Kaya Scodelario's lookalike sucks your cock #1
Duration: 13:26
Views: 112 092
Submitted: 12 months ago
Submitted by:
Kaya Scodelario
Original Pornstar: Unknown
Coming up next: Anya Taylor-Joy part 2, Emma Watson and Emilia Clarke
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I also do custom videos so if you're interested in commissioning a video of your favorite celebrity send me a private message here on the website for details and pricing. BTC/crypto only.
Become my supporter and join my Discord server by donating to download my videos, details are in my forum thread: //deep.whitecatchel.ru/literotica/forums/threads/tmbdf-videos.3047/
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I also do custom videos so if you're interested in commissioning a video of your favorite celebrity send me a private message here on the website for details and pricing. BTC/crypto only.
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Kaya Scodelario's lookalike sucks your cock #1
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«New Kaya fakes coming soon.»
«Titfuck with her next please»
«What's the name of the pornstar?»
«This is so good.»
«Can you do asmr glow?»
Reply to: Bigfatdick2
10 months ago«Not interested in doing ASMR girls, maybe one day, too busy with actual celebs right now.»
«Videos in progress (will be out this week): Kaya Scodelario, 2 x ScarJo, Zendaya.
All of the above will be previews but I might end up sharing ScarJo videos in full length.
Also you can now buy tokens using credit card, so if you don't want to use my donation page or crypto you can purchase tokens with credit card and use them to download clips here on the website, then PM me for download link to full, watermark free version!»
«I created an account just to thank you for such a great deepfake. This is a masterpiece. You are on a par with Ctrl Shift Face in quality. I've been hoping for someone to release some good vids with Kaya for almost 2 years. All the previous deepfakes with her that I've seen were bad, but this one is truly amazing. Where can I vote for the next actress? I suggest you to add Florence Pugh, as she became quite popular after the release of Black Widow and there aren't any good deepfakes with her. Maybe a lesbian collab with Scarlett Johansson? Thank you for your efforts!
Reply to: TheOneAndOnlyD4
11 months ago«Check the video description.»
«True Masterpiece»
«Would love to see Andrea Botez, I think she could work with this model, not sure if you know her? There are 2 videos of her sister Alexandra Botez on this site, one of them looks ok sorta but could be better, the other one is not so great. But would love to see her sister Andrea, she is hotter. They are sister playing chess and famous on twitch and also have a youtube channel. Their twitch channel is called botezlive. Would also love to see Michelle Khare, there is only one video of her on this site, it's a good one but would love to see more. She's nice girl.»
Reply to: Sally
11 months ago«I don't really do youtubers much unless someone commissions them and even then I will not share all, only some that are either very popular and considered regular celebrity like Pokimane or korean ones (because korean ones are very popular in our community for some reason, but then kpop stars are too so no surprises there). Also she is only 19 years old, chances for enough good quality source material from one year is very low and I can't use any older clips for obvious reasons.»
Reply to: TMBDF
11 months ago«There is a lot of good footage on their twitch, and also from when they are out and about walking, lots of good footage from this past year alone that can be used. But if you dont do popular twitch / youtubers it's okay. Do you think maybe Emma Stone would work for this clip, I know Emma has red hair so maybe not. Also the breast on this girl here looks bigger so might not fit well with Emma Stone but I think it would look okay. And even though Emma has red hair I think black would look ok.»
Reply to: The_Viper
11 months ago«I've read that in Patrick Bateman voice
«Finally, i've been waiting this time for so long, this is one of the most beautiful woman of the world, thanks to you and the dude that paid it, have a good day»
Reply to: klauss726
11 months ago«You too can pay (donate 4$ or spend 500 tokens) for access to watermark free version or commission your own, now much cheaper when I have the source set.»
«New video: //deep.whitecatchel.ru/literotica/video/17451/not-anya-taylor-joy-s-hot-sex-casting-part-2-preview-37-30-6»
«best video on this site, please do more of her»
Reply to: nicecontent
12 months ago«Most likely I'll be getting more orders for her from my client so expect more in the future.»
