst: combines both masks, smaller size of both.
learned-prd*dst*XSeg-dst*prd: combines all 4 mask modes, smaller size of all.

10. Color transfer modes: similar to color transfer during training, you can use this feature to better match skin color of the learned face to the original frame for more seamless and realistic face swap. There are 8 different modes:

RCT - Most often used and recommend, fairly versatile and gives good results in most cases.
LCT- Not as usauble as RCT, it's effect is much stronger.
MKL-M - Good alternative for RCT.
SOT-M - Extremely slow.

11. Image degrade modes:
there are 3 settings that you can use to affect the look of the original frame (without affecting the swapped face):
Denoise - denoises image making it slightly blurry (I - increases effect, K - decrease effect)
Bicubic - blurs the image using bicubic method (O - increases effect, L - decrease effect)
Color - decreases color bit depth (P - increases effect, ; - decrease effect)

AMP Specific options:

Morph Factor: higher value will result in pure predicted results, lowering it will smoothly morph between it and your DST face and at the very end it simply shows DST face.

Additional controls:
TAB button
- switches between main preview window and help screen.
For complete list of keys (and what they control, such as moving forward/backward, starting merging) check the help screen.
Bear in mind these will only work in the main preview window, pressing any button while on the help screen won't do anything.

12. Conversion of frames back into video:

After you merged/convert all the faces and you will have a folder named "merged" inside your "data_dst" folder containing all frames as well as "merged_masked" which contains mask frames.
Last step is to convert them back into video and combine with original audio track from data_dst.mp4 file.

To do so you will use one of 4 provided .bat files that will use FFMPEG to combine all the frames into a video in one of the following formats - avi, mp4, loseless mp4 or loseless mov:

- 8) merged to avi
- 8) merged to mov lossless
- 8) merged to mp4 lossless
- 8) merged to mp4

Alternatively if you want to have more control, further refine masks in some portions of the video, adjust colors of the face or do something else you can manually composite your video by taking audio from data_dst, your original frames, merged frames and mask frames, importing it into a video editing software you know and manually create the final video, this lets you do the things I already mentioned, adjust masks by further blurring or sharpening them (commonly reffered to as mask feathering), slightly enlarge or decrease size of the mask (thus revealing more or less of the DST face underneath it, apply additional color correction and color matching to your face (by using the mask to just display face portion of your merged frame), add sharpening, film grain/noise, etc.

Look up video compositing guides on youtube as it's too complex of a topic to cover it in this guide. Alternatively check out video compositing/editing thread on our forum, link to which you can find in the beginning of the guide (useful links) or by simply visiting this link: // There is not much there at the moment but what is there covers some basics to help you start out.

And that's it!

If you have more questions that weren't covered in this thread check other guides and threads related to DFL 2.0 and deepfake creation in general:

Current issues/bugs:

Github page for issues reports:
If you can't find the exact issue in existing forum threads, it wasn't mentioned on github and you believe no one else discovered it yet create a new thread here:

If your issue is common your thread will be deleted without a notice. Use search feature, if you search for errors by copying them directly from command line window remember to only copy key errors parts as directories names will differ between various users. When reporting issues make sure to include your full PC specs (CPU, GPU, RAM amount, OS) as well as your DFL version and model settings, describe what leads to the issues you're experiencing.
Last edited:


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============ CHANGELOG ============
== 20.10.2021 ==
SAEHD, AMP: random scale increased to -0.15+0.15. Improved lr_dropout capability to reach lower value of the loss.
SAEHD: changed algorithm for bg_style_power. Now can better stitch a face losing src-likeness.
added option Random hue/saturation/light intensity applied to the src face set only at the input of the neural network. Stabilizes color perturbations during face swapping. Reduces the quality of the color transfer by selecting the closest one in the src faceset. Thus the src faceset must be diverse enough. Typical fine value is 0.05.
Liae arhi: when random_warp is off, inter_AB network is no longer trained to keep the face more src-like.
== 09.10.2021 ==
SAEHD: added -t arhi option. Makes the face more src-like.
removed the implicit function of periodically retraining last 16 “high-loss” samples
fixed export to .dfm format to work correctly in DirectX12 DeepFaceLive build.
In the sample generator, the random scaling was increased from -0.05+0.05 to -0.125+0.125, which improves the generalization of faces.
== 06.09.2021 ==
Fixed error in model saving.
AMP, SAEHD: added option ‘blur out mask’
Blurs nearby area outside of applied face mask of training samples.
The result is the background near the face is smoothed and less noticeable on swapped face.
The exact xseg mask in src and dst faceset is required.
AMP, SAEHD: Sample processors count are no more limited to 8, thus if you have AMD processor with 16+ cores, increase paging file size.
DirectX12 build: update tensorflow-directml to 1.15.5 version.
== 12.08.2021 ==
XSeg model: improved pretrain option
Generic XSeg: added more faces (the faceset is not publicly available) and retrained with pretrain option. The quality is now higher.
Updated RTM WF Dataset with the new Generic XSeg mask applied, also added 490 faces with closed eyes.
== 30.07.2021 ==
Export AMP/SAEHD: added "Export quantized" option. (was enabled before)
Makes the exported model faster. If you have problems, disable this option.
AMP model:
changed help of ct mode:
       Change color distribution of src samples close to dst samples. If src faceset is deverse enough, then lct mode is fine in most cases.
Default inter dims now 1024
return lr_dropout option
last high loss samples behaviour - same as SAEHD
XSeg model: added pretrain option.
Generic XSeg: retrained with pretrain option. The quality is now higher.
Updated RTM WF Dataset with the new Generic XSeg mask applied.
== 17.07.2021 ==
SAE/AMP: GAN model is reverted to December version, which is better, tested on high-res fakes.
AMP:   default morph factor is now 0.5
       Removed eyes_mouth_prio option, enabled permanently.
       Removed masked training, enabled permanently.
Added script
6) train AMP SRC-SRC.bat
Stable approach to train AMP:
1)  Get fairly diverse src faceset
2)  Set morph factor to 0.5
3)  train AMP SRC-SRC for 500k+ iters (more is better)
4)  delete inter_dst from model files
5)  train as usual

== 01.07.2021 ==
AMP model:   fixed preview history
added ‘Inter dimensions’ option. The model is not changed. Should be equal or more than AutoEncoder dimensions.
More dims are better, but require more VRAM. You can fine-tune model size to fit your GPU.
Removed pretrain option.
Default morph factor is now 0.1
How to train AMP:
1)  Train as usual src-dst.
2)  Delete inters model files.
3)  Train src-src. It’s mean place src aligned to data_dst
4)  Delete inters model files.
5)  Train as usual src-dst.
Added scripts
6) export AMP as dfm.bat
6) export SAEHD as dfm.bat
Export model as .dfm format to work in DeepFaceLive.
== 02.06.2021 ==
AMP model: added ‘morph_factor’ option. [0.1 .. 0.5]
The smaller the value, the more src-like facial expressions will appear. 
The larger the value, the less space there is to train a large dst faceset in the neural network. 
Typical fine value is 0.33
AMP model: added ‘pretrain’ mode as in SAEHD
Default pretrain dataset is updated with applied Generic XSeg mask
== 30.05.2021 ==
Added new experimental model ‘AMP’ (as amplifier, because dst facial expressions are amplified to src)

It has controllable ‘morph factor’, you can specify the value (0.0 .. 1.0) in the console before merging process.
If the shapes of the faces are different, you will get different jaw line

which requires a hard post process.
But you can pretrain a celeb on large dst faceset with applied Generic XSeg mask (included in torrent). Then continue train with dst of the fake.
In this case you will get more ‘sewed’ face.

And merged face looks fine:

Large dst WF faceset with applied Generic XSeg mask is now included in torrent file.
If your src faceset is diverse and large enough, then ‘lct’ color transfer mode should be used during pretraining.
XSegEditor: delete button now moves the face to _trash directory and it has been moved to the right border of the window
Faceset packer now asks whether to delete the original files
Trainer now saves every 25 min instead of 15
== 12.05.2021 ==
FacesetResizer now supports changing face type
XSegEditor: added delete button
Improved training sample augmentation for XSeg trainer.
XSeg model has been changed to work better with large amount of various faces, thus you should retrain existing xseg model.
Added Generic XSeg model pretrained on various faces. It is most suitable for src faceset because it contains clean faces, but also can be applied on dst footage without complex face obstructions.
5.XSeg Generic) data_dst whole_face mask - apply.bat
5.XSeg Generic) data_src whole_face mask - apply.bat
== 22.04.2021 ==
Added new build DeepFaceLab_DirectX12, works on all devices that support DirectX12 in Windows 10:
AMD Radeon R5/R7/R9 2xx series or newer
Intel HD Graphics 5xx or newer
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 9xx series GPU or newer
DirectX12 is 20-80% slower on NVIDIA Cards comparing to ‘NVIDIA’ build.
Improved XSeg sample generator in the training process.
== 23.03.2021 ==
SAEHD: random_flip option is replaced with
random_src_flip (default OFF)
Random horizontal flip SRC faceset. Covers more angles, but the face maylook less naturally
random_dst_flip (default ON)
Random horizontal flip DST faceset. Makes generalization of src->dst better, if src random flip is not enabled.
Added faceset resize tool via
4.2) data_src util faceset resize.bat
5.2) data_dst util faceset resize.bat
Resize faceset to match model resolution to reduce CPU load during training.
Don’t forget to keep original faceset.
== 04.01.2021 ==
SAEHD: GAN is improved. Now produces less artifacts and more cleaner preview.
All GAN options:
GAN power
Forces the neural network to learn small details of the face. 
Enable it only when the face is trained enough with lr_dropout(on) and random_warp(off), and don't disable. 
The higher the value, the higher the chances of artifacts. Typical fine value is 0.1
GAN patch size (3-640)
The higher patch size, the higher the quality, the more VRAM is required. 
You can get sharper edges even at the lowest setting. 
Typical fine value is resolution / 8.
GAN dimensions (4-64)
The dimensions of the GAN network. 
The higher dimensions, the more VRAM is required. 
You can get sharper edges even at the lowest setting. 
Typical fine value is 16.
Comparison of different settings:

== 01.01.2021 ==
Build for “2080TI and earlier” now exists again.
== 22.12.2020 ==
The load time of training data has been reduced significantly.
== 20.12.2020 ==
lr_dropout now can be used with AdaBelief
Eyes priority is replaced with Eyes and mouth priority
Helps to fix eye problems during training like "alien eyes" and wrong eyes direction. 
Also makes the detail of the teeth higher.
New default values with new model:
Archi : ‘liae-ud’
AdaBelief : enabled
== 18.12.2020 ==
Now single build for all video cards.
Upgraded to Tensorflow 2.4.0, CUDA 11.2, CuDNN 8.0.5.
You don’t need to install anything.
== 11.12.2020 ==
Upgrade to Tensorflow 2.4.0rc4
Now support RTX 3000 series.
Videocards with Compute Capability 3.0 are no longer supported.
CPUs without AVX are no longer supported.
SAEHD: added new option
Use AdaBelief optimizer?
Experimental AdaBelief optimizer. It requires more VRAM, but the accuracy of the model is higher, and lr_dropout is not needed.
== 02.08.2020 ==
SAEHD: now random_warp is disabled for pretraining mode by default
Merger: fix load time of xseg if it has no model files
== 18.07.2020 ==
SAEHD: write_preview_history now works faster
The frequency at which the preview is saved now depends on the resolution.
For example 64x64 – every 10 iters. 448x448 – every 70 iters.
Merger: added option “Number of workers?”
Specify the number of threads to process. 
A low value may affect performance. 
A high value may result in memory error. 
The value may not be greater than CPU cores.
== 17.07.2020 ==
Pretrain dataset is replaced with high quality FFHQ dataset.
Changed help for “Learning rate dropout” option:
When the face is trained enough, you can enable this option to get extra sharpness and reduce subpixel shake for less amount of iterations. 
Enabled it before “disable random warp” and before GAN. n disabled. y enabled
cpu enabled on CPU. This allows not to use extra VRAM, sacrificing 20% time of iteration.
Changed help for GAN option:
Train the network in Generative Adversarial manner. 
Forces the neural network to learn small details of the face. 
Enable it only when the face is trained enough and don't disable. 
Typical value is 0.1
improved GAN. Now it produces better skin detail, less patterned aggressive artifacts, works faster.

