Kristy Jessica Porn

Kristy Jessica
  • Birthplace: Seattle, Washington, USA
  • Age: N/A
  • Height: 158
  • Weight: 46
  • Website: N/A
Kristy Jessica is a recovering alcoholic that is best known for her sex positive model career. She is considered and indie model and aspiring filmmaker. She is often working and participating in nude photoshoots as part of numerous campaigns. She thrives at collaborating with other artists to promote self-confidence and sharing her experiences.

She was born and raised in a conservative Christian household in Seattle, WA. I am the oldest of three girls, and we were all sheltered from mainstream “secular” media within an Assemblies of God protestant church/school cult.

Her parents divorced when she was 10, she stopped going to church at 16 and started smoking weed and dating bad boys. As soon as I turned 18, she slingshotted the hell outa that chicken coop like a nekkid banshee into a pink cloud of new freedom! Got herself a tramp stamp tattoo, moved into my first apartment, transferred my car’s title into my name, and started modeling.

At 19, she moved into my musician friend, Chris Spillman‘s party house. The unit consisted of 6-8 rotating stoner/musician/alcoholics and their girlfriends and guys-on-the-couch. We were affectionately known as “The Yard”. Words cannot describe our unique camaraderie, she lived with them for 5 years of peace and rock-and-roll bliss.

She had racked up two DUI charges by the age of 24, along with some jail time and outpatient rehab for drinking. Around that same time, her car broke down, she ended my relationship with her boyfriend, suffered a severe tonsil infection, got fired from the restaurant she worked at for 5 years, two of her best friends started using heroin, and she was drinking to the point of blackout at least once or twice a week.

She was going broke… and she even considered getting into adult work to make ends meet, but she thought she needed a new restaurant job…. a good friend suggested she just try to book more modeling gigs to pay rent.

This started her travelling modeling career. She got serious about fitness, and became much more engaging in my online presence.

She continues to travel to 2-3 cities each month to model for photographers and creatives!
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