Lindsey Stirling (VR)
Duration: 4:58
Views: 16 075
Submitted: 3 years ago
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Lindsey Stirling
Original Pornstar: Unknown
Only tested on HTC Vive. Graphicscard Nvidia 1080ti.
The face swites to the original actor sometimes. Not sure why that is happening.
The face swites to the original actor sometimes. Not sure why that is happening.
Virtual Reality
Social Media Celebrities
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Lindsey Stirling (VR)
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«I you have suggestions im happy to give it a try .) Im currenly looking into making this VR video a little bit better using OpenFaceSwap with Gan (Generative Adversial Network). Fingers crossed as it takes much longer time to make.»
«wow, thanks for the effort, after all someone got Interest In making vr deepfakes, love to see more vr deepfakes, If you need help regarding finding a match for any celeb let me know.»