== 04.07.2020 ==
Fix bugs.
Renamed some 5.XSeg) scripts.
Changed help for GAN_power.
== 27.06.2020 ==
       Extraction now can be continued, but you must specify the same options again.
       added ‘Max number of faces from image’ option.
If you extract a src faceset that has frames with a large number of faces, 
it is advisable to set max faces to 3 to speed up extraction.
0 - unlimited
added ‘Image size’ option.
The higher image size, the worse face-enhancer works.
Use higher than 512 value only if the source image is sharp enough and the face does not need to be enhanced.
added ‘Jpeg quality’ option in range 1-100. The higher jpeg quality the larger the output file size
Sorter: improved sort by blur and by best faces.
== 22.06.2020 ==
changed hotkey for xseg overlay mask
“overlay xseg mask” now works in polygon mode

== 21.06.2020 ==
Resolution for –d archi is now automatically adjusted to be divisible by 32.
‘uniform_yaw’ now always enabled in pretrain mode.
Subprocessor now writes an error if it does not start.
XSegEditor: fixed incorrect count of labeled images.
XNViewMP: dark theme is enabled by default

== 19.06.2020 ==
Maximum resolution is increased to 640.
‘hd’ archi is removed. ‘hd’ was experimental archi created to remove subpixel shake, but ‘lr_dropout’ and ‘disable random warping’ do that better.
‘uhd’ is renamed to ‘-u’
dfuhd and liaeuhd will be automatically renamed to df-u and liae-u in existing models.
Added new experimental archi (key -d) which doubles the resolution using the same computation cost.
It is mean same configs will be x2 faster, or for example you can set 448 resolution and it will train as 224.
Strongly recommended not to train from scratch and use pretrained models.
New archi naming:
'df' keeps more identity-preserved face.
'liae' can fix overly different face shapes.
'-u' increased likeness of the face.
'-d' (experimental) doubling the resolution using the same computation cost
Opts can be mixed (-ud)
Examples: df, liae, df-d, df-ud, liae-ud, ...
Not the best example of 448 df-ud trained on 11GB:

Improved GAN training (GAN_power option).  It was used for dst model, but actually we don’t need it for dst.
Instead, a second src GAN model with x2 smaller patch size was added, so the overall quality for hi-res models should be higher.
Added option ‘Uniform yaw distribution of samples (y/n)’:
       Helps to fix blurry side faces due to small amount of them in the faceset.
       Now based on df-ud archi and 20% faster.
XSeg trainer:
       Improved sample generator.
Now it randomly adds the background from other samples.
Result is reduced chance of random mask noise on the area outside the face.
Now you can specify ‘batch_size’ in range 2-16.
Reduced size of samples with applied XSeg mask. Thus size of packed samples with applied xseg mask is also reduced.
== 11.06.2020 ==
Trainer: fixed "Choose image for the preview history". Now you can switch between subpreviews using 'space' key.
Fixed "Write preview history". Now it writes all subpreviews in separated folders

also the last preview saved as _last.jpg before the first file

thus you can easily check the changes with the first file in photo viewer
XSegEditor: added text label of total labeled images
Changed frame line design
Changed loading frame design

== 08.06.2020 ==
SAEHD: resolution >= 256 now has second dssim loss function
SAEHD: lr_dropout now can be ‘n’, ‘y’, ‘cpu’. ‘n’ and ’y’ are the same as before.
‘cpu’ mean enabled on CPU. This allows not to use extra VRAM, sacrificing 20% time of iteration.
fix errors
reduced chance of the error "The paging file is too small for this operation to complete."
updated XNViewMP to 0.96.2
== 04.06.2020 ==
Manual extractor: now you can specify the face rectangle manually using ‘R Mouse button’.
It is useful for small, blurry, undetectable faces, animal faces.