«Holy hell this is insanely good»
Reply to: nicecontent
12 months ago«
«Your videos are awesome dude, catie Lotz would be a great idea»
Reply to: Wohdfbb
12 months ago«I don't think many people will know her, maybe suggest somoene more popular
«Wow cutest thing
Reply to: Mekkkk
12 months ago«
«My god, she is perfect!
You should do one of Olga Kurylenko, please!»
Reply to: JovemPauzudo12
12 months ago«Join the 15/mo tier once my BMC page launches and leave this suggestion on the discord server, we'll see what other guys think of this suggestion and maybe it will happen (or commission a custom now)
«This is great, first Kaya df I've seen that actually looks good. Keep it up!»
Reply to: deepusername
12 months ago«My client was satisifed so most likely there will be more.»
«Damn!! Heck of a job. Great work.»
Reply to: deleted
12 months ago«Thanks!»
«so hot. awesome work
Reply to: katypan
12 months ago«Glad you liked it, along with creating new source set it took me almost a week to make it, new celebs are always very time consuming.»
«great job! please make some liv tyler and taylor swift videos»
Reply to: andy2
12 months ago«Liv? Maybe. Taylor? Not sure.»
Reply to: TMBDF
12 months ago«Do Liv she looks good on Alexa Tomas»
Reply to: Foundryguy
12 months ago«Alexa Tomas has slightly darker complexion, never thought about matching her with Liv which always makes me think of her role in LOTR where she is very pale (and as we know pale chicks are the hottest), if I'll find a decent cosplay scene I will do that first.
«amazing work this is the best Kaya fake i have seen yet .. would sure love to see more of her
Reply to:
12 months ago«With your support there will be
«Hi , I'm trying to do some celeb deepfakes myself and post some videos too. It would be nice if you check them out once. I need some suggestions from you.
You're great with the deepfakes. I'm having trouble making blowjob deepfakes. I'm training like 300k ,but not much improvement. Any suggestions from.would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.»
Reply to: 900satya
12 months ago«I offer paid DFL courses if you're interested PM me for pricing.»
«holy shit, dude! it lives up to your nickname. can i ask for emma stone, please? she's forgotten on this site.»
Reply to: pluviophile
12 months ago«I've made many Emma Stone videos already but I get you, I did had a feeling someone would want Emma Stone after seeing this, they both do their eyes in similar way
There will be more Emma Stone in the future since she is one of my favorites.
If you want to be able to vote in future polls and request celebs consider supporting me now (15$ donation/5 video downloads or commission 1 video) to get 1 month extra (for 2 months total) access to my discord server when it launches, if you did support me in the past for the specifed amounts then you'll be able to PM me for an invite to the discord when it goes live. There will be big poll (actually few) to determine what you guys want to see from me most often, the results of the poll will form my "go to" list of celebs and I'll be doing these most often.»
«Incredible work mate! Would be so cool to see a ruined orgasm with Kaya Scodelario too, or Anne Hathaway, you are great!»
Reply to: k2fapping
12 months ago«Not sure yet what I want to do next, I need to figure out what my audience wants, there will be a massive poll to determine who you'd like to see from me the most on my discord server.»
Reply to: TMBDF
12 months ago«Kaya is great, also love the deepfake-quality!»
Reply to: lllsss
12 months ago«It will be better, this was just my first attempt, I'm still collecting new sources
Reply to: k2fapping
12 months ago«The Sadie Holmes clip with the ruined orgasm would be great with Kaya!»
Reply to: lllsss
12 months ago«Most celebs don't look good on Sadie Holmes, people have no imagination and keep reusing the same pornstar with everyone.
She has wrong face shape and is too "fat" for Kaya's face, it probably won't look good. But Cleo (girl from this video) does work so if she has done something similar I could do that.»