Taylor Swift as Zazie: Quick BJ
Duration: 4:49
Views: 31 931
Submitted: 2 years ago
Submitted by:
Taylor Swift
Original Pornstar: Zazie Skymm
Hadn't planned on posting this one, but why not? Zazie's face is a bit too wide for Taylor's and is more suitable for Madonna/Debbie Harry, but still some nice parts to be found here if you are a Taylor fan.
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Taylor Swift as Zazie: Quick BJ
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«You should make the full video
«, embarrassing. There is a difference between talking some good smack and just throwing out random insults like a child. I can hardly even call them insults though. It's like you're just making up scenarios in your mind and responding to false events as if they were fact. Why are you so scatter-brained and dumb?
All I did was say goodjob, followed by what a garbage deepfaker you usually are. haha. Which is true. I mean, really. Look at your catalog dude, you put little to no thought into anything you do. Everyone knows this, and have said so at one point or another. I'm sure the tech will reach a point where your lack of knowledge/skill will no longer matter. For as much as you spam your crap, that time can't come soon enough.
Also, Cerciusx/Ghosttears was the lowest of the low shit-tier. What was worse about him was he actually had an ego about how great he was. And he was also a really sensitive bitch about criticism just like you.»
«Saylor, so you are now back to wanting yourself in 2 Girls, 1 Cup. Agree!!!!
This clip actually downloaded well. I said in the comments that I thought it was so-so, but decided to post back when token purchases were not working.
I'll keep doing what I do, and you keep doing what you do. Hay, you aren't Ghosttears are you?»
«tf is this drama in the comment section, im just here to look at comments about the vid, not some soap opera»
« What are you even talking about? Only someone who is already half-blind would want YOU to make anything for them. YOU were the one that offered to fake me sucking your dick remember?
That was YOUR idea.
And what does my transgender mother or taste in music have to do with a random fake you put on the internet? Hmm?
Just go back to ignoring the criticism, you're rambling and don't know how to respond. Grow some thicker skin. Put it out of your mind and go back to getting your balls suckled by pajeets. Life will be good again, I promise. Relax and listen to some Taytay bro.. Think about that fake you offered to make me.
«, I know you begged me to make that motherfucking cocksucker clip. The one with you blowing your tranny mother. Don't be sore about it bro. I don't judge, but also don't do private individuals no matter how much they beg me. I'm sure if you listen to 'Tay-tay' it will make it all better. Great taste in music man! LOL»
« I'll think about it. How much do you charge for your low effort garbage again?! And only 24 hours?! Wowwie that's talent right there. Might I suggest Lana Rhoades? hahaha.
Once again, good job buddy. If you do enough random shit some of it is bound to pay off!
« Twift Send me a nice video and a few photos of yourself and you can suck my dick..»
«This video need Cameron Diaz.»
monica bellucci»
«I guess if you throw enough shit on a wall some of it is bound to stick! Not awful, not super great, and certainly your best attempt (of what i've seen) at Taytay so far. Which is saying a lot because I personally know how hard it is to get her 100% right myself.
Can't wait for you to ruin novelty of a decent Tay fake by recycling this clip 10 times with trash! Solid 7.5/10 thanks.»