Landmarks cannot be placed on the face precisely, and they are actually used for positioning the red frame.
Therefore, such frames must be used only with XSeg workflow !
Try to keep the red frame the same as the adjacent frames.
added script
10.misc) make CPU only.bat
This script will convert your DeepFaceLab folder to work on CPU without any problems. An internet connection is required.
It is useful to train on Colab and merge interactively on your comp without GPU.
== 31.05.2020 ==
XSegEditor: added button "view XSeg mask overlay face"
== 06.05.2020 ==
Some fixes
SAEHD: changed UHD arhis. You have to retrain uhd models from scratch.
== 20.04.2020 ==
XSegEditor: fix bug
Merger: fix bug
== 15.04.2020 ==
XSegEditor: added view lock at the center by holding shift in drawing mode.
Merger: color transfer “sot-m”: speed optimization for 5-10%
Fix minor bug in sample loader
== 14.04.2020 ==
Merger: optimizations
        color transfer ‘sot-m’ : reduced color flickering, but consuming x5 more time to process
        added mask mode ‘learned-prd + learned-dst’ – produces largest area of both dst and predicted masks
XSegEditor : polygon is now transparent while editing
New example data_dst.mp4 video
New official mini tutorial / 
== 06.04.2020 ==
Fixes for 16+ cpu cores and large facesets.
added 5.XSeg) data_dst/data_src mask for XSeg trainer - remove.bat
       removes labeled xseg polygons from the extracted frames
== 05.04.2020 ==
Decreased amount of RAM used by Sample Generator.
Fixed bug with input dialog in Windows 10
Fixed running XSegEditor when directory path contains spaces
SAEHD: ‘Face style power’ and ‘Background style power’  are now available for whole_face
 New help messages for these options.
XSegEditor: added button ‘view trained XSeg mask’, so you can see which frames should be masked to improve mask quality.
added ‘raw-predict’ mode. Outputs raw predicted square image from the neural network.
mask-mode ‘learned’ replaced with 3 new modes:
       ‘learned-prd’ – smooth learned mask of the predicted face
       ‘learned-dst’ – smooth learned mask of DST face
       ‘learned-prd*learned-dst’ – smallest area of both (default)
Added new face type : head
Now you can replace the head.
Example: /      Post processing skill in Adobe After Effects or Davinci Resolve.
1)  Find suitable dst footage with the monotonous background behind head
2)  Use “extract head” script
3)  Gather rich src headset from only one scene (same color and haircut)
4)  Mask whole head for src and dst using XSeg editor
5)  Train XSeg
6)  Apply trained XSeg mask for src and dst headsets
7)  Train SAEHD using ‘head’ face_type as regular deepfake model with DF archi. You can use pretrained model for head. Minimum recommended resolution for head is 224.
8)  Extract multiple tracks, using Merger:
a.  Raw-rgb
b.  XSeg-prd mask
c.  XSeg-dst mask
9)  Using AAE or DavinciResolve, do:
a.  Hide source head using XSeg-prd mask: content-aware-fill, clone-stamp, background retraction, or other technique
b.  Overlay new head using XSeg-dst mask
Warning: Head faceset can be used for whole_face or less types of training only with XSeg masking.
== 30.03.2020 ==
New script:
       5.XSeg) data_dst/src mask for XSeg trainer - fetch.bat
Copies faces containing XSeg polygons to aligned_xseg\ dir.
Useful only if you want to collect labeled faces and reuse them in other fakes.
Now you can use trained XSeg mask in the SAEHD training process.
It’s mean default ‘full_face’ mask obtained from landmarks will be replaced with the mask obtained from the trained XSeg model.
5.XSeg.optional) trained mask for data_dst/data_src - apply.bat
5.XSeg.optional) trained mask for data_dst/data_src - remove.bat
Normally you don’t need it. You can use it, if you want to use ‘face_style’ and ‘bg_style’ with obstructions.
XSeg trainer : now you can choose type of face
XSeg trainer : now you can restart training in “override settings”
Merger: XSeg-* modes now can be used with all types of faces.
Therefore old MaskEditor, FANSEG models, and FAN-x modes have been removed,
because the new XSeg solution is better, simpler and more convenient, which costs only 1 hour of manual masking for regular deepfake.
== 27.03.2020 ==
XSegEditor: fix bugs, changed layout, added current filename label
SAEHD: fixed the use of pretrained liae model, now it produces less face morphing
== 25.03.2020 ==
SAEHD: added 'dfuhd' and 'liaeuhd' archi
uhd version is lighter than 'HD' but heavier than regular version.
liaeuhd provides more "src-like" result
       liae:    /      liaeuhd: / 
added new XSegEditor !
here new whole_face + XSeg workflow:
with XSeg model you can train your own mask segmentator for dst(and/or src) faces
that will be used by the merger for whole_face.
Instead of using a pretrained segmentator model (which does not exist),
you control which part of faces should be masked.
new scripts:
       5.XSeg) data_dst edit masks.bat
       5.XSeg) data_src edit masks.bat
       5.XSeg) train.bat
       unpack dst faceset if packed
       run 5.XSeg) data_dst edit masks.bat
       Read tooltips on the buttons (en/ru/zn languages are supported)
       mask the face using include or exclude polygon mode.
       repeat for 50/100 faces,
             !!! you don't need to mask every frame of dst
             only frames where the face is different significantly,
             for example:
                    closed eyes
                    changed head direction
                    changed light
             the more various faces you mask, the more quality you will get
             Start masking from the upper left area and follow the clockwise direction.
             Keep the same logic of masking for all frames, for example:
                    the same approximated jaw line of the side faces, where the jaw is not visible
                    the same hair line
             Mask the obstructions using exclude polygon mode.
       run XSeg) train.bat
             train the model
             Check the faces of 'XSeg dst faces' preview.
             if some faces have wrong or glitchy mask, then repeat steps:
                    run edit
                    find these glitchy faces and mask them
                    train further or restart training from scratch
Restart training of XSeg model is only possible by deleting all 'model\XSeg_*' files.
If you want to get the mask of the predicted face (XSeg-prd mode) in merger,
you should repeat the same steps for src faceset.
New mask modes available in merger for whole_face:
XSeg-prd       - XSeg mask of predicted face  -> faces from src faceset should be labeled
XSeg-dst       - XSeg mask of dst face               -> faces from dst faceset should be labeled
XSeg-prd*XSeg-dst - the smallest area of both
if workspace\model folder contains trained XSeg model, then merger will use it,
otherwise you will get transparent mask by using XSeg-* modes.
Some screenshots:
XSegEditor: /  : /   : / 
example of the fake using 13 segmented dst faces
          : / 
== 18.03.2020 ==
Merger: fixed face jitter
== 15.03.2020 ==
global fixes
SAEHD: removed option learn_mask, it is now enabled by default
removed liaech arhi
removed support of extracted(aligned) PNG faces. Use old builds to convert from PNG to JPG.
== 07.03.2020 ==
returned back
3.optional) denoise data_dst images.bat
       Apply it if dst video is very sharp.
       Denoise dst images before face extraction.
       This technique helps neural network not to learn the noise.
       The result is less pixel shake of the predicted face.
added new experimental archi
'liaech' - made by  Based on liae, but produces more src-like face.
lr_dropout is now disabled in pretraining mode.
added sort by "face rect size in source image"
small faces from source image will be placed at the end
added sort by "best faces faster"
same as sort by "best faces"
but faces will be sorted by source-rect-area instead of blur.
== 28.02.2020 ==
image size for all faces is now 512
fix RuntimeWarning during the extraction process
max resolution is now 512
fix hd arhitectures. Some decoder's weights haven't trained before.
new optimized training:
for every <batch_size*16> samples,
model collects <batch_size> samples with the highest error and learns them again
therefore hard samples will be trained more often
'models_opt_on_gpu' option is now available for multigpus (before only for 1 gpu)
fix 'autobackup_hour'
== 23.02.2020 ==
SAEHD: pretrain option is now available for whole_face type
fix sort by abs difference
fix sort by yaw/pitch/best for whole_face's
== 21.02.2020 ==
Trainer: decreased time of initialization
Merger: fixed some color flickering in overlay+rct mode
added option Eyes priority (y/n)
       Helps to fix eye problems during training like "alien eyes"
       and wrong eyes direction ( especially on HD architectures )
       by forcing the neural network to train eyes with higher priority.
       before/after / 
added experimental face type 'whole_face'
       Basic usage instruction: /     
       'whole_face' requires skill in Adobe After Effects.
       For using whole_face you have to extract whole_face's by using
       4) data_src extract whole_face
       5) data_dst extract whole_face
       Images will be extracted in 512 resolution, so they can be used for regular full_face's and half_face's.
       'whole_face' covers whole area of face include forehead in training square,
       but training mask is still 'full_face'
       therefore it requires manual final masking and composing in Adobe After Effects.
added option 'masked_training'
       This option is available only for 'whole_face' type.
       Default is ON.
       Masked training clips training area to full_face mask,
       thus network will train the faces properly. 
       When the face is trained enough, disable this option to train all area of the frame.
       Merge with 'raw-rgb' mode, then use Adobe After Effects to manually mask, tune color, and compose whole face include forehead.
== 03.02.2020 ==
"Enable autobackup" option is replaced by
"Autobackup every N hour" 0..24 (default 0 disabled), Autobackup model files with preview every N hour
'show alpha mask' now on 'V' button
'super resolution mode' is replaced by
'super resolution power' (0..100) which can be modified via 'T' 'G' buttons
default erode/blur values are 0.
new multiple faces detection log: / 
now uses all available CPU cores ( before max 6 )
so the more processors, the faster the process will be.
== 01.02.2020 ==
increased speed
improved quality
SAEHD: default archi is now 'df'
== 30.01.2020 ==
removed use_float16 option
fix MultiGPU training
== 29.01.2020 ==
MultiGPU training:
fixed CUDNN_STREAM errors.
speed is significantly increased.
Trainer: added key 'b' : creates a backup even if the autobackup is disabled.
== 28.01.2020 ==
optimized face sample generator, CPU load is significantly reduced
fix of update preview for history after disabling the pretrain mode
added new option
GAN power 0.0 .. 10.0
       Train the network in Generative Adversarial manner.
       Forces the neural network to learn small details of the face.
       You can enable/disable this option at any time,
       but better to enable it when the network is trained enough.
       Typical value is 1.0
       GAN power with pretrain mode will not work.
Example of enabling GAN on 81k iters +5k iters
dfhd: default Decoder dimensions are now 48
the preview for 256 res is now correctly displayed
fixed model naming/renaming/removing
Improvements for those involved in post-processing in AfterEffects:
Codec is reverted back to x264 in order to properly use in AfterEffects and video players.
Merger now always outputs the mask to workspace\data_dst\merged_mask
removed raw modes except raw-rgb
raw-rgb mode now outputs selected face mask_mode (before square mask)
'export alpha mask' button is replaced by 'show alpha mask'.
You can view the alpha mask without recompute the frames.
8) 'merged *.bat' now also output 'result_mask.' video file.
8) 'merged lossless' now uses x264 lossless codec (before PNG codec)
result_mask video file is always lossless.
Thus you can use result_mask video file as mask layer in the AfterEffects.
== 25.01.2020 ==
Upgraded to TF version 1.13.2
Removed the wait at first launch for most graphics cards.
Increased speed of training by 10-20%, but you have to retrain all models from scratch.
added option 'use float16'
       Experimental option. Reduces the model size by half.
       Increases the speed of training.
       Decreases the accuracy of the model.
       The model may collapse or not train.
       Model may not learn the mask in large resolutions.
       You enable/disable this option at any time.
true_face_training option is replaced by
"True face power". 0.0000 .. 1.0
Experimental option. Discriminates the result face to be more like the src face. Higher value - stronger discrimination.
Comparison - / 
== 23.01.2020 ==
SAEHD: fixed clipgrad option
== 22.01.2020 == BREAKING CHANGES !!!
Getting rid of the weakest link - AMD cards support.
All neural network codebase transferred to pure low-level TensorFlow backend, therefore
removed AMD/Intel cards support, now DFL works only on NVIDIA cards or CPU.
old DFL marked as 1.0 still available for download, but it will no longer be supported.
global code refactoring, fixes and optimizations
now you can choose on which GPUs (or CPU) to process
improved stability for < 4GB GPUs
increased speed of multi gpu initializing
now works in one pass (except manual mode)
so you won't lose the processed data if something goes wrong before the old 3rd pass
Faceset enhancer:
now you can choose on which GPUs (or CPU) to process
now you can choose on which GPUs (or CPU) to train the model.
Multi-gpu training is now supported.
Select identical cards, otherwise fast GPU will wait slow GPU every iteration.
now remembers the previous option input as default with the current workspace/model/ folder.
the number of sample generators now matches the available number of processors
saved models now have names instead of GPU indexes.
Therefore you can switch GPUs for every saved model.
Trainer offers to choose latest saved model by default.
You can rename or delete any model using the dialog.
models now save the optimizer weights in the model folder to continue training properly
removed all models except SAEHD, Quick96
trained model files from DFL 1.0 cannot be reused
AVATAR model is also removed.
How to create AVATAR like in this video? / capture yourself with your own speech repeating same head direction as celeb in target video
2) train regular deepfake model with celeb faces from target video as src, and your face as dst
3) merge celeb face onto your face with raw-predict mode
4) compose masked mouth with target video in AfterEffects
now has 3 options: Encoder dimensions, Decoder dimensions, Decoder mask dimensions
now has 4 arhis: dfhd (default), liaehd, df, liae
df and liae are from SAE model, but use features from SAEHD model (such as combined loss and disable random warp)
dfhd/liaehd - changed encoder/decoder architectures
decoder model is combined with mask decoder model
mask training is combined with face training,
result is reduced time per iteration and decreased vram usage by optimizer
"Initialize CA weights" now works faster and integrated to "Initialize models" progress bar
removed optimizer_mode option
added option 'Place models and optimizer on GPU?'
  When you train on one GPU, by default model and optimizer weights are placed on GPU to accelerate the process.
  You can place they on CPU to free up extra VRAM, thus you can set larger model parameters.
  This option is unavailable in MultiGPU mode.
pretraining now does not use rgb channel shuffling
pretraining now can be continued
when pre-training is disabled:
1) iters and loss history are reset to 1
2) in df/dfhd archis, only the inter part of the encoder is reset (before encoder+inter)
   thus the fake will train faster with a pretrained df model
Merger ( renamed from Converter ):
now you can choose on which GPUs (or CPU) to process
new hot key combinations to navigate and override frame's configs
super resolution upscaler "RankSRGAN" is replaced by "FaceEnhancer"
FAN-x mask mode now works on GPU while merging (before on CPU),
therefore all models (Main face model + FAN-x + FaceEnhancer)
now work on GPU while merging, and work properly even on 2GB GPU.
now automatically uses pretrained model
removed all sort by *.bat files except one sort.bat
now you have to choose sort method in the dialog
all console dialogs are now more convenient
XnViewMP is updated to 0.94.1 version
ffmpeg is updated to 4.2.1 version
ffmpeg: video codec is changed to x265
_internal/vscode.bat starts VSCode IDE where you can view and edit DeepFaceLab source code.
removed russian/english manual. Read community manuals and tutorials here
new github page design
== 11.01.2020 ==
fix freeze on sample loading
== 08.01.2020 ==
fixes and optimizations in sample generators
fixed Quick96 and removed lr_dropout from SAEHD for OpenCL build.
CUDA build now works on lower-end GPU with 2GB VRAM:
GTX 880M GTX 870M GTX 860M GTX 780M GTX 770M
GTX 765M GTX 760M GTX 680MX GTX 680M GTX 675MX GTX 670MX
GTX 660M GT 755M GT 750M GT 650M GT 745M GT 645M GT 740M
GT 730M GT 640M GT 735M GT 730M GTX 770 GTX 760 GTX 750 Ti
GTX 750 GTX 690 GTX 680 GTX 670 GTX 660 Ti GTX 660 GTX 650 Ti GTX 650 GT 740
== 29.12.2019 ==
fix faceset enhancer for faces that contain edited mask
fix long load when using various gpus in the same DFL folder
fix extract unaligned faces
avatar: avatar_type is now only head by default
== 28.12.2019 ==
FacesetEnhancer now asks to merge aligned_enhanced/ to aligned/
fix 0 faces detected in manual extractor
Quick96, SAEHD: optimized architecture. You have to restart training.
Now there are only two builds: CUDA (based on 9.2) and Opencl.
== 26.12.2019 ==
fixed mask editor
added FacesetEnhancer
4.2.other) data_src util faceset enhance best GPU.bat
4.2.other) data_src util faceset enhance multi GPU.bat
FacesetEnhancer greatly increases details in your source face set,
same as Gigapixel enhancer, but in fully automatic mode.
In OpenCL build works on CPU only.
before/after / 
== 23.12.2019 ==
Extractor: 2nd pass now faster on frames where faces are not found
all models: removed options 'src_scale_mod', and 'sort samples by yaw as target'
If you want, you can manually remove unnecessary angles from src faceset after sort by yaw.
Optimized sample generators (CPU workers). Now they consume less amount of RAM and work faster.
4.2.other) data_src/dst util faceset pack.bat
       Packs /aligned/ samples into one /aligned/samples.pak file.
       After that, all faces will be deleted.
4.2.other) data_src/dst util faceset unpack.bat
       unpacks faces from /aligned/samples.pak to /aligned/ dir.
       After that, samples.pak will be deleted.
Packed faceset load and work faster.
== 20.12.2019 ==
fix 3rd pass of extractor for some systems
More stable and precise version of the face transformation matrix
SAEHD: lr_dropout now as an option, and disabled by default
When the face is trained enough, you can enable this option to get extra sharpness for less amount of iterations
4.2.other) data_src util faceset metadata save.bat
       saves metadata of data_src\aligned\ faces into data_src\aligned\meta.dat
4.2.other) data_src util faceset metadata restore.bat
       restore metadata from 'meta.dat' to images
       if image size different from original, then it will be automatically resized
You can greatly enhance face details of src faceset by using Topaz Gigapixel software.
example before/after / it from torrent / of workflow:
1) run 'data_src util faceset metadata save.bat'
