Not Morena Baccarin 'revenge' anal
Duration: 8:36
Views: 19 773
Submitted: 5 months ago
Submitted by:
Morena Baccarin
Original Pornstar: Kylie Sinner
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Not Morena Baccarin 'revenge' anal
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«face looks really good, shame about the curvy girl. Could you find a skinny model to add her to? Maybe cadence carter? She has the body and short hair»
Reply to: tozsam
5 months ago«Unfortunately, Cadence has not the right face.. in most deepfakes, the face has to match 'perfectly' to give a real illusion. If you put both Cadence face next to Morena, you'll see that they just don't match up. Morena's face is much broader/wider than Cadence's.
If I use a face match algorithm, the score is around 55%, where you would like to be around 75%
And sure, you can deepfake Morena on Cadence, the body will be 'ok', but the face will be totally off. So yeah, it's not that easy. Finding the 'perfect' match doesn't happen often. This deepfake matched face, hair and breast size.. that's good enough for me
Reply to: TIDF
5 months ago«Hi TIDF,
there is one perfect match for Morena. Please consider to check it: Tushy.16.03.02.Ariana.Marie
I think it would be one of the best DF with 'not her'.»
Reply to: Yohn89
5 months ago«Ariana is closer, with a 71% face match. It's not perfect, but still, nice find. Video is in the works.»