Kimber Lee Porn

Kimber Lee
  • Birthplace: N/A
  • Age: N/A
  • Height: N/A
  • Weight: N/A
  • Website: N/A
This sexy brunette hit the porn industry in 2014 and never looked back. Kimber Lee is an interesting girl who’s passionate about certain things. Coming from New Jersey at age 19, Kimber moved to Florida to enjoy its poppin’ porn biz. She knew what she wanted and knew how to get it. Now 21, she’s had some amazing experiences in the business and even has her own personal website to prove it. Before porn, she studied gymnastics, which left her more flexible than the average cutie. She was a star student, winning plenty of awards and even taking college classes. When she went to college, she wanted to become a sign language interpreter – proof of Kimber’s kind heart. But college life wasn’t for her, so she said "Screw it", and found co-stars willing to take that sentiment literally. Another sign of Ms. Lee’s kind-hearted nature? She’s been a vegetarian for over 10 years. Her Italian family eats a lot of meat but she has stuck to her compassionate lifestyle. That said, she does actually eat two kinds of meat: cock and pussy! Given her Italian roots, Kimber is an awesome cook who loves to make food for the people in her life. Moving to Florida was perfect for Kimber because she loves going to the beach and swimming. Much more popular now than when she entered the porn biz, she still cams live for her fans on several sites and even creates custom clips if people request them. Kimber plans to stick around the porn industry for a long time, so that when she’s 30 she’ll be able to look back on everything with adoration and sexiness!/divdiv itemprop="description" ul class="socialList"li a class="js-ckeckExternalSource" href="/ target="_blank" rel="nofollow" i class="twitterIcon"/ispan class="socialText"Twitter/span /li li class="js-ckeckExternalSource" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" i class="snapchatIcon"/ispan class="socialText"Snapchat/span /li li class="js-ckeckExternalSource" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" i class="instagramIcon"/ispan class="socialText"Instagram/span /li /ul
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