2) launch Topaz Gigapixel
3) open 'data_src\aligned\' and select all images
4) set output folder to 'data_src\aligned_topaz' (create folder in save dialog)
5) set settings as on screenshot /      you can choose 2x, 4x, or 6x upscale rate
6) start process images and wait full process
7) rename folders:
       data_src\aligned        ->  data_src\aligned_original
       data_src\aligned_topaz  ->  data_src\aligned
8) copy 'data_src\aligned_original\meta.dat' to 'data_src\aligned\'
9) run 'data_src util faceset metadata restore.bat'
       images will be downscaled back to original size (256x256) preserving details
       metadata will be restored
10) now your new enhanced faceset is ready to use !
== 15.12.2019 ==
improved model generalization, overall accuracy and sharpness
by using new 'Learning rate dropout' technique from the paper / example of a loss histogram where this function is enabled after the red arrow:
== 12.12.2019 ==
removed FacesetRelighter due to low quality of the result
added sort by absdiff
This is sort method by absolute per pixel difference between all faces.
Sort by similar? ( y/n ?:help skip:y ) :
if you choose 'n', then most dissimilar faces will be placed first.
'sort by final' renamed to 'sort by best'
OpenCL: fix extractor for some amd cards
== 14.11.2019 ==
Converter: added new color transfer mode: mix-m
== 13.11.2019 ==
added sot-m color transfer
removed seamless2 mode
Added intensity parameter to the manual picker.
'One random direction' and 'predefined 7 directions' use random intensity from 0.3 to 0.6.
== 12.11.2019 ==
FacesetRelighter fixes and improvements:
now you have 3 ways:
1) define light directions manually (not for google colab)
   watch demo / relight faceset with one random direction
3) relight faceset with predefined 7 directions
== 11.11.2019 ==
added FacesetRelighter:
Synthesize new faces from existing ones by relighting them using DeepPortraitRelighter network.
With the relighted faces neural network will better reproduce face shadows.
Therefore you can synthsize shadowed faces from fully lit faceset.
as a result, better fakes on dark faces:
operate via
data_x add relighted faces.bat
data_x delete relighted faces.bat
in OpenCL build Relighter runs on CPU
== 09.11.2019 ==
extractor: removed "increased speed of S3FD" for compatibility reasons
fixed crashes
removed useless 'ebs' color transfer
changed keys for color degrade
added image degrade via denoise - same as denoise extracted data_dst.bat ,
but you can control this option directly in the interactive converter
added image degrade via bicubic downscale/upscale
default ae_dims for df now 256. It is safe to train SAEHD on 256 ae_dims and higher resolution.
Example of recent fake: / 
added Quick96 model.
This is the fastest model for low-end 2GB+ NVidia and 4GB+ AMD cards.
Model has zero options and trains a 96pix fullface.
It is good for quick deepfake demo.
Example of the preview trained in 15 minutes on RTX2080Ti:
== 27.10.2019 ==
Extractor: fix for AMD cards
== 26.10.2019 ==
red square of face alignment now contains the arrow that shows the up direction of an image
fix alignment of side faces
Before / / 
fix message when no training data provided
== 23.10.2019 ==
enhanced sort by final: now faces are evenly distributed not only in the direction of yaw,
but also in pitch
added 'sort by vggface': sorting by face similarity using VGGFace model.
Requires 4GB+ VRAM and internet connection for the first run.
== 19.10.2019 ==
fix extractor bug for 11GB+ cards
== 15.10.2019 ==
removed fix "fixed bug when the same face could be detected twice"
removed option 'apply random ct'
added option
   Color transfer mode apply to src faceset. ( none/rct/lct/mkl/idt, ?:help skip: none )
   Change color distribution of src samples close to dst samples. Try all modes to find the best.
before was lct mode, but sometime it does not work properly for some facesets.
== 14.10.2019 ==
fixed bug when the same face could be detected twice
Extractor now produces a less shaked face. but second pass is now slower by 25%
SAE, SAEHD: 'random flip' and 'learn mask' options now can be overridden.
It is recommended to start training for first 20k iters always with 'learn_mask'
SAEHD: added option Enable random warp of samples, default is on
Random warp is required to generalize facial expressions of both faces.
When the face is trained enough, you can disable it to get extra sharpness for less amount of iterations.
== 10.10.2019 ==
fixed wrong NVIDIA GPU detection in extraction and training processes
increased speed of S3FD 1st pass extraction for GPU with >= 11GB vram.
== 09.10.2019 ==
fixed wrong NVIDIA GPU indexes in a systems with two or more GPU
fixed wrong NVIDIA GPU detection on the laptops
removed TrueFace model.
added SAEHD model ( High Definition Styled AutoEncoder )
Compare with SAE: / is a new heavyweight model for high-end cards to achieve maximum possible deepfake quality in 2020.
Differences from SAE:
+ new encoder produces more stable face and less scale jitter
+ new decoder produces subpixel clear result
+ pixel loss and dssim loss are merged together to achieve both training speed and pixel trueness
+ by default networks will be initialized with CA weights, but only after first successful iteration
  therefore you can test network size and batch size before weights initialization process
+ new neural network optimizer consumes less VRAM than before
+ added option <Enable 'true face' training>
  The result face will be more like src and will get extra sharpness.
  Enable it for last 30k iterations before conversion.
+ encoder and decoder dims are merged to one parameter encoder/decoder dims
+ added mid-full face, which covers 30% more area than half face. 
example of the preview trained on RTX2080TI, 128 resolution, 512-21 dims, 8 batch size, 700ms per iteration:
without trueface            : / trueface    +23k iters : / 
== 24.09.2019 ==
fix TrueFace model, required retraining
== 21.09.2019 ==
fix avatar model
== 19.09.2019 ==
fixed model sizes from previous update.
avoided bug in ML framework(keras) that forces to train the model on random noise.
Converter: added blur on the same keys as sharpness
Added new model 'TrueFace'. Only for NVIDIA cards.
This is a GAN model ported from / produces near zero morphing and high detail face.
Model has higher failure rate than other models.
It does not learn the mask, so fan-x mask modes should be used in the converter.
Keep src and dst faceset in same lighting conditions.
== 13.09.2019 ==
Converter: added new color transfer modes: mkl, mkl-m, idt, idt-m
SAE: removed multiscale decoder, because it's not effective
== 07.09.2019 ==
Extractor: fixed bug with grayscale images.
Session is now saved to the model folder.
blur and erode ranges are increased to -400+400
hist-match-bw is now replaced with seamless2 mode.
Added 'ebs' color transfer mode (works only on Windows).
FANSEG model (used in FAN-x mask modes) is retrained with new model configuration
and now produces better precision and less jitter
== 30.08.2019 ==
interactive converter now saves the session.
if input frames are changed (amount or filenames)
then interactive converter automatically starts a new session.
if model is more trained then all frames will be recomputed again with their saved configs.
== 28.08.2019 ==
removed landmarks of lips which are used in face aligning
result is less scale jittering
before  / 
after   / 
converter: fixed merged\ filenames, now they are 100% same as input from data_dst\
converted to X.bat : now properly eats any filenames from merged\ dir as input
== 27.08.2019 ==
fixed converter navigation logic and output filenames in merge folder
added EbSynth program. It is located in _internal\EbSynth\ folder
Start it via 10) EbSynth.bat
It starts with sample project loaded from _internal\EbSynth\SampleProject
EbSynth is mainly used to create painted video, but with EbSynth you can fix some weird frames produced by deepfake process.
before: / 
after:  / tutorial for EbSynth : / 
== 26.08.2019 ==
updated pdf manuals for AVATAR model.
Avatar converter: added super resolution option.
All converters:
fixes and optimizations
super resolution DCSCN network is now replaced by RankSRGAN
added new option sharpen_mode and sharpen_amount
== 25.08.2019 ==
Converter: FAN-dst mask mode now works for half face models.
AVATAR Model: default avatar_type option on first startup is now HEAD.
Head produces much more stable result than source.
updated usage of AVATAR model:
1) place data_src.mp4 10-20min square resolution video of news reporter sitting at the table with static background,
   other faces should not appear in frames.
2) process "extract images from video data_src.bat" with FULL fps
3) place data_dst.mp4 square resolution video of face who will control the src face
4) process "extract images from video data_dst FULL FPS.bat"
5) process "data_src mark faces S3FD best GPU.bat"
6) process "data_dst extract unaligned faces S3FD best GPU.bat"
7) train AVATAR.bat stage 1, tune batch size to maximum for your card (32 for 6GB), train to 50k+ iters.
8) train AVATAR.bat stage 2, tune batch size to maximum for your card (4 for 6GB), train to decent sharpness.
9) convert AVATAR.bat
10) converted to mp4.bat
== 24.08.2019 ==
Added interactive converter.
With interactive converter you can change any parameter of any frame and see the result in real time.
Converter: added motion_blur_power param.
Motion blur is applied by precomputed motion vectors.
So the moving face will look more realistic.
RecycleGAN model is removed.
Added experimental AVATAR model. Minimum required VRAM is 6GB for NVIDIA and 12GB for AMD.
== 16.08.2019 ==
fixed error "Failed to get convolution algorithm" on some systems
fixed error "dll load failed" on some systems
model summary is now better formatted
Expanded eyebrows line of face masks. It does not affect mask of FAN-x converter mode.
ConverterMasked: added mask gradient of bottom area, same as side gradient
== 23.07.2019 ==
OpenCL : update versions of internal libraries
== 20.06.2019 ==
Trainer: added option for all models
Enable autobackup? (y/n ?:help skip:%s) :
Autobackup model files with preview every hour for last 15 hours. Latest backup located in model/<>_autobackups/01
SAE: added option only for CUDA builds:
Enable gradient clipping? (y/n, ?:help skip:%s) :
Gradient clipping reduces chance of model collapse, sacrificing speed of training.
== 02.06.2019 ==
fix error on typing uppercase values
== 24.05.2019 ==
OpenCL : fix FAN-x converter
== 20.05.2019 ==
OpenCL : fixed bug when analysing ops was repeated after each save of the model
== 10.05.2019 ==
fixed work of model pretraining
== 08.05.2019 ==
SAE: added new option
Apply random color transfer to src faceset? (y/n, ?:help skip:%s) :
Increase variativity of src samples by apply LCT color transfer from random dst samples.
It is like 'face_style' learning, but more precise color transfer and without risk of model collapse,
also it does not require additional GPU resources, but the training time may be longer, due to the src faceset is becoming more diverse.
== 05.05.2019 ==
OpenCL: SAE model now works properly
== 05.03.2019 ==
SAE: additional info in help for options:
Use pixel loss - Enabling this option too early increases the chance of model collapse.
Face style power - Enabling this option increases the chance of model collapse.
Background style power - Enabling this option increases the chance of model collapse.
== 05.01.2019 ==
SAE: added option 'Pretrain the model?'
Pretrain the model with large amount of various faces.
This technique may help to train the fake with overly different face shapes and light conditions of src/dst data.
Face will be look more like a morphed. To reduce the morph effect,
some model files will be initialized but not be updated after pretrain: LIAE: inter_AB.h5 DF: encoder.h5.
The longer you pretrain the model the more morphed face will look. After that, save and run the training again.
== 04.28.2019 ==
fix 3rd pass extractor hang on AMD 8+ core processors
Converter: fixed error with degrade color after applying 'lct' color transfer
added option at first run for all models: Choose image for the preview history? (y/n skip:n)
Controls: [p] - next, [enter] - confirm.
fixed error with option sort by yaw. Remember, do not use sort by yaw if the dst face has hair that covers the jaw.
== 04.24.2019 ==
SAE: finally the collapses were fixed
added option 'Use CA weights? (y/n, ?:help skip: %s ) :
Initialize network with 'Convolution Aware' weights from paper / may help to achieve a higher accuracy model, but consumes a time at first run.
== 04.23.2019 ==
SAE: training should be restarted
remove option 'Remove gray border' because it makes the model very resource intensive.
== 04.21.2019 ==
fix multiscale decoder.
training with liae archi should be restarted
changed help for 'sort by yaw' option:
NN will not learn src face directions that don't match dst face directions. Do not use if the dst face has hair that covers the jaw.
== 04.20.2019 ==
fixed work with NVIDIA cards in TCC mode
Converter: improved FAN-x masking mode.
Now it excludes face obstructions such as hair, fingers, glasses, microphones, etc.
example / works only for full face models, because there were glitches in half face version.
Fanseg is trained by using manually refined by MaskEditor >3000 various faces with obstructions.
Accuracy of fanseg to handle complex obstructions can be improved by adding more samples to dataset, but I have no time for that :(
Dataset is located in the official folder.
If your fake has some complex obstructions that incorrectly recognized by fanseg,
you can add manually masked samples from your fake to the dataset
and retrain it by using --model DEV_FANSEG argument in bat file. Read more info in dataset archive.
Minimum recommended VRAM is 6GB and batch size 24 to train fanseg.
Result model\FANSeg_256_full_face.h5 should be placed to DeepFacelab\facelib\ folder
Google Colab now works on Tesla T4 16GB.
With Google Colaboratory you can freely train your model for 12 hours per session, then reset session and continue with last save.
more info how to work with Colab: / 
== 04.07.2019 ==
Extractor: added warning if aligned folder contains files that will be deleted.
Converter subprocesses limited to maximum 6
== 04.06.2019 ==
added experimental mask editor.
It is created to improve FANSeg model, but you can try to use it in fakes.
But remember: it does not guarantee quality improvement.
run 5.4) data_dst mask editor.bat
edit the mask of dst faces with obstructions
train SAE either with 'learn mask' or with 'style values'
Screenshot of mask editor: / of training and merging using edited mask: / masks are harder to train.
previous SAE model will not work with this update.
Greatly decreased chance of model collapse.
Increased model accuracy.
Residual blocks now default and this option has been removed.
Improved 'learn mask'.
Added masked preview (switch by space key)
fixed rct/lct in seamless mode
added mask mode (6) learned*FAN-prd*FAN-dst
changed help message for pixel loss:
Pixel loss may help to enhance fine details and stabilize face color. Use it only if quality does not improve over time.
fixed ctrl-c exit in no-preview mode
== 03.31.2019 ==
Converter: fix blur region of seamless.
== 03.30.2019 ==
fixed seamless face jitter
removed options Suppress seamless jitter, seamless erode mask modifier.
seamlessed face now properly uses blur modifier
added option 'FAN-prd&dst' - using multiplied FAN prd and dst mask,
== 03.29.2019 ==
Converter: refactorings and optimizations
added new option
Apply super resolution? (y/n skip:n) : Enhance details by applying DCSCN network.
before/after gif - / 
== 03.26.2019 ==
SAE: removed lightweight encoder.
optimizer mode now can be overriden each run
Trainer: the loss line now shows the average loss values after saving
Converter: fixed bug with copying files without faces.
XNViewMP : updated version
fixed cut video.bat for paths with spaces
== 03.24.2019 ==
old SAE model will not work with this update.
Fixed bug when SAE can be collapsed during a time.
SAE: removed CA weights and encoder/decoder dims.
added new options:
Encoder dims per channel (21-85 ?:help skip:%d)
More encoder dims help to recognize more facial features, but require more VRAM. You can fine-tune model size to fit your GPU.
Decoder dims per channel (11-85 ?:help skip:%d)
More decoder dims help to get better details, but require more VRAM. You can fine-tune model size to fit your GPU.
Add residual blocks to decoder? (y/n, ?:help skip:n) :
These blocks help to get better details, but require more computing time.
Remove gray border? (y/n, ?:help skip:n) :
Removes gray border of predicted face, but requires more computing resources.
Extract images from video: added option
Output image format? ( jpg png ?:help skip:png ) :
PNG is lossless, but produces images with size x10 larger than JPG.
JPG extraction is faster, especially on HDD instead of SSD.
== 03.21.2019 ==
OpenCL build: fixed, now works on most video cards again.
old SAE model will not work with this update.
Fixed bug when SAE can be collapsed during a time
Added option
Use CA weights? (y/n, ?:help skip: n ) :
Initialize network with 'Convolution Aware' weights.
This may help to achieve a higher accuracy model, but consumes time at first run.
removed DLIB extractor
greatly increased accuracy of landmarks extraction, especially with S3FD detector, but speed of 2nd pass now slower.
From this point on, it is recommended to use only the S3FD detector.
before / / 
Converter: added new option to choose type of mask for full-face models.
Mask mode: (1) learned, (2) dst, (3) FAN-prd, (4) FAN-dst (?) help. Default - 1 :
Learned – Learned mask, if you choose option 'Learn mask' in model. The contours are fairly smooth, but can be wobbly.
Dst – raw mask from dst face, wobbly contours.
FAN-prd – mask from pretrained FAN model from predicted face. Very smooth not shaky countours.
FAN-dst – mask from pretrained FAN model from dst face. Very smooth not shaky countours.
Advantages of FAN mask: you can get a not wobbly shaky without learning it by model.
Disadvantage of FAN mask: may produce artifacts on the contours if the face is obstructed.
== 03.13.2019 ==
SAE: added new option
Optimizer mode? ( 1,2,3 ?:help skip:1) :
this option only for NVIDIA cards. Optimizer mode of neural network.
1 - default.
2 - allows you to train x2 bigger network, uses a lot of RAM.
3 - allows you to train x3 bigger network, uses huge amount of RAM and 30% slower.
Epoch term renamed to iteration term.
added showing timestamp in string of training in console
== 03.11.2019 ==
CUDA10.1AVX users - update your video drivers from site
face extractor:
added new extractor S3FD - more precise, produces less false-positive faces, accelerated by AMD/IntelHD GPU (while MT is not)
speed of 1st pass with DLIB significantly increased
decreased amount of false-positive faces for all extractors
manual extractor: added 'h' button to hide the help information
fix DFL conflict with system python installation
removed unwanted tensorflow info from console log
updated manual_ru
== 03.07.2019 ==
upgrade to python 3.6.8
Reorganized structure of DFL folder. Removed unnecessary files and other trash.
Current available builds now:
DeepFaceLabCUDA9.2SSE - for NVIDIA cards up to GTX10x0 series and any 64-bit CPU
DeepFaceLabCUDA10.1AVX - for NVIDIA cards up to RTX and CPU with AVX instructions support
DeepFaceLabOpenCLSSE - for AMD/IntelHD cards and any 64-bit CPU
== 03.04.2019 ==
4.2.other) data_src util recover original filename.bat
5.3.other) data_dst util recover original filename.bat
== 03.03.2019 ==
Convertor: fix seamless
== for older changelog see github page ==


