Stephanie McMahon Porn
- Birthplace: Hartford, Connecticut, USA
- Age: 45
- Height: 169
- Weight: 0
- Website: N/A
Stephanie Marie McMahon was born in Hartford, Connecticut, USA on the 24th September, 1976, the youngest daughter of Vince McMahon and Linda McMahon. After a childhood growing up around wrestlers and the wrestling business, it was no surprise that the beautiful and intelligent baby girl of Vince McMahon would enter the game herself. She was first spotted in WWF (now WWE) publications modelling Hulk Hogan and Rockers merchandise in the late '80s before disappearing out of the spotlight. Stephanie spent the time learning her trade under Mom and Dad, and the avid WWF viewer would have spotted her sitting alongside Pat Patterson in backstage segments of Beyond The Mat or fleeting glances of her on PPVs. After gaining a degree in Communications from Boston University, Stephanie was working in Titan's advertising department when Daddy came calling and told her she was being written into the McMahon soap opera as a full character. As described above, she was the victim of the Undertaker and the love interest for Test, before becoming one of the top five performers on the WWF roster as the megalomaniacal wife of Triple H. The McMahon-Helmsley Era and in particular Trips and Steph themselves presided over the emotional end of Mick Foley's career, the elevation of Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho to the upper echelons of the WWF roster, and of course the red-hot HHH-Kurt Angle-Steph love triangle angle. After HHH tore his quadriceps while teaming with Steve Austin against Jericho and Benoit, Stephanie gave an emotional interview showing her (rumoured to be legitimate) loving concern for her man, before disappearing from our television screens until the 9th July 2001. At the climax of the most shocking markout episode of RAW ever, Stephanie was revealed as the new owner of the resurrected ECW. Alongside Paul Heyman, her brother Shane and the massed ranks of WCW and ECW wrestlers, she led her charges to victory in the first ever interpromotional WWF-WCW-ECW pay-per-view, Invasion, welcoming none other than WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin into the ECWCW faction.
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