Jeannie MxR PotasticP Fake Taxi
Duration: 7:34
Views: 107 979
Submitted: 1 year ago
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-- Celebrity Not Added Yet --
Original Pornstar: Rae Lil Black
My first attempt at a deepfake, starring Jeannie aka PotaticPanda aka PotasticP. Let me know if you like it, and I can upload more. Definitely not perfect, but I'm hoping you'll find something you like in it. So far the model I'm using has only been trained on Jeannie and Rae Lil Black, so most likely the next video will be another of Rae's.
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Jeannie MxR PotasticP Fake Taxi
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«This is fantastic
Reply to: Mekkkk
1 year ago«Thank you! This was actually my first attempt, and I'd like to think I got better with my later projects. Feel free to take a look at those and let me know what you think!»
«Hey man this is really fucking good. Love it! I also create deep fakes using DeepFakeLab and I have created 2 vids of Jeannie myself (/ and they dont look nearly as good as this one. I was wondering if you have any tips & tricks on how to use deepfakelab better? I got the basics down from tutorials on youtube but most of them arn't showing how to make deep fake porn vids and would really like to create more and better quality content.
also from one deepfake creator to another, some people on the PotasticP subreddit have been talking a lot of shit about your deepfake and how they want to try and report you ect. here's the link to that; />»
«Not gonna lie man, this shit is awesome. Love how the face matches really close with Rae's face, the only stuff of Jeannie I can find is on Cumonprintedpics and there's only so much badly photoshopped pictures one guy can take.
Can't wait for the next one
Reply to: lumenxxx
1 year ago«I hear ya! That's definitely what made me interested in deepfakes in the first place. Unfortunately I've been out a proper GPU for awhile and haven't been able to get a replacement, but when I do I'll be back at it!»
«Plus this is just a suggestion even though you're going to do another Jeannie as Rae Lil Black video. How about do one with Jeannie as Honeymoon. Honeymoon is an Asian pornstar and I think that her face will fit perfectly on Honeymoon.»
Reply to: Edward1881
1 year ago«Thanks for the suggestion! I hadn't heard of her before, but I'll definitely check her out and see how it goes sometime. After my next project (currently in the works), I'm thinking of making some shorter clips since it will let me create them a bit faster and offer something different for everyone.»
«I wish you could deep fake Jeannie's voice. That would make this insanely good.»
Reply to: croatoan137
1 year ago«Haha I wish, sadly as extraordinary as deepfake software is (I use DeepFakeLab if you're interested in checking it out), voices are out of reach for the time being. One could of course use some other software/editing magic in order to make it happen, but that's way beyond the scope of my knowledge/experience.»
Reply to: croatoan137
1 year ago«Meant to write DeepFaceLab but couldn't edit my original reply. Definitely check it out if you have any interest in deepfakes and how they work. Chances are you could make something even better than me haha
«Great job on your first attempt, also fantastic job on putting the original pornstar for the description. I wish that the other creators on here can do the same like you instead of putting unknown for their deepfakes. Lol. The creators should realize who the original pornstar are if they're going to make a deepfake video with their favorite celebrity, singer, YouTuber, and etc.»
Reply to: Edward1881
1 year ago«Thank you very much! I appreciate the feedback. I definitely agree that crediting the original actress is nice, it gives some props to their performance and lets you all know what to expect from the voice/body. I've got another video in the works originally by Rae, hope you like it when it's finished!»
«suprised there isnt more jeannie.
would definately love to see this model improve»
Reply to: thisguy118
1 year ago«Working on it! Got a longer video in the works, though it'll also take a little bit to get out since I have to manually fix around 4k facemasks and then double check all the frames of course. Hoping that one will be slightly cleaner. After that, I'm thinking of doing a shorter/easier scene with less lighting/angle changes which would dramatically increase the quality.»
Reply to: anony811D
1 year ago«Nice man. The porn actress has done a hot vr video... jeannie in vr would be epic»
Reply to: lolmao500
1 year ago«Good to know. I don't know how well deepfake software handles VR videos since faces are warped when viewed normally, but I could look into it.»