Moderator | Deepfake Creator | Guide maintainer
Staff member
Verified Creator
DFL 2.0 Frequently asked questions - workflow tips, methods and techniques.

Use ctrl+f to find what you are looking for, scroll down a bit for dedicated XSeg section of the FAQ.

1.Q: What's the difference between 1.0 and 2.0?

A: 2.0 is an improved and more optimized version, because of the optimization it offers better performance which means you can train higher resolution models or train existing ones faster. Merging and extraction is also significantly faster.

2. Q: How long does it take to make a deepfake?

A: Depending on how long your target (DST) video is, how large your SRC dataset/faceset is and what kind of model you are using to train your fake as well as your hardware (GPU). It might take anywhere from a day for a simple, short full face video with no xseg masking assuming you have SRC set and a pretrained model, up to a week or more if you are working on new SRC set, pretraining new model, using XSeg, etc.

3. Q: Can you make a deepfake video with just a few pictures?

A: No. Use SimSwap for that:

4. Q: What is the ideal faceset size?

A: For the data_src (celebrity) faceset, It's recommend to have at least 5000-8000 different images but you may end up with larger set, up to 15-25k depending on how univeral you are trying to make it, especially for RTM training it's important to have as many different angles, expressions and lighting conditions as possible.

5. Q: Why are my deepfakes turning out blurry?

A: There are many reasons for blurry faces. Please consult the guide, follow the example workflows and learn what all the basic options do, also read up on SRC dataset creation process in the SRC step.
Most often blurry faces are as a result of poor SRC set that doesn't cover all angles, expressions and lighting conditions but the issue might also be due to use of Quick96 or low res SAEHD model or due to training it incorrectly.

6. Q: Why is my result face not blinking/eyes look wrong/are cross-eyed?

A: This is most likely due to the lack of images in your data_src containing faces with closed eyes or with eyes looking in specific directions on some or all angles.

Make sure you have a decent amount of different facial expressions at all possible angles to match the expressions and angles of faces in the destination/target video - that includes faces with closed eyes and looking in different directions, without those the model doesn't know how face's eyes should look like, resulting in eyes not opening or looking all wrong.

Another cause for this might be running training with wrong settings or decreased dims settings.

7. Q: When should I stop training?

A: There is no correct answer, but the general consensus is to use the preview window and observe how loss values are decreasing to judge when to stop training and start merging. There is no exact iteration number or loss value where you should stop training.
As long as you can see the result improving in the preview and loss is decreasing you should keep training, depending on size of datasets, how well SRC set covers the DST set, whether model is pretrained or not it might take anywhere from 250.000 to 400.000 iterations or 2-4 days first time and perhaps a bit less next time, RTM models are trained for weeks but they can adapt to new DST in as little as few hours.

8. Q: When should I enable or disable random warp, GAN, True Face, Style Power, Color Transfer and Learning Rate Dropout?

A: There is no correct answer as to when as it depends on how well your model is trained and performing in a given time, but there is a correct order of enabling/disabling them. Please reffer to the guide for example workflow and learn what each option does, in most cases these settings have to be enabled depending on your needs, especially True Face, Style Power.

9. Q: DFL isn't working at all (extraction, training, merging) and/or I'm getting an error message.

There are many reasons why DFL might not work, from issues with your PC, drivers, windows, DFL itself down to models or user errors.

If you are trying to run DFL for the first time:

1. Check if your GPU is supported, DFL requires CUDA compute capability of 3.0:

2. Download newest version of DFL for your GPU version, check step 0 - introduction for more info
3. Enabled Hardware Accelerate GPU Scheduling under Windows 10/11.

If you still have issues:

4. If even basic features are still not working then make both your GPU drivers and Windows are up to date. For Nvidia use Studio drivers. For both Nvidia and AMD you can try earlier version of standard gaming drivers.
5. Enable Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling under Windows 10/11.

If DFL works but you get errors when trying to train the model:

6. Check if the model you are trying to run is still compatible, the easiest way is to try run a new model with the same parameters (adjust batch size to a low value like 2-4 for testing purposes), if it runs the your PC and DFL is fine but the model is not working, if it doesn't work and you get an error READ IT, if it's some kind of memory error (OOM, out of memory) then the model most likely is too heavy for your GPU, in that case check what models others are able to run and adjust your model settings like batch size, resolution, dims, architecture.

DFL model settings and performance: //

If then it's still not working you can create a new thread in the question section, but before you do that check the issues tab on github to see if other users aren't experiencing the same issues:

If you can't find anything and you've searched forum for similar issues make a new thread here: // or post about it here.

10. I'm getting OOM/out of memory errors while training SAEHD.

If you are getting OOM errors it means you are running out of VRAM, adjust your model settings. Lower batch size, dims, use less demanding architecture, run LRD and optimizer on CPU, don't use adabelief, all of those affect VRAM usage as do settings like GAN and Style Power.

11. Q: I've turned off all additional features, lowered dims, batch size and the training is still giving me OOM errors even at low batch size.

A: Buy a better GPU or check if it's actually OOM or other memory realated error, perhaps your page file size is too small or the model is corrupter/incompatible.

12. Q: I have too many similar faces in my source dataset, is there a tool I can use to remove them?

A: Yes, you can either use DFL built in sorting methods or use software like VisiPics or DupeGuru to detect similar looking faces in your source dataset and remove them or move to different folder in case you want to add some faces back (similarity detection software like these two tend to remove too many faces at higher difference values that have different eye directions or mouth openess, this can lead to sets that miss some expressions or eye direction, you should go through removed duplicates and bring some faces back to the main set).

13. Q: I was training my model that already had several thousands iterations but the faces in preview window suddenly turned black/white/look weird, my loss values went up/are at zero.

A: Your model has collapsed, it means you cannot use it anymore and you have to start all over or if you had backups, use them.
To prevent model collapsing use gradient clipping or enable backups, usually models don't collapse unless you use style power (in that case enabling gradient clipping is highly recommended) but if you're afraid of it collapsing anyway even without any other features enabled you can leave it enabled all the time at the small performance impact (might be hard to notice, about 50-100ms extra at most according to my tests).

14. Q: Can I reuse my models? Should the same model be always reused for every project or should I always start with fresh base model (pretrained, trained) when doing new SRC and reuse such model only when changing DST? Can models be reused if I'm doing a new SRC but the same DST?

