Not Alyson Hannigan - 15mn - 60fps (trailer)
Duration: 1:39
Views: 25 140
Submitted: 12 months ago
Submitted by:
Alyson Hannigan
Original Pornstar: Mona Charm
Not Alyson Hannigan in a new 60fps MF video
Full version : 15mn
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Full version : 15mn
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Not Alyson Hannigan - 15mn - 60fps (trailer)
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«Subscribed because of this video. Great work.»
«please do florence pugh»
«This is insanely perfect! Please do Lindsey Stirling next?»
«locked forever behind a $15 mo, paywall...
btw, 1st good likeness out of a library of bad df's»
Reply to: DCESC
12 months ago«True : to make this I spent 1sec learning the craft, I also did it on a cheap computer from 1984, didn't spend any money to buy expensive NVidia GPUs, didn't even search for pictures of Alyson, neither did I spend time looking for a pornstar looking like her : You know how it works, you just type : "make deepfake alyson Hannigan", and then the app computes for 3seconds and you get the video. So why should it not be free ? Glad you think it's good tho.»
Reply to: SPT
12 months ago«Sure, but did you pay for the pictures of Alyson Hannigan you used? Did you pay for the porn video? Did you pay the pornstar? Did you compensate the thousand of taxpayers responsible for the state-funded breakthroughs which led to the internet you use? Did you pay the workers (often children) who live in slave-like conditions and mine the cobalt and metals used in your computer, and who get virtually nothing in order to artificially keep consumer technology prices low? Do you compensate others for the ruinous carbon footprint your deepfaking forces on others, future generations, and the environment? Did you make your own internet browser? Did you pay the teacher who taught you English? etc etc
Don't get on your high horse. I pay people on this site, but never mistake "payment" for "deservedness", don't fetishize work, and never mistake money, work and commodities as morally neutral things, or things disconnected from the wider world.
And yes, you, your talents and your video are awesome.
Reply to: EC666
12 months ago«I'm not remotely angry, it's just a bit of irony because a lot of people really think it's almost as easy as I described. As if I made this with FaceApp on my phone...
As for the rest of what you said, I don't think this is the place to have a lengthy debate about economy and ecology. But you can PM me if you want to discuss it further
Anyways thanks for your comment about my vids and no I don't think $15 is a lot considering the current amount of vids on my Fan-Topia page. And I'm happy if people stay for months, but they're completely free to pay $15, download everything and leave. So it's not a bad deal, and the more time pass, the more I add videos, the better the deal is, cause the price won't change in the near future.»
Reply to: SPT
12 months ago«"Everyone" has a $15 mo paywall, then no one gets paid, = forever locked behind a paywall, the Site dies...and the Earth spirals into the Sun !
Seriously, I'd regularly kick in a paypal buck to help, but all you guys have are G.D. Crypto which is a joke !
Nice work BTW !»