My Videos / Upload Video

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Upload Rules

Only upload videos that you made or that you are authorized to use.

All videos are moderated. Videos that are NOT deepfakes will be removed without notice. Constant spam will result in permanent ban.

If you create your own deepfakes and uploaded here, please consider requesting to become "verified" for extra benefits at //

Content Rules

Videos must be at least 30 seconds in length

NO Slideshows, GIF animations, or short video loops

NO excessive promotional videos, or obstructive watermarks for the sole purpose of promotion. Can viewers actually enjoy your video?

Main screenshot that depicts a celebrity MUST be of the model in the video uploaded (no using real images of celebrity as screenshots).

Titles must contain the celebrity name, and be free of any promotional URLs

Celebrities in uploaded videos must be 18+ years old, including facesets used

Celebrities in uploaded videos must not be on the Blacklist on the forums.