A: Yes, it is actually recommended to reuse you models if you plan on making more fakes of the same SRC with new DST but you can also resuse model when working with different SRC and the same or different DST as long as they look similar. In most cases, even when doing the same SRC and new DST you will have to re-enable RW for the model to train correctly and get best results (applies to all architectures except for RTM (ready to merge) style LIAE-UD/-UDT models). 
It's best to create a base model (pretrained or trained on random SRC and DST) and use it as a starting point for every new SRC you do and then reusing such models only with the same SRC but different DST.

15. Q: Should I pretrain my models?

A: As with reusing, yes, you should pretrain.

Use the built in pretrain function inside DFL which you can select when starting up a model. It is the correct way to pretrain your model, run this feature for anywhere from 200k to 400k iterations and turn it off once you want to finish pretraining.

16. Q: I'm getting an error: is not a dfl image file required for training in DeepFaceLab

A: It means that the pictures inside data_src/aligned and/or data_dst are not valid for training in DFL.

This can be caused be several things:

1. You are using one of the shared datasets of a celebrity, chances are they were made in a different software than DFL or in older version of it, even though the look like aligned faces (256x256 images) they may be just pictures extracted in different app that stored landmarks/alignment data in different way. To fix them all you need to is to just run alignment process on them, just place them into a "data_src" folder (not "aligned" folder inside it) and align them again by using 4) data_src extract faces S3FD

2. You edited faces/images inside aligned folder of data_src or data_dst in gimp/photoshop after aligning.

When you edit those images you overwrite landmarks/alignments data that is stored inside them.

If you want to edit these images first run 4.2) data_src util faceset metadata save to save alignment info in a separate file, then edit your images and run 4.2) data_src util faceset metadata restore to restore that data.

Only edits allowed are AI up-scaling/enhancing (which you can now also do using 4.2) data_src util faceset enhance instead of using external apps like Gigapixel), color correction or edits to the face that don't change it's shape (like removing or adding stuff), no flipping/mirroring or rotation is allowed.

3. You have regular, non extracted/aligned images in your "data_src/dst" or "aligned" folder.

4. You have _debug faces in your "data_src/aligned" folder. Delete them.

17. Q: I'm getting errors during conversion: no faces found for XYZ.jpg/png, copying without faces.

A: It means that for XYZ frame in "data_dst" folder no faces were extracted into "aligned" folder.

This may be because there were actually no faces visible in that frame (which is normal) or they were visible but due to an angle at which they were or obstruction they were not detected.

To fix that you need to extract those faces manually. Check the main guide, especially the section on cleaning up your data_dst dataset.

Overall you should make sure that you have as many faces aligned and properly extracted BEFORE starting to train.

And remember that both datasets should be cleaned up before training, to know more check the first post (guide) and also read this thread about preparing source datasets for use in training and for sharing on our forum: //

18. Q: I'm getting errors: Warning: several faces detected. Highly recommended to treat them separately and Warning: several faces detected. Directional Blur will not be used. during conversion

A: It's caused by multiple faces within your data_dst/aligned folder.

The extraction process attemps to detect face in each frame at all cost. If it does detect multiple faces or one real face and falsely detects something else as a face it creates multiple files for each frames that look like this: 0001_0.jpg 0001_1.jpg 0001_2.jpg (in case of detecting 3 faces).

19. Q: After merging I see original/DST faces on some or all merged frames.

A: Make sure your converter mode is set to overlay or any other mode except for "original" and make sure you've aligned faces from all frames of your data_dst.mp4 file.

If you only see original faces on some frames, it's because they were not detected/aligned from those corresponding frames, it may happen due to various reasons: extreme angle where it's hard to see the face, blur/motion blur, obstructions, etc. Overall you want to always have all faces from your data_dst.mp4 aligned.

20. Q: What do those 0.2513 0.5612 numbers mean when training?

A: These are loss values. They indicate how well model is trained.

But you shouldn't focus on them unless you see sudden spikes in their value (up or down) after they already settled around some value (assuming you didn't change any model parameters), instead focus on preview windows and look for details like teeth separation, beauty marks, nose, eyes, if they are sharp and look good, then you don't have to worry about anything. If you notice loss values going up for some reason despite not changing any values consider stopping training and resuming it with gradient clipping or disabling some additional options that you might have enabled at the wrong setting which is now causing issues.

21. Q: What are the ideal loss values, how low/high loss values should be?

A: It all depends on the settings, datasets and various different factors.

Generally you want to start training with all features disabled except for random warp of samples (and optionally gradient clipping to prevent model collapses and random flip in case your source dataset is lacking some face/head angles) to a loss under 0.4-0.5 (depending on the model architecture and whether it's a full face model that runs with masked training disabled or whole face/head model that runs with masked training enabled as well as models resolution or model dimensions).

After you disable random warp model should be able to reach loss values between 0.15 and 0.25.

In some cases your model might get stuck at certain loss value or never reach lower one.

22. Q: My model has collapsed, can I somehow recover it?

A: No, you need to start over, or use backup if you made them.

23. Q: What to do if you trained with a celebtity faceset and you want to add more faces/images/frames to it? How to add more variety to existing src/source/celebrity dataset?

A: Safest way is to change the name of the entire "data_src" folder to anything else or to temporarily move it somewhere else, then just extract frames from new data_src.mp4 file or if you already have the frames extracted and some pictures ready, create a new folder "data_src", copy them inside it and run data_src extraction/aligning process, then just copy aligned images from the old data_src/aligned folder into the new one and upon being asked by windows to replace or skip, select the option to rename files so you keep all of them and not end up replacing old ones with new ones.

24. Q: Does the dst faceset/data_dst.mp4 also need to be sharp and high quality? Can some faces in dst faceset/dataset/data_dst be a bit blurry/have shadows, etc? What to do with blurry faces in my data_dst/aligned folder

A: You want your data_dst to be as sharp and free of any motion blur as possible. Blurry faces in data_dst can cause a couple issues:

- first is that some of the faces in certain frames will not get detected - this will cause original faces to be shown on these frames when converting/merging because they couldn't be properly aligned during extraction so you will have to extract them manually.

- second is that others may be incorrectly aligned - this will cause final faces on this frames to be rotated/blurry and just look all wrong and similar to other blurry faces will have to be manually aligned to be used in training and conversion.

- third - even with manual aligning in some cases it may not be possible to correctly detect/align faces which again - will cause original faces to be visible on corresponding frames.

- faces that contain motion blur or are blurry (not sharp) that are correctly aligned may still produce bad results because the models that are used in training cannot understand motion blur, certain parts of the face like mouth when blurred out may appear bigger/wider or just different and the model will interpret this as a change of the shape/look of that part and thus both the predicted and the final faked face will look unnatural.

You should remove those blurry faces from training dataset (data_dst/aligned folder) and put them aside somewhere else and then copy them back into data_dst/aligned folder before converting so that we get the swapped face to show up on frames corresponding to those blurry faces.

To combat the odd look on face in motion you can use motion blur within the merger (but not it will only work if one set of faces is in the "data_dst/aligned" folder and all files end with _0 prefix).

You want both your SRC datasets and DST datasets to be as sharp and high quality as possible.

Small amount of blurriness on some frames shouldn't cause many issues. As for shadows, this depends on how much shadow we are talking about, small, light shadows will probably not be visible, you can get good results with shadows on faces but to much will also look bad, you want your faces to be lit as evenly as possible with as little of harsh/sharp and dark shadows as possible.

25. Q: I'm getting error reference_file not found when I try to convert my deepfake back into mp4 with 8) converted to mp4.

A: You are missing data_dst.mp4 file in your "workspace" folder, check if it wasn't deleted:

Reason why you need it is that even though you separated it into individual frames with 3) extract images from video data_dst FULL FPS all there is inside "data_dst" folder is just frames of the video, you also need sound, which is taken from the original data_dst.mp4 file.

26. Q: I accidentally deleted my data_dst.mp4 file and cannot recover it, can I still turn merged/converted frames into an mp4 video?

A: Yes, in case you've permanently deleted data_dst.mp4 and you have no way of recovering it or rendering identical file you can still convert it back into mp4 (albeit without sound) manually by using ffmpeg and a proper command:

Visit  to learn about ffmpeg and how to prepare correct command line to run. Alternatively you can import all frames into a video editing software and render it back into video.

27. Q: Can you pause merging and resume it later? Can you save merger settings? My merging failed/I got error during merging and it's stuck at %, can I start it again and merge from last successfully merged frame?

A: Yes, by default interactive converter/merger creates session file in the "model" folder that saves both progress and settings.

If you want to just pause the training you can hit > and it will pause. If however you need to turn it off completely/restart pc, etc you exit from merger with esc and wait for it to save your progress, next time you launch merging, after selecting interactive merger/converter (Y/N) - Y you'll get a prompt asking if you want to use the save/session file and resume the progress, merger will load with the right settings at the right frame.

If your merging failed and it didn't save the progress you will have to resume it manually, you do it by first backing up your "data_dst" folder and then deleting all extracted frames inside data_dst as well as all images from "aligned" folder inside "data_dst" that correspond to frames already converted/merged inside folder "merged". Then just start merger/converter, enter settings you used before and convert rest of frames, then combine new merged frames with old ones from the backup "data_dst" folder and convert to .mp4 as usual.

28. Q: Faces in preview during training look good but after converting them they look bad. I see parts of the original face (chin, eyebrows, double face outline).

A: Faces in preview are the raw output of the AI that then need to be composited over the original footage.
Because of it, when faces have different shapes, or are slightly smaller/bigger you may see parts of the original face around/outside the mask that DFL merger creates.

To fix it you need to change conversion settings, start by:

- adjusting the mask type

- adjust mask erosion (size) and blur (feathering, smoothing the edge)

- adjust face size (scale)

NOTE: Negative erosion increases the mask size (covers more), positive decreases it.

29. Q: Final result/deepfake has weird artifacts, face changes colors, color bleed from background and make it flicker/darken/change color in the corners/on the edges when using Seamless mode.

A: You are using seamless/hist/seamless+hist overlay mode or you trained your model with source dataset/faceset with varying lighting conditions and didn't use any color transfer during training.

- use overlay or any other mode besides seamless/hist/seamless+hist

- if you want to use seamless:

- decrease size of the mask/face so it doesn't "touch" areas outside and doesn't as a result get the color of background/area outside of the face/head by increasing "Erode Mask" value.

- or smooth out the edge of the mask/face by increasing "Blur Mask" value which may hide some of the color changes, also helps make the face seem more... "seamless"  when you decrease mask size.

Both of these may or may not fix the issue, if still persist use simple overlay mode as stated above.

If your source dataset contained images of faces with varying lighting conditions and didn't use color transfer you may need to go back and keep training some more with color transfer enabled.

In case turning it on severely washes out colors or affects colors of training data/faces in a bad way (washed out colors, wrong colors, over saturated colors, noise) or makes the learned face blurry (due to too much variations that the model must learn all over as if there were new faces in your source and destination dataset) you may want to save landmarks data and edit your source dataset colors to better match your destination dataset and also have less variation.

I recommend to NOT use seamless unless it's absolutely needed and even then I recommend stopping on every major angle and camera shift/light change to see if it doesn't cause those artifacts.

30. Q: What's the difference between half face, mid-half face, full face and whole face face_type modes?

A: Whole face is a new mode that covers entire face/head, that means it also covers entire forehead and even some hair and other features that could be cut of by the full face mode and would definitely never be visible when using mid-half or half face mode. It also comes with new option during training that let's you train the forehead called masked_training. First you start with it enabled and it clips the training mask to full face area, once face is trained sufficiently you disable it and it trains the whole face/head. This mode requires either manual masking in post or training your own XSeg model:


Full face is a recommended face_type mode to get as much coverage of face as possible without anything that's not needed (hairline, forehead and other parts of the head)

Half face mode was a default face_type mode in H64 and H128 models. It covers only half of the face (from mouth to a bit below eyebrows)

Mid-half face is a mode that covers around 30% larger area than half face.

