If the pictures don't show, download them here :
here I will explain how to fix the landmarks Manual re-extract couldn't fix using MVE.
It will basically be the same thing Angeloshredder explained, but I believe repetition helps as well as saying the same thing differently.
Important note : In case you use it for a dst and you have a huge number of landmarks to correct, like 500 to 2000, something you might not want to do in one day :
The way to do it is to fix 50-100 images for example, but selecting those corrected images in MVE (click above or under the image and then you'll have a large green zone under and above), then export these corrected images in the folder you chose.
But next time when you fix 100 additional images, if you export in the same folder, your previous images will be deleted, so you just have to create a new export folder for each new batch of images you will create to avoid this.
Then you just have to assemble all the fixed faces from export 1, export 2, export 3 in your aligned DFL folder to use them.
So you need MVE, and you need to be done with manual re-extracting of your project in DFL (I will not re-explain this).
Once you're done, create a folder for your project and inside put 3 folders (it's better not to directly use the folders inside of DFL Workspace but to copy them in a separate folder) :
1 folder with all your aligned faces
1 folder with all your frames (the image version of your data_dst video which is located in the root of your data_dst folder)
1 empty folder for corrected faces
Naming is not important (just don't use space or special characters), but for this example I will name folders respectively :
Note : In my example I will show you how to use it with src pictures, but it works exactly the same with dst pics.
Open MVE.
Open your main folder (the one containing the 3 others).
Open images from your face folder.
(that's where I put the green dot)
Click on the icon on top of the right panel.
Change Video frame to face
Then new options appear, set them as in the image, end with import face data, and let it do its thing :
Once done, save the panel, as in this image :
check if DFL landmarks loaded correctly :
then open images from your your frames folder :
Filter the image as "no face"
Then you see the frames where DFL didn't detect frames :
Then read the text on the next pictures to know how to add a face :
- Made with Adobe's Shitty Green Arrows plugin for Photoshop ($115.95 but it's worth it).
here I will explain how to fix the landmarks Manual re-extract couldn't fix using MVE.
It will basically be the same thing Angeloshredder explained, but I believe repetition helps as well as saying the same thing differently.
Important note : In case you use it for a dst and you have a huge number of landmarks to correct, like 500 to 2000, something you might not want to do in one day :
The way to do it is to fix 50-100 images for example, but selecting those corrected images in MVE (click above or under the image and then you'll have a large green zone under and above), then export these corrected images in the folder you chose.
But next time when you fix 100 additional images, if you export in the same folder, your previous images will be deleted, so you just have to create a new export folder for each new batch of images you will create to avoid this.
Then you just have to assemble all the fixed faces from export 1, export 2, export 3 in your aligned DFL folder to use them.
So you need MVE, and you need to be done with manual re-extracting of your project in DFL (I will not re-explain this).
Once you're done, create a folder for your project and inside put 3 folders (it's better not to directly use the folders inside of DFL Workspace but to copy them in a separate folder) :
1 folder with all your aligned faces
1 folder with all your frames (the image version of your data_dst video which is located in the root of your data_dst folder)
1 empty folder for corrected faces
Naming is not important (just don't use space or special characters), but for this example I will name folders respectively :
Note : In my example I will show you how to use it with src pictures, but it works exactly the same with dst pics.
Open MVE.
Open your main folder (the one containing the 3 others).
Open images from your face folder.
(that's where I put the green dot)
Click on the icon on top of the right panel.
Change Video frame to face
Then new options appear, set them as in the image, end with import face data, and let it do its thing :
Once done, save the panel, as in this image :
check if DFL landmarks loaded correctly :
then open images from your your frames folder :
Filter the image as "no face"
Then you see the frames where DFL didn't detect frames :
Then read the text on the next pictures to know how to add a face :
- Made with Adobe's Shitty Green Arrows plugin for Photoshop ($115.95 but it's worth it).