31. Q: What is the best GPU for deepfakes? I want to upgrade my gpu, which one should I get?

A: Answer to this will change as deepfaking software gets further developed and GPUs become more powerful but for now the best GPU is the one that has most VRAM and is generally fast.

For performance figures check our SAE spreadsheet: //

Bear in mind that training performance depends on settings used during training, a full enabled (all features on) 128 DF model may run slower than an 192 DFHD model with turned down dims and all features disabled.

32. Q: What do the AutoEncoder, Encoder, Decoder and D_Mask_Decoder dims settings do? What does changing them does?

A: AutoEncoder, Encoder, Decoder and D_Mask_Decoder dims affect models neural network dimensions.

They can be changed to either increase performance or quality, setting them to high will make models really hard to train (slow, high vram usage) but will give more accurate results and more src like looking face, set it to low and performance will increase but the results will be less accurate and model may not learn certain features of the faces, resulting in generic output that looks more like dst or nothing like either dst or src.

AutoEncoder dimensions ( 32-1024 ?:help ) : this is the overall model capacity to learn.

Too low value and it won't be able to learn everything - higher value will make model be able to learn more expressions and be more accurate at the cost of performance.

Encoder dimensions ( 16-256 ?:help ) : this affects the ability of the model to learn different expressions, states of the face, angles, lighting conditions.

Too low value and model may not be able to learn certain expressions, model might not be closing eyes, mouth, some angles may be less detailed accurate, higher value will lead to more accurate and expressive model assuming AE dims will be increased accordingly at the cost of performance.

Decoder dimensions ( 16-256 ?:help ) : this affects the ability of the model to learn fine detail, textures, teeth, eyes - small things that make face detailed and recognizable.

Too low value will cause some details to not be learned (such as teeth and eyes looking blurry, lack of texture), also some subtle expressions and facial features/texture may not be learned properly, resulting in less src like looking face, higher value will make the face more detailed and model will be able to pick up more of those subtle details at the cost of performance.

Decoder mask dimensions ( 16-256 ?:help ) : affects quality of the learned mask when training with Learn mask enabled. Does not affect the quality of training.

33. Q: Whats the recommended batch size? How high should I set the batch size? How low can batch size be set?

A: There is no recommended batch size but the reasonable value is between 8-12, with values above 16-22 being exceptionally good and 4-6 being a minimum.

Batch size of 2 is not enough to correctly train a model so value of 4 is the recommended minimum, the higher the value the better but at some point higher batch size may not be beneficial, especially if your iteration time starts to increase or you have to disable models_opt_on_gpu - and thus forcing optimizer on CPU which slows down training/increases iteration time.

You can calculate when increasing batch size is becoming less efficient by dividing iteration time by the batch size. Choose that batch size that gives you lower ms value per batch for a given iteration time, for example:

1000 ms at batch 8 - 1000 / 8 = 128

1500 ms at batch 10 - 1500 / 10 = 150

In this case running with batch 8 will be feeding model more data in a given time than with batch 10. However the difference is small. If say we want to use batch 12 but we get an OOM - so we disable models_opt_on_gpu it may now look like this:

2300 ms at batch 12 (Optimizer on CPU) - 2300 / 12 = 191 ms which is much longer that 128 ms with batch 8 and iteration time of 1000 ms.

When starting model it's better to go with lower batch size - higher iteration time and then increase it once we disable random warp.

34. Q: How to use pretrained model?

A: Simply download it and put all the files directly into your model folder.

Start training, press any key within 2 seconds after selecting model for training (if you have more in the folder) and device to train with (GPU/CPU) to override model settings and make sure the pretrain option is disabled so that you start proper training, if you leave pretrain options enabled the model will carry on with pretraining. Note that the model will revert iteration count to 0, that's normal behavior for pretrained model, unlike a model that was just trained on random faces without the use of pretrain function.

35. Q: My GPU usage is very low/GPU isn't being used despite selecting GPU for training/merging.

A: It probably is being used but Windows doesn't report just CUDA usage (which is what you should be looking at) but total GPU usage which may be lower (around 5-10%).

To see true CUDA/GPU usage during training (in Windows 10), go into Task Manager -> Performance -> Select GPU -> Change one of the 4 smaller graphs to CUD.

If you are using different version of Windows - download external monitoring software such as HWmonitor or GPU-Z or look at the VRAM usage which should be close to maximum during training.

35. Q: Training freezes on RTX 3090, RTX cards training crashing, model not training with AdaBelief, model stops training after 12.16 16.12 update.

A: Make sure to enable hardware accelerate GPU scheduling in Windows 10

36. Q: How to train with AdaBelief enabled?

A: Same as you would do without it enabled except without using learning rate dropout which is not needed with AB enabled.

Whether you're starting to pretrain a new model, starting training on a pretrained model or want to carry on training with old model but use AdaBelief to improve quality of your fakes enable it and remember to never turn it off once it's enabled.

Don't use LRD, this option should disable itself but just to be sure run your model once, disable LRD, save and then start it again, select Y to enable AdaBelief optimizer and pretrain or train as usual.

There is no need to enable LRD before GAN, once you've disabled RW and are ready to start GAN simply enable it, no need to run LRD and wait for the model to reach lower loss, AB will ensure the model trains more accurately and naturally reaches lower loss values.

If it's a pretrained model or one that was heavily trained before and you want to use it with AB make sure to enable it and RW, let the model relearn everything, if you instead just enable AB and carry on with RW disabled or some other options enabled it may not improve or it will get worse.

37. Q: When do I delete inter_ab and inter_b when using/reusing LIAE models?

A: If you are trying to create RTM models please reffer to the RTM training step in the guide post above.

Delete inter_ab when resuing LIAE model to create a new RTM model (new SRC, random DST)
Delete inter_b when you want to use RTM LIAE model as regular model (same SRC, new DST of one person).
Do not delete either inter_ab or inter_b if you want to do extra training on target DST with RTM model, just replace DST and start training (iperov way: RW disabled, LRD enabled, UY enabled, after some time enable GAN, TMBDF way: RW disabled, LRD disabled, UY disabled, after some time run EMP for a bit, then disable EMP, run UY for a bit, then enable LRD, then GAN).


1. Generating preview images into the model folder like on Colab (tip from Lazierav)

You can generate previews images as a file into your model folder as when training Colab by modifying few lines of code, this is useful if you are training in virtual enviroments that run in the browser and do not allow new windows so you can check how faces are lookign during training.

To do this you have to open the following file:

<DeepFaceLab folder>\_internal\DeepFaceLab\core\interact\

And in lines 21 and 22, where it says:


is_colab = False

Change "False" to "True".


1.Q: Can XSeg models be reused?

A: Yes.

2.Q: How to train a generic XSeg model.

A: Simply collect enough of different, labeled faces that cover as many different angles, expressions, lighting conditions and feature wide range of differently shaped obstructions and include it inside of your SRC and DST "aligned" folder, then simply start training your model.

You can start with someone elses XSeg model and add your own faces, you can mix your own faces with faces labeled by others as long as they are using the same facetype or aproach to creating those labels (commonly called masks, but masks are generated by XSeg for trainign and merging, user creates labels that tells the model how to generate masks, it learns to make them from labels/polygons you draw).

You can also pretrain you XSeg model with the built-in pretrain option and then do regular trainign as explained above.

3.Q: Is there a limit to diversity and/or amount of marked/masked faces that we feed into XSeg training?

A: In theory no but in reality too many faces may create too much variation for model to sufficiently learn, you can get pretty good results with 1000 faces but if you want really good model that handles many obstructions you should train it with about 1500-3000 faces.

4.Q: What should I train first? SAEHD/AMP or XSeg model?

A: It depends what kind of model you are training.

For full face (FF) you don't need XSeg but you still need it for the merging process to exclude obstructions, having XSeg even with FF improve the results since model has more precise definition of what face is and what is background, XSeg is required for WF, HEAD face type and if you want to to use face and background style power or blur our mask you must apply masks to your datasets before training your face swapping model, in that case you do need to train XSeg model. If you are using WF face type and just starting out I recommend to use the generic XSeg model DFL comes with, otherwise you can use user shared models or prepare your own.

5.Q: Is XSeg available for Quick96 model too?

A: No, it's only for SAEHD  model.

6.Q: XSeg doesn't let me change face type on startup.

A: Just like with SAEHD and AMP models there are some options you can only select when training a model for the first time, face type can't be changed, only batch size.

7.Q: Does XSeg model/model files have to be in the same folder as regular model/model files?

A: Yes, XSeg model files are created in the same model file as regular model files, they have XSeg in the name so they are easy to distinguish from regular model files.

8.Q: After running XSeg labeling tool I see UI but no frames.

A: Make sure your faceset isn't packed into .pak file, if it is unpack it using 4.2) data_src(dst) util faceset unpack.

9.Q: Is XSeg just for whole face or also for head face type?

A: XSeg works with all face types, including full face, whole face and head face_types.

10.Q: What's the difference between 3 polygon color schemes in the XSeg labeling/marking/masking tool?

A: There is no difference between them, there are 3 options so that you can use one that suits you the most by being the most visible on the face you're labeling.

11.Q: I'm getting errors, XSeg won't start training, I'm getting an OOM error when training XSeg.

A: Make sure you are running correct version of DFL for your GPU and that it's also up-to-date, has no known issues with XSeg training (check user reports on forum and DFL github page), make sure you GPU is compatible, that you have newest drivers for your GPU, Windows is up to date and you have no other issues with your PC and your datasets are valid.

OOM error - means batch size is too high so reduce it.

If the model stopped training after DFL update - report bug on github, if after driver update - revert to previous driver (same with Windows updates)

If you get non DFL image error - your dataset is bad, probably missing landmarks (metadata) after upscaling faces, editing them with image editing software (read about metadata, save and restore).

Other errors - google them, search for them on the forum or report on github (but only after you check all other solutions).

12.Q: How to some part of the face to remain unchanged, how to keep parts of the DST face visible, how to not train certain parts of the face.

A: Treat those parts as obstructions and simply do not include them in the main mask or exclude them.

13.Q: Can you use FF XSeg model on WF dataset or WF XSeg model on FF dataset? Can you use FF XSeg for WF SAEHD/AMP model or WF XSeg for FF SAEHD/AMP model?

A: Yes you can, however remember that WF XSeg model on FF dataset (or WF dataset fed into FF SAEHD/AMP model) will create straight lines that willl be harder to make invisible during merging because FF dataset or model has smaller coverage and thus can't generate face bigger than coverage of the lower face type, on the other hand lower face type XSeg on higher face type dataset or SAEHD/AMP model is completely fine however the masked area will only be as big as the XSeg allows.

14.Q: I have holes in my masks.

A: Locate faces with the holes and label them, if they are already correctly labeled and despite additional training don't disappear, check other labels, see if there aren't any unwanted or not pricesly enough made exclusion and either remove them or fix them, if the issue continues to occur on some faces, train it from scratch and consider pretraining your model first or use existing, trained model that was trained on similarly labeled faces.


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My advices, translated using​

SAEHD model options.​

Turn the image from left to right by random rotation. Allows for better generalization of faces. Slows down training slightly until a clear face is achieved. If both src and dst face sets are quite diverse, this option is not useful. You can turn it off after a workout.​

Improves facial generalization, especially useful at an early stage. But it increases the time until a clear face is achieved. Increases memory usage. In terms of quality of the final fairy, the higher the value, the better. It's not worth putting it below 4.​

At first glance, the more the better. However, if the face in the frame is small, there is no point in choosing a large resolution. By increasing the resolution, the training time increases. For face_type=wf, more resolution is required, because the coverage of the face is larger, thus the details of the face are reduced. For wf it makes no sense to choose less than 224.​

Face coverage in training. The more facial area is covered, the more plausible the result will be.​
The whole_face allows covering the area below the chin and forehead. However, there is no automatic removal of the mask with the forehead, so XSeg is required for the merge, either in Davinci Resolve or Adobe After Effects.​

Liae makes more morph under dst face, but src face in it will still be recognized.​
Df allows you to make the most believable face, but requires more manual work to collect a good variety of src facets and a final color matching.​
The effectiveness of hd architectures has not been proven at this time. The Hd architectures were designed to better smooth the subpixel transition of the face at micro displacements, but the micro shake is also eliminated at df, see below.​

Dimensions of the main brain of the network, which is responsible for generating facial expressions created in the encoder and for supplying a variety of code to the decoder. ​

The dimensions of the encoder network that are responsible for face detection and further recognition. When these dimensions are not enough, and the facial chips are too diverse, then we have to sacrifice non-standard cases, those that are as much as possible different from the general cases, thus reducing their quality.​

The network dimensions of the decoder, which are responsible for generating the image from the code obtained from the brain of the network. When these dimensions are not enough, and the weekend faces are too different in color, lighting, etc., you have to sacrifice the maximum allowed sharpness.​

Dimensions of the mask decoder network, which are responsible for forming the mask image. ​
16-22 is the normal value for a fake without an edited mask in XSeg editor.​

At the moment there is no experimentally proven data that would indicate which values are better. All we know is that if you put really low values, the error curve will reach the plateau quickly enough and the face will not reach clarity.​

Masked_training. (only for whole_face).​
Enabled (default) - trains only the area inside the face mask, and anything outside that area is ignored. Allows the net to focus on the face only, thus speeding up facial training and facial expressions. ​
When the face is sufficiently trained, you can disable this option, then everything outside the face - the forehead, part of the hair, background - will be trained.​

Set a higher priority for image reconstruction in the eye area. Thus improving the generalization and comparison of the eyes of two faces. Increases iteration time.​

Include only when the face is already sufficiently trained. Enhance facial detail and improve subpixel facial transitions to reduce shake.​
Spends more video memory. So when selecting a network configuration for your graphics card, consider enabling this option.​

Turn it off only when your face is already sufficiently trained. Allows you to improve facial detail and subpixel transitions of facial features, reducing shake.​

GAN_power. ​
Allows for improved facial detail. Include only when the face is already sufficiently trained. Requires more memory, greatly increases iteration time.  ​
The work is based on the generative and adversarial principle. At first, you will see artifacts in areas that do not match the clarity of the target image, such as teeth, eye edges, etc. So train long enough. ​

Experimental option. You don't have to turn it on. Adjusts the predicted face to src in the most "hard way". Artifacts and incorrect light transfer from dst may appear.​


Adjusts the color distribution of the predicted face in the area inside the mask to dst. Artefacts may appear. The face may become more like dst. The model may collapse.​
Start at 0.0001 and watch the changes in preview_history, turn on the backup every hour.​


Trains the area in the predicted face outside the face mask to be equal to the same area in the dst face. In this way the predicted face is similar to the morph in dst face with already less recognizable facial src features. ​

The Face_style_power and Bg_style_power must work in pairs to make the complexion fit to dst and the background take from dst. Morph allows you to get rid of many problems with color and face matching, but at the expense of recognition in it src face.​


It is used to fit the average color distribution of a face set src to dst. Unlike Face_style_power is a safer way, but not the fact that you get an identical color transfer. Try each one, look at the preview history which one is closer to dst and train on it.​

Clipgrad. ​

It reduces the chance of a model collapse to almost zero. Model collapse occurs when artifacts appear or when the windows of the predicted faces are colored in the same color. Model collapse can occur when using some options or when there is not enough variety of face sets dst.​
Therefore, it is best to use autobackup every 2-4 hours, and if collapse occurs, roll back and turn on clipgrad. .​

Pretrain. ​

Engage model pre-training. Performed by 24 thousand people prepared in advance. Using the pre-trained model you accelerate the training of any fairy. ​
It is recommended to train as long as possible. 1-2 days is good. 2 weeks is perfect. At the end of the pre-training, save the model files for later use. Switch off the option and train as usual.​
You can and should share your pre-trained model in the community.​

Size of src and dst face set.​

The problem with a large number of src images is repetitive faces, which will play little role. Therefore, faces with rare angles will train less frequently, which has a bad effect on quality. Therefore, 3000-4000 faces are optimal for src facial recruitment. If you have more than 5000 faces, sort by best into fewer faces. Sorting will select from the optimal ratio of angles and color variety.​

The same logic is true for dst. But dst is footage from video, each of which must be well trained to be identified by the neural network when it is closer. So if you have too many faces in dst, from 3000 and more, it is optimal to make their backup, then sort by best in 3000, train the network to say 100.000 iterations, then return the original number of dst faces and train further until the optimal result is achieved. ​

How to get lighting similar to dst face?​

It's about lighting, not color matching. It's just about collecting a more diverse src set of faces.​

How to suppress color flickering in DF model? ​

If the src set of faces contains a variety of make-up, it can lead to color shimmering DF model. Option: At the end of your training, leave at least 150 faces of the same makeup and train for several hours.​

How else can you adjust the color of the predicted face to dst?​

If nothing fits automatically, use the video editor and glue the faces in it. With the video editor, you get a lot more freedom to note colors.​

How to make a face look more like src? ​

1. Use DF architecture. ​

2. Use a similar face shape in dst.​

[align=left]3 It is known that a large color variety of facial src decreases facial resemblance, because a neural network essentially interpolates the face from what it has seen.​

For example, in your src set of faces from 7 different color scenes, and the sum of faces is only 1500, so under each dst scene will be used 1500 / 7 faces, which is 7 times poorer than if you use 1500 faces of one scene. As a result, the predicted face will be very different from the src. ​

Microquake the predicted face in the end video. ​

The higher the resolution of the model, the longer it needs to be trained to suppress the micro-shake.​
You should also enable lr_dropout and disable random_warp after 200-300k iterations at batch_size 8.​
It is not rare that the microshake can appear if the dst video is too clear. It is difficult for a neural network to distinguish unambiguous information about a face when it is overflowed with micro-pixel noise. Therefore, after extracting frames from dst video, before extracting faces, you can pass through the frames with the noise filter denoise data_dst images.bat. This filter will remove temporal noise.​
Also, ae_dims magnification may suppress the microshock.​

Use a quick model to check the generalization of facial features. ​

If you're thinking of a higher resolution fake, start by running at least a few hours at resolution 96. This will help identify facial generalization problems and correct facial sets. ​
Examples of such problems: ​

1. Non-closing eyes/mouth - no closed eyes/mouth in src.​

2. wrong face rotation - not enough faces with different turns in both src and dst face sets.​

Training algorithm for achieving high definition.​

1. use -ud model​
2. train, say, up to 300k.​
3. enable learning rate dropout for 100k ​
4. disable random warp for 50k.​
5. enable gan​

Do not use training GPU for video output.​

This can reduce performance, reduce the amount of free GPU video memory, and in some cases lead to OOM errors.​
Buy a second cheap video card such as GT 730 or a similar, use it for video output.​
There is also an option to use the built-in GPU in Intel processors. To do this, activate it in BIOS, install drivers, connect the monitor to the motherboard.​

Using Multi-GPU. ​

Multi-GPU can improve the quality of the fake. In some cases, it can also accelerate training. ​
Choose identical GPU models, otherwise the fast model will wait for the slow model, thus you will not get the acceleration.​
Working Principle: batch_size is divided into each GPU. Accordingly, you either get the acceleration due to the fact that less work is allocated to each GPU, or you increase batch_size by the number of GPUs, increasing the quality of the fairy.​
In some cases, disabling the model_opts_on_gpu can speed up your training when using 4 or more GPUs.​
As the number of samples increases, the load on the CPU to generate samples increases. Therefore it is recommended to use the latest generation CPU and memory.​

NVLink, SLI mot working and not used. Moreover, the SLI enabled may cause errors.​

Factors that reduce fairy success. ​
1. Big face in the frame.​

2. Side lights. Transitions lighting. Color lighting.​

3. not a diverse set of dst faces. ​

For example, you train a faceake, where the whole set of dst faces is a one-way turned head. Generating faces in this case can be bad. The solution: extract additional faces of the same actor, train them well enough, then leave only the target faces in dst.​

Factors that increase the success of the fairy.​

1. Variety of src faces: different angles including side faces. Variety of lighting.​


In 2018, when fairies first appeared, people liked any lousy quality of fairies, where the face glimpsed, and was barely like a target celebrity. Now, even in a technically perfect replacement using a parodist similar to the target celebrity, the viral video effect may not be present at all. Popular youtube channels specializing in dipfeikas are constantly inventing something new to keep the audience. If you have watched and watched a lot of movies, know all the memo videos, you can probably come up with great ideas for dipfeik. A good idea is 50% success. The technical quality can be increased through practice.​

Not all celebrity couples can be well used for a dipfeike. If the size of the skulls is significantly different, the similarity of the result will be extremely low. With experience dipfeik should understand what will be good fairies and what not.​

Deepfake tutorial XSeg + Whole Face:​



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New member
Thank you so very much for the updated guide and tutorial - now i understand a lot more and have been able to alter my training accordingly.


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androsk said:
is there any other method for download beside MEGA?

No, mega is the only way right now.


Verified Creator
I am having trouble with pretraining on dfl 2.0. I enable pretraining in SAE and let it run i noticed before that it would stop after a certain ammount of iterations but now it keeps going way past 100,000. i have reinstalled the program multiple times but nothing seems to help. Am i mssing something.


Verified Creator
Putin_v said:
I am having trouble with pretraining on dfl 2.0. I enable pretraining in SAE and let it run i noticed before that it would stop after a certain ammount of iterations but now it keeps going way past 100,000. i have reinstalled the program multiple times but nothing seems to help. Am i mssing something.

It won't stop unless you set a targeted iteration limit.


Verified Creator
Groggy4 said:
Putin_v said:
I am having trouble with pretraining on dfl 2.0. I enable pretraining in SAE and let it run i noticed before that it would stop after a certain ammount of iterations but now it keeps going way past 100,000. i have reinstalled the program multiple times but nothing seems to help. Am i mssing something.

It won't stop unless you set a targeted iteration limit.

I tried that. i set a limit and when the limit was done i turned pretraning off. All of the itirations were gone. it started back from 0.


Verified Creator
Putin_v said:
Groggy4 said:
Putin_v said:
I am having trouble with pretraining on dfl 2.0. I enable pretraining in SAE and let it run i noticed before that it would stop after a certain ammount of iterations but now it keeps going way past 100,000. i have reinstalled the program multiple times but nothing seems to help. Am i mssing something.

It won't stop unless you set a targeted iteration limit.

I tried that. i set a limit and when the limit was done i turned pretraning off. All of the itirations were gone. it started back from 0.

It's supposed to work like that. The training data is still there, but to avoid a morphing effect from previously faces, it resets some aspects.


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you don't download DFL base .bat files from github, that's for getting updated files, to get actual DFL with all the .bat files download it from link.


New member
For the DST do the Aligned and De bugged aligned work together? Can I delete photos that I don't like about the DST face like blurry, cut off etc or will it affect me de bug aligned and I will be missing a face for every frame that blurry face was assosiated with?


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Weapon2057 said:
For the DST do the Aligned and De bugged aligned work together?  Can I delete photos that I don't like about the DST face like blurry, cut off etc or will it affect me de bug aligned and I will be missing a face for every frame that blurry face was assosiated with?

Read the guide again and then do this one: //
aligned_debug is for checking landmarks only, it isn't used in training. Keep the blurry ones (in the aligned) or else it won't swap, same goes for cut off, use algined_debug to see if they are correctly aligned, if not delete that frame from debug and run 5) data_dst faceset MANUAL RE-EXTRACT DELETED ALIGNED_DEBUG to reextract it manually.


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For merging, since there's 2 option. interactive and non interactive, what settings would best be used when using non interactive? I'm asking because I spent 10 hours across 2 days using interactive so I prefer finding an outcome that doesn't involve me manually doing it for multiple hours.

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